NAME: Webui # Experiment name DEBUG: False # Debug mode ACCELERATOR: 'cpu' # Devices optioncal: “cpu”, “gpu”, “tpu”, “ipu”, “hpu”, “mps, “auto” DEVICE: [0] # Index of gpus eg. [0] or [0,1,2,3] # Training configuration TRAIN: #--------------------------------- STAGE: lm_instruct DATASETS: ['humanml3d'] # Training datasets NUM_WORKERS: 32 # Number of workers BATCH_SIZE: 16 # Size of batches START_EPOCH: 0 # Start epochMMOTIONENCODER END_EPOCH: 99999 # End epoch ABLATION: pkeep: 0.5 OPTIM: TYPE: AdamW # Optimizer type LR: 2e-4 # Learning rate WEIGHT_DECAY: 0.0 LR_SCHEDULER: [100, 200, 300, 400] GAMMA: 0.8 # Evaluating Configuration EVAL: DATASETS: ['humanml3d'] # Evaluating datasets BATCH_SIZE: 32 # Evaluating Batch size SPLIT: test # Test Configuration TEST: CHECKPOINTS: checkpoints/MotionGPT-base/motiongpt_s3_h3d.ckpt DATASETS: ['humanml3d'] # training datasets SPLIT: test BATCH_SIZE: 32 # training Batch size MEAN: False NUM_SAMPLES: 1 FACT: 1 # Datasets Configuration DATASET: JOINT_TYPE: 'humanml3d' # join type CODE_PATH: 'VQBEST' METRIC: TYPE: ['TM2TMetrics'] # Losses Configuration LOSS: TYPE: t2mgpt # Losses type LAMBDA_FEATURE: 1.0 LAMBDA_VELOCITY: 0.5 LAMBDA_COMMIT: 0.02 LAMBDA_CLS: 1.0 LAMBDA_M2T2M: 1.0 LAMBDA_T2M2T: 10.0 ABLATION: RECONS_LOSS: 'l1_smooth' # Model Configuration model: target: mGPT.models.mgpt.MotionGPT params: condition: 'text' task: 't2m' lm: ${lm.default} motion_vae: ${vq.default} # Logger configuration LOGGER: LOG_EVERY_STEPS: 5 VAL_EVERY_STEPS: 10 TENSORBOARD: True wandb: params: project: null