import sys import streamlit as st from huggingface_hub import HfFolder, snapshot_download @st.cache_data def load_support(): if st.secrets.has_key('etoken'): HfFolder().save_token(st.secrets['etoken']) sys.path.append(snapshot_download("OpenShape/openshape-demo-support")) # st.set_page_config(layout='wide') load_support() import numpy import torch import openshape import transformers from PIL import Image @st.cache_resource def load_openshape(name): return openshape.load_pc_encoder(name) @st.cache_resource def load_openclip(): return transformers.CLIPModel.from_pretrained( "laion/CLIP-ViT-bigG-14-laion2B-39B-b160k", low_cpu_mem_usage=True, torch_dtype=half, offload_state_dict=True ), transformers.CLIPProcessor.from_pretrained("laion/CLIP-ViT-bigG-14-laion2B-39B-b160k") f32 = numpy.float32 half = torch.float16 if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.bfloat16 # clip_model, clip_prep = None, None clip_model, clip_prep = load_openclip() model_b32 = load_openshape('openshape-pointbert-vitb32-rgb').cpu() model_l14 = load_openshape('openshape-pointbert-vitl14-rgb') model_g14 = load_openshape('openshape-pointbert-vitg14-rgb') torch.set_grad_enabled(False) from openshape.demo import misc_utils, classification, caption, sd_pc2img, retrieval st.title("OpenShape Demo") st.caption("For faster inference without waiting in queue, you may clone the space and run it yourself.") prog = st.progress(0.0, "Idle") tab_cls, tab_img, tab_text, tab_pc, tab_sd, tab_cap = st.tabs([ "Classification", "Retrieval w/ Image", "Retrieval w/ Text", "Retrieval w/ 3D", "Image Generation", "Captioning", ]) def demo_classification(): load_data = misc_utils.input_3d_shape('cls') cats = st.text_input("Custom Categories (64 max, separated with comma)") cats = [a.strip() for a in cats.split(',')] if len(cats) > 64: st.error('Maximum 64 custom categories supported in the demo') return lvis_run = st.button("Run Classification on LVIS Categories") custom_run = st.button("Run Classification on Custom Categories") if lvis_run: pc = load_data(prog) col2 = misc_utils.render_pc(pc) prog.progress(0.5, "Running Classification") pred = classification.pred_lvis_sims(model_g14, pc) with col2: for i, (cat, sim) in zip(range(5), pred.items()): st.text(cat) st.caption("Similarity %.4f" % sim) prog.progress(1.0, "Idle") if custom_run: pc = load_data(prog) col2 = misc_utils.render_pc(pc) prog.progress(0.5, "Computing Category Embeddings") device = clip_model.device tn = clip_prep(text=cats, return_tensors='pt', truncation=True, max_length=76).to(device) feats = clip_model.get_text_features(**tn).float().cpu() prog.progress(0.5, "Running Classification") pred = classification.pred_custom_sims(model_g14, pc, cats, feats) with col2: for i, (cat, sim) in zip(range(5), pred.items()): st.text(cat) st.caption("Similarity %.4f" % sim) prog.progress(1.0, "Idle") def demo_captioning(): with st.form("capform"): load_data = misc_utils.input_3d_shape('cap') cond_scale = st.slider('Conditioning Scale', 0.0, 4.0, 2.0) if st.form_submit_button("Generate a Caption"): pc = load_data(prog) col2 = misc_utils.render_pc(pc) prog.progress(0.5, "Running Generation") cap = caption.pc_caption(model_b32, pc, cond_scale) st.text(cap) prog.progress(1.0, "Idle") def demo_pc2img(): with st.form("sdform"): load_data = misc_utils.input_3d_shape('sd') prompt = st.text_input("Prompt (Optional)") noise_scale = st.slider('Variation Level', 0, 5, 1) cfg_scale = st.slider('Guidance Scale', 0.0, 30.0, 10.0) steps = st.slider('Diffusion Steps', 8, 50, 25) width = 640 # st.slider('Width', 480, 640, step=32) height = 640 # st.slider('Height', 480, 640, step=32) if st.form_submit_button("Generate"): pc = load_data(prog) col2 = misc_utils.render_pc(pc) prog.progress(0.49, "Running Generation") if torch.cuda.is_available(): clip_model.cpu() img = sd_pc2img.pc_to_image( model_l14, pc, prompt, noise_scale, width, height, cfg_scale, steps, lambda i, t, _: prog.progress(0.49 + i / (steps + 1) / 2, "Running Diffusion Step %d" % i) ) if torch.cuda.is_available(): clip_model.cuda() with col2: st.image(img) prog.progress(1.0, "Idle") def retrieval_results(results): for i in range(len(results) // 4): cols = st.columns(4) for j in range(4): idx = i * 4 + j if idx >= len(results): continue entry = results[idx] with cols[j]: ext_link = f"{entry['u']}" st.image(entry['img']) # st.markdown(f"[![thumbnail {entry['desc'].replace('\n', ' ')}]({entry['img']})]({ext_link})") # st.text(entry['name']) quote_name = entry['name'].replace('[', '\\[').replace(']', '\\]').replace('\n', ' ') st.markdown(f"[{quote_name}]({ext_link})") def demo_retrieval(): with tab_text: with st.form("rtextform"): k = st.slider("# Shapes to Retrieve", 1, 100, 16, key='rtext') text = st.text_input("Input Text") if st.form_submit_button("Run with Text"): prog.progress(0.49, "Computing Embeddings") device = clip_model.device tn = clip_prep(text=[text], return_tensors='pt', truncation=True, max_length=76).to(device) enc = clip_model.get_text_features(**tn).float().cpu() prog.progress(0.7, "Running Retrieval") retrieval_results(retrieval.retrieve(enc, k)) prog.progress(1.0, "Idle") with tab_img: with st.form("rimgform"): k = st.slider("# Shapes to Retrieve", 1, 100, 16, key='rimage') pic = st.file_uploader("Upload an Image") if st.form_submit_button("Run with Image"): img = st.image(img) prog.progress(0.49, "Computing Embeddings") device = clip_model.device tn = clip_prep(images=[img], return_tensors="pt").to(device) enc = clip_model.get_image_features(pixel_values=tn['pixel_values'].type(half)).float().cpu() prog.progress(0.7, "Running Retrieval") retrieval_results(retrieval.retrieve(enc, k)) prog.progress(1.0, "Idle") with tab_pc: with st.form("rpcform"): k = st.slider("# Shapes to Retrieve", 1, 100, 16, key='rpc') load_data = misc_utils.input_3d_shape('retpc') if st.form_submit_button("Run with Shape"): pc = load_data(prog) col2 = misc_utils.render_pc(pc) prog.progress(0.49, "Computing Embeddings") ref_dev = next(model_g14.parameters()).device enc = model_g14(torch.tensor(pc[:, [0, 2, 1, 3, 4, 5]].T[None], device=ref_dev)).cpu() prog.progress(0.7, "Running Retrieval") retrieval_results(retrieval.retrieve(enc, k)) prog.progress(1.0, "Idle") try: if torch.cuda.is_available(): clip_model.cuda() with tab_cls: demo_classification() with tab_cap: demo_captioning() with tab_sd: demo_pc2img() demo_retrieval() except Exception: import traceback st.error(traceback.format_exc().replace("\n", " \n"))