Building a Symptom-Based Disease Diagnosis Web App with Flask and Machine Learning

In the age of technology and information, access to accurate and timely healthcare is more critical than ever. With the increasing importance of remote healthcare solutions, we embarked on a journey to develop a symptom-based disease diagnosis web application. Leveraging Flask for the backend and a Decision Tree Classifier model, we created a user-friendly platform that can help users identify potential illnesses based on their reported symptoms.

The Problem

The project began with recognizing a common issue: people often experience symptoms and want quick answers about their health concerns. It can be challenging to differentiate between various diseases, especially when symptoms overlap. Our goal was to provide a convenient solution for users to input their symptoms and receive potential diagnoses.

The Solution

We developed a web app that allows users to enter a list of symptoms they are experiencing. The app then uses a pre-trained Decision Tree Classifier model to predict the most likely disease based on the provided symptoms. Here's how it works:

  1. Symptom Input: Users enter their symptoms through a user-friendly interface. The web app supports a wide range of symptoms, making it versatile for different scenarios.
  2. Machine Learning Model: We trained a Decision Tree Classifier using a dataset containing symptoms and corresponding diseases. The model is capable of predicting diseases based on input symptoms.
  3. Prediction: The app uses the model to predict the most likely disease, providing users with instant information about potential health concerns.
  4. Additional Information: To enhance user experience, the app also provides additional information about the predicted disease. This includes a description of the disease, recommended precautions, medications, dietary advice, and workout tips.

Key Features


Our Symptom-Based Disease Diagnosis Web App brings the power of machine learning and healthcare information to the fingertips of users. It serves as a valuable resource for individuals looking to gain insights into their health conditions quickly and conveniently. By combining technology and healthcare, we aim to make healthcare more accessible and user-centric. In an era where remote healthcare solutions are gaining prominence, this project represents a significant step forward in providing accessible and reliable healthcare information to the masses. We hope that this project will contribute to better health awareness and ultimately improve the well-being of individuals worldwide.