# Flask-SocketIO Messaging Application A simple messaging application built using Flask and SocketIO. ## Description This application allows users to communicate through real-time messages within different chat rooms. Users can log in, join chat rooms, send messages, and even share images. ## Screenshot ![Application Interface](fast-messaging.png) ## Table of Contents - [Installation](#installation) - [Usage](#usage) - [Features](#features) - [Contributions](#contributions) - [License](#license) ## Installation 1. Clone the repository: ```bash git clone cd 2. Install the required packages using pip: ```bash pip install -r requirements.txt ``` # Usage 1. Launch the application: ```bash python3 main.py ``` 2. Access the application in your web browser at `http://localhost:80`. ## Features - User Authentication: Users can log in using their username and password. - Real-time Messaging: Users can send and receive real-time messages within chat rooms. - Image Sharing: Users can share images within the chat. - Multiple Rooms: Users can join different chat rooms and switch between them. - Message History: Previous messages are restored when joining a chat room. - Persistent Data: User information and messages are stored in an SQLite database. - Contributions - Contributions are welcome! ## License This project is under the MIT license.
