import os import rich import random import pickle import codecs as cs import numpy as np from torch.utils import data from rich.progress import track from os.path import join as pjoin class Text2MotionDataset(data.Dataset): def __init__( self, data_root, split, mean, std, max_motion_length=196, min_motion_length=40, unit_length=4, fps=20, tmpFile=True, tiny=False, debug=False, **kwargs, ): # restrian the length of motion and text self.max_length = 20 self.max_motion_length = max_motion_length self.min_motion_length = min_motion_length self.unit_length = unit_length # Data mean and std self.mean = mean self.std = std # Data path split_file = pjoin(data_root, split + '.txt') motion_dir = pjoin(data_root, 'new_joint_vecs') text_dir = pjoin(data_root, 'texts') # Data id list self.id_list = [] with, "r") as f: for line in f.readlines(): self.id_list.append(line.strip()) # Debug mode if tiny or debug: enumerator = enumerate(self.id_list) maxdata = 100 subset = '_tiny' else: enumerator = enumerate( track( self.id_list, f"Loading HumanML3D {split}", )) maxdata = 1e10 subset = '' new_name_list = [] length_list = [] data_dict = {} # Fast loading if os.path.exists(pjoin(data_root, f'tmp/{split}{subset}_data.pkl')): if tiny or debug: with open(pjoin(data_root, f'tmp/{split}{subset}_data.pkl'), 'rb') as file: data_dict = pickle.load(file) else: with pjoin(data_root, f'tmp/{split}{subset}_data.pkl'), 'rb', description=f"Loading HumanML3D {split}") as file: data_dict = pickle.load(file) with open(pjoin(data_root, f'tmp/{split}{subset}_index.pkl'), 'rb') as file: name_list = pickle.load(file) for name in new_name_list: length_list.append(data_dict[name]['length']) else: for idx, name in enumerator: if len(new_name_list) > maxdata: break try: motion = np.load(pjoin(motion_dir, name + ".npy")) if (len(motion)) < self.min_motion_length or (len(motion) >= 200): continue # Read text text_data = [] flag = False with, name + '.txt')) as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: text_dict = {} line_split = line.strip().split('#') caption = line_split[0] t_tokens = line_split[1].split(' ') f_tag = float(line_split[2]) to_tag = float(line_split[3]) f_tag = 0.0 if np.isnan(f_tag) else f_tag to_tag = 0.0 if np.isnan(to_tag) else to_tag text_dict['caption'] = caption text_dict['tokens'] = t_tokens if f_tag == 0.0 and to_tag == 0.0: flag = True text_data.append(text_dict) else: motion_new = motion[int(f_tag * fps):int(to_tag * fps)] if (len(motion_new) ) < self.min_motion_length or ( len(motion_new) >= 200): continue new_name = random.choice( 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW') + '_' + name while new_name in new_name_list: new_name = random.choice( 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW') + '_' + name name_count = 1 while new_name in data_dict: new_name += '_' + name_count name_count += 1 data_dict[new_name] = { 'motion': motion_new, "length": len(motion_new), 'text': [text_dict] } new_name_list.append(new_name) length_list.append(len(motion_new)) if flag: data_dict[name] = { 'motion': motion, "length": len(motion), 'text': text_data } new_name_list.append(name) length_list.append(len(motion)) except: pass name_list, length_list = zip( *sorted(zip(new_name_list, length_list), key=lambda x: x[1])) if tmpFile: os.makedirs(pjoin(data_root, 'tmp'), exist_ok=True) with open(pjoin(data_root, f'tmp/{split}{subset}_data.pkl'), 'wb') as file: pickle.dump(data_dict, file) with open(pjoin(data_root, f'tmp/{split}{subset}_index.pkl'), 'wb') as file: pickle.dump(name_list, file) self.length_arr = np.array(length_list) self.data_dict = data_dict self.name_list = name_list self.nfeats = data_dict[name_list[0]]['motion'].shape[1] self.reset_max_len(self.max_length) def reset_max_len(self, length): assert length <= self.max_motion_length self.pointer = np.searchsorted(self.length_arr, length) print("Pointer Pointing at %d" % self.pointer) self.max_length = length def __len__(self): return len(self.name_list) - self.pointer def __getitem__(self, item): idx = self.pointer + item data = self.data_dict[self.name_list[idx]] motion, m_length, text_list = data["motion"], data["length"], data[ "text"] # Randomly select a caption text_data = random.choice(text_list) caption = text_data["caption"] all_captions = [ ' '.join([token.split('/')[0] for token in text_dic['tokens']]) for text_dic in text_list ] # Crop the motions in to times of 4, and introduce small variations if self.unit_length < 10: coin2 = np.random.choice(["single", "single", "double"]) else: coin2 = "single" if coin2 == "double": m_length = (m_length // self.unit_length - 1) * self.unit_length elif coin2 == "single": m_length = (m_length // self.unit_length) * self.unit_length idx = random.randint(0, len(motion) - m_length) motion = motion[idx:idx + m_length] # Z Normalization motion = (motion - self.mean) / self.std return caption, motion, m_length, None, None, None, None, all_captions