import os os.environ['CURL_CA_BUNDLE'] = '' import torch # from simplet5 import SimpleT5 import torchvision.transforms as transforms import openai import ffmpeg from .tag2text import tag2text_caption from .utils import * from .load_internvideo import * from .grit_model import DenseCaptioning from .lang import SimpleLanguageModel from import write as write_wav from bark import SAMPLE_RATE, generate_audio class VideoCaption: def __init__(self, device): self.device = device self.image_size = 384 # self.threshold = 0.68 self.video_path = None self.result = None self.tags = None self.normalize = transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) self.transform = transforms.Compose([transforms.ToPILImage(),transforms.Resize((self.image_size, self.image_size)), transforms.ToTensor(),self.normalize]) self.model = tag2text_caption(pretrained="model_zoo/tag2text_swin_14m.pth", image_size=self.image_size, vit='swin_b').eval().to(device) self.load_video = LoadVideo() print("[INFO] initialize Caption model success!") def framewise_details(self, inputs): video_path = inputs.strip() caption = self.inference(video_path) frame_caption = "" prev_caption = "" start_time = 0 end_time = 0 for i, j in enumerate(caption): current_caption = f"{j}." current_dcs = f"{i+1}" if len(current_dcs) > 0: last_valid_dcs = current_dcs if current_caption == prev_caption: end_time = i+1 else: if prev_caption: frame_caption += f"Second {start_time} - {end_time}: {prev_caption}{last_valid_dcs}\n" start_time = i+1 end_time = i+1 prev_caption = current_caption if prev_caption: frame_caption += f"Second {start_time} - {end_time}: {prev_caption}{current_dcs}\n" total_dur = end_time frame_caption += f"| Total Duration: {total_dur} seconds.\n" print(frame_caption) # self.result = frame_caption self.video_path = video_path # video_prompt = f"""The tags for this vieo are: {prediction}, {','.join(tag_1)}; # The temporal description of the video is: {frame_caption} # The dense caption of the video is: {dense_caption} # The general description of the video is: {synth_caption[0]}""" return frame_caption @prompts(name="Video Caption", description="useful when you want to generate a description for video. " "like: generate a description or caption for this video. " "The input to this tool should be a string, " "representing the video_path") def inference(self, inputs): video_path = inputs.strip() data = self.load_video(video_path) # progress(0.2, desc="Loading Videos") tmp = [] for _, img in enumerate(data): tmp.append(self.transform(img).to(self.device).unsqueeze(0)) # Video Caption image = # self.threshold = 0.68 input_tag_list = None with torch.no_grad(): caption, tags = self.model.generate(image,tag_input = input_tag_list, max_length = 50, return_tag_predict = True) # print(frame_caption, dense_caption, synth_caption) # print(caption) del data, image, tmp torch.cuda.empty_cache() torch.cuda.ipc_collect() self.result = caption self.tags = tags # return '. '.join(caption) return caption class Summarization: def __init__(self, device): self.device = device self.model = SimpleT5() self.model.load_model( "t5", "./model_zoo/flan-t5-large-finetuned-openai-summarize_from_feedback", use_gpu=False) self.model.model = self.model.device = device print("[INFO] initialize Summarize model success!") @prompts(name="Video Summarization", description="useful when you want to Summarize video content for input video. " "like: summarize this video. " "The input to this tool should be a string, " "representing the video_path") def inference(self, inputs): caption = inputs.strip() sum_res = self.model.predict(caption) return sum_res class ActionRecognition: def __init__(self, device): self.device = device self.video_path = None # self.result = None self.model = load_intern_action(device) self.transform = transform_action() self.toPIL = T.ToPILImage() self.load_video = LoadVideo() print("[INFO] initialize InternVideo model success!") @prompts(name="Action Recognition", description="useful when you want to recognize the action category in this video. " "like: recognize the action or classify this video" "The input to this tool should be a string, " "representing the video_path") def inference(self, inputs): video_path = inputs.strip() # if self.video_path == video_path: # return self.result # self.video_path = video_path # data = loadvideo_decord_origin(video_path) data = self.load_video(video_path) # InternVideo action_index = np.linspace(0, len(data)-1, 8).astype(int) tmp_pred = [] for i,img in enumerate(data): if i in action_index: tmp_pred.append(self.toPIL(img)) action_tensor = self.transform(tmp_pred) TC, H, W = action_tensor.shape action_tensor = action_tensor.reshape(1, TC//3, 3, H, W).permute(0, 2, 1, 3, 4).to(self.device) with torch.no_grad(): prediction = self.model(action_tensor) prediction = F.softmax(prediction, dim=1).flatten() prediction = kinetics_classnames[str(int(prediction.argmax()))] # self.result = prediction return prediction class DenseCaption: def __init__(self, device): self.device = device self.model = DenseCaptioning(device) self.model.initialize_model() # self.model = self.load_video = LoadVideo() print("[INFO] initialize DenseCaptioe model success!") @prompts(name="Video Dense Caption", description="useful when you want to generate a dense caption for video. " "like: generate a dense caption or description for this video. " "The input to this tool should be a string, " "representing the video_path") def inference(self, inputs): video_path = inputs.strip() # data = loadvideo_decord_origin(video_path) data = self.load_video(video_path) dense_caption = [] dense_index = np.arange(0, len(data)-1, 5) original_images = data[dense_index,:,:,::-1] with torch.no_grad(): for original_image in original_images: dense_caption.append(self.model.run_caption_tensor(original_image)) dense_caption = ' '.join([f"Second {i+1} : {j}.\n" for i,j in zip(dense_index,dense_caption)]) return dense_caption class GenerateTikTokVideo: template_model = True def __init__(self, ActionRecognition, VideoCaption, DenseCaption): self.ActionRecognition = ActionRecognition self.VideoCaption = VideoCaption # self.Summarization = Summarization self.DenseCaption = DenseCaption self.SimpleLanguageModel = None @prompts(name="Generate TikTok Video", description="useful when you want to generate a video with TikTok style based on prompt." "like: cut this video to a TikTok video based on prompt." "The input to this tool should be a comma separated string of two, " "representing the video_path and prompt") def inference(self, inputs): video_path = inputs.split(',')[0].strip() text = ', '.join(inputs.split(',')[1: ]) if self.SimpleLanguageModel == None: self.SimpleLanguageModel = SimpleLanguageModel() action_classes = self.ActionRecognition.inference(video_path) print(f'action_classes = {action_classes}') dense_caption = self.DenseCaption.inference(video_path) print(f'dense_caption = {dense_caption}') caption = self.VideoCaption.inference(video_path) caption = '. '.join(caption) print(f'caption = {caption}') tags = self.VideoCaption.tags print(f'tags = {tags}') framewise_caption = self.VideoCaption.framewise_details(video_path) print(f'framewise_caption = {framewise_caption}') video_prompt = f"""The tags for this video are: {action_classes}, {','.join(tags)}; The temporal description of the video is: {framewise_caption} The dense caption of the video is: {dense_caption}""" timestamp = self.run_text_with_time(video_prompt, text) print(f'timestamp = {timestamp}') if not timestamp: return 'Error! Please try it again.' start_time, end_time = min(timestamp), max(timestamp) print(f'start_time, end_time = = {start_time}, {end_time}') video_during = end_time - start_time + 1 # prompt=f"忘记之前的回答模板,请使用中文回答这个问题。如果情节里遇到男生就叫小帅,女生就叫小美,请以’注意看,这个人叫’开始写一段的视频营销文案。尽量根据第{start_time}秒到第{end_time}秒左右的视频内容生成文案,不要生成重复句子。" # prompt=f"忘记之前的回答模板,请使用中文回答这个问题。如果情节里遇到男生就叫小帅,女生就叫小美,请以’注意看,这个人叫’为开头,根据第{start_time}秒到第{end_time}秒左右的视频内容生成一段视频营销文案。" prompt=f"忘记之前的回答模板,请使用中文回答这个问题。视频里如果出现男生就叫小帅,出现女生就叫小美,如果不确定性别,就叫大聪明。请以’注意看,这个人叫’为开头生成一段视频营销文案。" texts = self.run_text_with_tiktok(video_prompt, prompt).strip() # if texts.endswith('') texts += '。' print(f"before polishing: {texts}") print('*' * 40) # texts = openai.ChatCompletion.create(model="gpt-3.5-turbo",messages=[{"role":"user","content":f"请用润色下面的句子,去除重复的片段,但尽量保持原文内容且不许更改人物名字,并且以“注意看,这个人叫”作为开头:{texts}"}]).choices[0].message['content'] texts = openai.ChatCompletion.create(model="gpt-3.5-turbo",messages=[{"role":"user","content":f"使用中文回答这个问题,请用润色下面的句子,去除重复的片段,并且仍以’注意看,这个人叫’为开头:{texts}"}]).choices[0].message['content'] print(f"after polishing: {texts}") clipped_video_path = gen_new_name(video_path, 'tmp', 'mp4') wav_file = clipped_video_path.replace('.mp4', '.wav') audio_path = self.gen_audio(texts, wav_file) audio_duration = int(float(ffmpeg.probe(audio_path)['streams'][0]['duration']))+1 os.system(f"ffmpeg -y -v quiet -ss {start_time} -t {video_during} -i {video_path} -c:v libx264 -c:a copy -movflags +faststart {clipped_video_path}") # output_path = self.image_filename.replace('.mp4','_tiktok.mp4') new_video_path = gen_new_name(video_path, 'GenerateTickTokVideo', 'mp4') if video_during < audio_duration: # 鬼畜hou # video_concat = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(clipped_video_path), '') # video_concat = gen_new_name(clipped_video_path, '', 'info') video_concat = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(clipped_video_path), '') video_concat = gen_new_name(video_concat, '', 'info') with open(video_concat,'w') as f: for _ in range(audio_duration//video_during+1): f.write(f"file \'{os.path.basename(clipped_video_path)}\'\n") tmp_path = gen_new_name(video_path, 'tmp', 'mp4') os.system(f"ffmpeg -y -f concat -i {video_concat} {tmp_path}") print(f"ffmpeg -y -i {tmp_path} -i {wav_file} {new_video_path}") os.system(f"ffmpeg -y -i {tmp_path} -i {wav_file} {new_video_path}") else: print(f"ffmpeg -y -i {clipped_video_path} -i {wav_file} {new_video_path}") os.system(f"ffmpeg -y -i {clipped_video_path} -i {wav_file} {new_video_path}") if not os.path.exists(new_video_path): import pdb pdb.set_trace() # state = state + [(text, f"Here is the video in *{new_file_path}*")] +[("show me the video.", (new_file_path,))] # print(f"\nProcessed run_video, Input video: {new_file_path}\nCurrent state: {state}\n" # f"Current Memory: {self.agent.memory.buffer}") return (new_video_path, ) def run_text_with_time(self, video_caption, text): # self.agent.memory.buffer = cut_dialogue_history(self.agent.memory.buffer, keep_last_n_words=500) prompt = "Only in this conversation, \ You must find the text-related start time \ and end time based on video caption. Your answer \ must end with the format {answer} [start time: end time]." response = self.SimpleLanguageModel(f"Video content: {video_caption}. Text: {text.strip()}." + prompt) # res['output'] = res['output'].replace("\\", "/") # print(response) import re pattern = r"\d+" # response = res['output']#rsplit(']')[-1] try: # matches = re.findall(pattern, res['output']) matches = re.findall(pattern, response) start_idx , end_idx = matches[-2:] start_idx , end_idx = int(start_idx), int(end_idx) except: return None import pdb pdb.set_trace() # state = state + [(text, response)] print(f"\nProcessed run_text_with_time, Input text: {text}\n") return (start_idx, end_idx) def run_text_with_tiktok(self, video_content, prompt): # self.agent.memory.buffer = cut_dialogue_history(self.agent.memory.buffer, keep_last_n_words=500) inputs = f"Video description: {video_content}. {prompt}" response = self.SimpleLanguageModel(inputs) response = response.replace("\\", "/") # res = self.agent({"input":text}) # res['output'] = res['output'].replace("\\", "/") # response = res['output'] # state = state + [(prompt, response)] print(f"\nProcessed run_text_with_tiktok, Input text: {prompt}\n, Response: {response}") return response def gen_audio(self, text, save_path): audio_array = generate_audio(text) write_wav(save_path, SAMPLE_RATE, audio_array) return save_path if __name__ == '__main__': # model = VideoCaption('cuda:0') # print(model.inference('./assets/f4236666.mp4')) # model = ActionRecognition('cuda:0') # print(model.inference('./assets/f4236666.mp4')) video_path = './tmp_files/f4236666.mp4' device = 'cuda:0' # caption_model = VideoCaption('cuda:0') # caption = caption_model.inference('./assets/f4236666.mp4') # sum_model = Summarize('cuda:0') # res = sum_model.inference(caption) # ds = DenseCaption(device) # res = ds.inference(video_path) from lang import SimpleLanguageModel model = GenerateTikTokVideo(ActionRecognition(device), VideoCaption(device), DenseCaption(device) ) out = model.inference(video_path+",帮我剪辑出最精彩的片段") print(out)