# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. import os, sys import subprocess import re from subprocess import check_call, check_output WORKDIR_ROOT = os.environ.get('WORKDIR_ROOT', None) if WORKDIR_ROOT is None or not WORKDIR_ROOT.strip(): print('please specify your working directory root in OS environment variable WORKDIR_ROOT. Exitting..."') sys.exit(-1) BLEU_REGEX = re.compile("^BLEU\\S* = (\\S+) ") def run_eval_bleu(cmd): output = check_output(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode("utf-8").strip() print(output) bleu = -1.0 for line in output.strip().split('\n'): m = BLEU_REGEX.search(line) if m is not None: bleu = m.groups()[0] bleu = float(bleu) break return bleu def check_data_test_bleu(raw_folder, data_lang_pairs): not_matchings = [] for sacrebleu_set, src_tgts in data_lang_pairs: for src_tgt in src_tgts: print(f'checking test bleus for: {src_tgt} at {sacrebleu_set}') src, tgt = src_tgt.split('-') ssrc, stgt = src[:2], tgt[:2] if os.path.exists(f'{raw_folder}/test.{tgt}-{src}.{src}'): # reversed direction may have different test set test_src = f'{raw_folder}/test.{tgt}-{src}.{src}' else: test_src = f'{raw_folder}/test.{src}-{tgt}.{src}' cmd1 = f'cat {test_src} | sacrebleu -t "{sacrebleu_set}" -l {stgt}-{ssrc}; [ $? -eq 0 ] || echo ""' test_tgt = f'{raw_folder}/test.{src}-{tgt}.{tgt}' cmd2 = f'cat {test_tgt} | sacrebleu -t "{sacrebleu_set}" -l {ssrc}-{stgt}; [ $? -eq 0 ] || echo ""' bleu1 = run_eval_bleu(cmd1) if bleu1 != 100.0: not_matchings.append(f'{sacrebleu_set}:{src_tgt} source side not matching: {test_src}') bleu2 = run_eval_bleu(cmd2) if bleu2 != 100.0: not_matchings.append(f'{sacrebleu_set}:{src_tgt} target side not matching: {test_tgt}') return not_matchings if __name__ == "__main__": to_data_path = f'{WORKDIR_ROOT}/iwsltv2' not_matching = check_data_test_bleu( f'{to_data_path}/raw', [ ('iwslt17', ['en_XX-ar_AR', 'en_XX-ko_KR', 'ar_AR-en_XX', 'ko_KR-en_XX']), ('iwslt17', ['en_XX-it_IT', 'en_XX-nl_XX', 'it_IT-en_XX', 'nl_XX-en_XX']), ('iwslt17/tst2015', ['en_XX-vi_VN', "vi_VN-en_XX"]), ] ) if len(not_matching) > 0: print('the following datasets do not have matching test datasets:\n\t', '\n\t'.join(not_matching))