# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. import unittest import torch from fairseq.data import Dictionary from fairseq.modules import CharacterTokenEmbedder class TestCharacterTokenEmbedder(unittest.TestCase): def test_character_token_embedder(self): vocab = Dictionary() vocab.add_symbol("hello") vocab.add_symbol("there") embedder = CharacterTokenEmbedder( vocab, [(2, 16), (4, 32), (8, 64), (16, 2)], 64, 5, 2 ) test_sents = [["hello", "unk", "there"], ["there"], ["hello", "there"]] max_len = max(len(s) for s in test_sents) input = torch.LongTensor(len(test_sents), max_len + 2).fill_(vocab.pad()) for i in range(len(test_sents)): input[i][0] = vocab.eos() for j in range(len(test_sents[i])): input[i][j + 1] = vocab.index(test_sents[i][j]) input[i][j + 2] = vocab.eos() embs = embedder(input) assert embs.size() == (len(test_sents), max_len + 2, 5) self.assertAlmostEqual(embs[0][0], embs[1][0]) self.assertAlmostEqual(embs[0][0], embs[0][-1]) self.assertAlmostEqual(embs[0][1], embs[2][1]) self.assertAlmostEqual(embs[0][3], embs[1][1]) embs.sum().backward() assert embedder.char_embeddings.weight.grad is not None def assertAlmostEqual(self, t1, t2): self.assertEqual(t1.size(), t2.size(), "size mismatch") self.assertLess((t1 - t2).abs().max(), 1e-6) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()