import torch import rich import pickle import numpy as np def lengths_to_mask(lengths): max_len = max(lengths) mask = torch.arange(max_len, device=lengths.device).expand( len(lengths), max_len) < lengths.unsqueeze(1) return mask # padding to max length in one batch def collate_tensors(batch): if isinstance(batch[0], np.ndarray): batch = [torch.tensor(b).float() for b in batch] dims = batch[0].dim() max_size = [max([b.size(i) for b in batch]) for i in range(dims)] size = (len(batch), ) + tuple(max_size) canvas = batch[0].new_zeros(size=size) for i, b in enumerate(batch): sub_tensor = canvas[i] for d in range(dims): sub_tensor = sub_tensor.narrow(d, 0, b.size(d)) sub_tensor.add_(b) return canvas def humanml3d_collate(batch): notnone_batches = [b for b in batch if b is not None] EvalFlag = False if notnone_batches[0][5] is None else True # Sort by text length if EvalFlag: notnone_batches.sort(key=lambda x: x[5], reverse=True) # Motion only adapted_batch = { "motion": collate_tensors([torch.tensor(b[1]).float() for b in notnone_batches]), "length": [b[2] for b in notnone_batches], } # Text and motion if notnone_batches[0][0] is not None: adapted_batch.update({ "text": [b[0] for b in notnone_batches], "all_captions": [b[7] for b in notnone_batches], }) # Evaluation related if EvalFlag: adapted_batch.update({ "text": [b[0] for b in notnone_batches], "word_embs": collate_tensors( [torch.tensor(b[3]).float() for b in notnone_batches]), "pos_ohot": collate_tensors( [torch.tensor(b[4]).float() for b in notnone_batches]), "text_len": collate_tensors([torch.tensor(b[5]) for b in notnone_batches]), "tokens": [b[6] for b in notnone_batches], }) # Tasks if len(notnone_batches[0]) == 9: adapted_batch.update({"tasks": [b[8] for b in notnone_batches]}) return adapted_batch def load_pkl(path, description=None, progressBar=False): if progressBar: with, 'rb', description=description) as file: data = pickle.load(file) else: with open(path, 'rb') as file: data = pickle.load(file) return data