# Finetuning RoBERTa on GLUE tasks ### 1) Download the data from GLUE website (https://gluebenchmark.com/tasks) using following commands: ```bash wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/W4ngatang/60c2bdb54d156a41194446737ce03e2e/raw/17b8dd0d724281ed7c3b2aeeda662b92809aadd5/download_glue_data.py python download_glue_data.py --data_dir glue_data --tasks all ``` ### 2) Preprocess GLUE task data: ```bash ./examples/roberta/preprocess_GLUE_tasks.sh glue_data ``` `glue_task_name` is one of the following: `{ALL, QQP, MNLI, QNLI, MRPC, RTE, STS-B, SST-2, CoLA}` Use `ALL` for preprocessing all the glue tasks. ### 3) Fine-tuning on GLUE task: Example fine-tuning cmd for `RTE` task ```bash ROBERTA_PATH=/path/to/roberta/model.pt CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 fairseq-hydra-train -config-dir examples/roberta/config/finetuning --config-name rte \ task.data=RTE-bin checkpoint.restore_file=$ROBERTA_PATH ``` There are additional config files for each of the GLUE tasks in the examples/roberta/config/finetuning directory. **Note:** a) Above cmd-args and hyperparams are tested on one Nvidia `V100` GPU with `32gb` of memory for each task. Depending on the GPU memory resources available to you, you can use increase `--update-freq` and reduce `--batch-size`. b) All the settings in above table are suggested settings based on our hyperparam search within a fixed search space (for careful comparison across models). You might be able to find better metrics with wider hyperparam search. ### Inference on GLUE task After training the model as mentioned in previous step, you can perform inference with checkpoints in `checkpoints/` directory using following python code snippet: ```python from fairseq.models.roberta import RobertaModel roberta = RobertaModel.from_pretrained( 'checkpoints/', checkpoint_file='checkpoint_best.pt', data_name_or_path='RTE-bin' ) label_fn = lambda label: roberta.task.label_dictionary.string( [label + roberta.task.label_dictionary.nspecial] ) ncorrect, nsamples = 0, 0 roberta.cuda() roberta.eval() with open('glue_data/RTE/dev.tsv') as fin: fin.readline() for index, line in enumerate(fin): tokens = line.strip().split('\t') sent1, sent2, target = tokens[1], tokens[2], tokens[3] tokens = roberta.encode(sent1, sent2) prediction = roberta.predict('sentence_classification_head', tokens).argmax().item() prediction_label = label_fn(prediction) ncorrect += int(prediction_label == target) nsamples += 1 print('| Accuracy: ', float(ncorrect)/float(nsamples)) ```