#!/usr/bin/env bash # The port for communication. Note that if you want to run multiple tasks on the same machine, # you need to specify different port numbers. export MASTER_PORT=6081 export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=7 export GPUS_PER_NODE=1 user_dir=../../ofa_module bpe_dir=../../utils/BERT_CN_dict selected_cols=0,3,1,2 # make sure that you index "id, image, text, box" # Choose your dataset split and the corresponding checkpoint data=../../dataset/refcoco_cn_data/refcoco_val.tsv path=../../checkpoints/refcoco_cn_large.pt result_path=../../results/refcoco split='refcoco_val' python3 ../../evaluate.py \ ${data} \ --path=${path} \ --user-dir=${user_dir} \ --task=refcoco \ --batch-size=16 \ --log-format=simple --log-interval=10 \ --seed=7 \ --gen-subset=${split} \ --results-path=${result_path} \ --beam=5 \ --min-len=4 \ --max-len-a=0 \ --max-len-b=4 \ --no-repeat-ngram-size=3 \ --fp16 \ --num-workers=0 \ --model-overrides="{\"data\":\"${data}\",\"bpe_dir\":\"${bpe_dir}\",\"selected_cols\":\"${selected_cols}\"}"