[Better Fine-Tuning by Reducing Representational Collapse](https://arxiv.org/abs/2008.03156) ===================== This repo contains the code to replicate all experiments from the _Better Fine-Tuning by Reducing Representational Collapse_ paper excluding the probing results. The R3F sentence prediction criterion is registered as `sentence_prediction_r3f` while the label smoothing version of it is implemented as `label_smoothed_cross_entropy_r3f`. The R4F version of the sentence prediction criterion can be achieved by applying spectral norm to the classification head via the `--spectral-norm-classification-head` parameter. ## Hyper-parameters Our methods introduce 3 new hyper-parameters; `--eps` which sets the standard deviation or range of the distribution we're sampling from, `--r3f-lambda` which controls the combining of logistic loss and noisy KL loss and `--noise-type` which controls which parametric distribution we use ('normal', 'uniform'). For example to run R3F on RTE from GLUE ``` TOTAL_NUM_UPDATES=3120 WARMUP_UPDATES=187 LR=1e-05 NUM_CLASSES=2 MAX_SENTENCES=8 # Batch size. ROBERTA_PATH=/path/to/roberta/model.pt CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 fairseq-train RTE-bin \ --restore-file $ROBERTA_PATH \ --max-positions 512 \ --max-sentences $MAX_SENTENCES \ --max-tokens 4400 \ --task sentence_prediction \ --reset-optimizer --reset-dataloader --reset-meters \ --required-batch-size-multiple 1 \ --init-token 0 --separator-token 2 \ --arch roberta_large \ --criterion sentence_prediction_r3f \ --num-classes $NUM_CLASSES \ --dropout 0.1 --attention-dropout 0.1 \ --weight-decay 0.1 --optimizer adam --adam-betas "(0.9, 0.98)" --adam-eps 1e-06 \ --clip-norm 0.0 \ --lr-scheduler polynomial_decay --lr $LR --total-num-update $TOTAL_NUM_UPDATES --warmup-updates $WARMUP_UPDATES \ --fp16 --fp16-init-scale 4 --threshold-loss-scale 1 --fp16-scale-window 128 \ --max-epoch 10 \ --find-unused-parameters \ --best-checkpoint-metric accuracy --maximize-best-checkpoint-metric \ --noise-type uniform --r3f-lambda 0.7 \ --user-dir examples/rxf/rxf_src ``` ## Citation ```bibtex @article{aghajanyan2020better, title={Better Fine-Tuning by Reducing Representational Collapse}, author={Aghajanyan, Armen and Shrivastava, Akshat and Gupta, Anchit and Goyal, Naman and Zettlemoyer, Luke and Gupta, Sonal}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.03156}, year={2020} } ```