# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. import logging import os import numpy as np from fairseq import utils from fairseq.data import ( ConcatSentencesDataset, Dictionary, IdDataset, NestedDictionaryDataset, NumelDataset, NumSamplesDataset, PrependTokenDataset, RawLabelDataset, RightPadDataset, SortDataset, TruncateDataset, data_utils, ) from fairseq.data.shorten_dataset import maybe_shorten_dataset from fairseq.tasks import LegacyFairseqTask, register_task logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @register_task("sentence_ranking") class SentenceRankingTask(LegacyFairseqTask): """ Ranking task on multiple sentences. Args: dictionary (Dictionary): the dictionary for the input of the task """ @staticmethod def add_args(parser): """Add task-specific arguments to the parser.""" parser.add_argument("data", metavar="FILE", help="file prefix for data") parser.add_argument( "--num-classes", type=int, help="number of sentences to be ranked" ) parser.add_argument( "--init-token", type=int, help="add token at the beginning of each batch item", ) parser.add_argument( "--separator-token", type=int, help="add separator token between inputs" ) parser.add_argument("--no-shuffle", action="store_true") parser.add_argument( "--shorten-method", default="none", choices=["none", "truncate", "random_crop"], help="if not none, shorten sequences that exceed --tokens-per-sample", ) parser.add_argument( "--shorten-data-split-list", default="", help="comma-separated list of dataset splits to apply shortening to, " 'e.g., "train,valid" (default: all dataset splits)', ) parser.add_argument( "--max-option-length", type=int, help="max length for each option" ) def __init__(self, args, dictionary): super().__init__(args) self.dictionary = dictionary @classmethod def load_dictionary(cls, args, filename, source=True): """Load the dictionary from the filename Args: filename (str): the filename """ dictionary = Dictionary.load(filename) dictionary.add_symbol("") return dictionary @classmethod def setup_task(cls, args, **kwargs): assert ( args.criterion == "sentence_ranking" ), "Must set --criterion=sentence_ranking" # load data dictionary data_dict = cls.load_dictionary( args, os.path.join(args.data, "input0", "dict.txt"), source=True, ) logger.info("[input] dictionary: {} types".format(len(data_dict))) return SentenceRankingTask(args, data_dict) def load_dataset(self, split, combine=False, **kwargs): """Load a given dataset split (e.g., train, valid, test).""" def get_path(type, split): return os.path.join(self.args.data, type, split) def make_dataset(type, dictionary): split_path = get_path(type, split) dataset = data_utils.load_indexed_dataset( split_path, self.source_dictionary, self.args.dataset_impl, combine=combine, ) return dataset input0 = make_dataset("input0", self.source_dictionary) input_options = [ make_dataset("input{idx}".format(idx=idx + 1), self.source_dictionary) for idx in range(self.args.num_classes) ] if self.args.separator_token is not None: input0 = PrependTokenDataset(input0, self.args.separator_token) src_tokens = [] for input_option in input_options: if self.args.init_token is not None: input_option = PrependTokenDataset(input_option, self.args.init_token) if self.args.max_option_length is not None: input_option = TruncateDataset( input_option, self.args.max_option_length ) src_token = ConcatSentencesDataset(input_option, input0) src_token = maybe_shorten_dataset( src_token, split, self.args.shorten_data_split_list, self.args.shorten_method, self.args.max_positions, self.args.seed, ) src_tokens.append(src_token) with data_utils.numpy_seed(self.args.seed): shuffle = np.random.permutation(len(src_tokens[0])) dataset = { "id": IdDataset(), "nsentences": NumSamplesDataset(), "ntokens": NumelDataset(src_tokens[0], reduce=True), } for src_token_idx in range(len(src_tokens)): dataset.update( { "net_input{idx}".format(idx=src_token_idx + 1): { "src_tokens": RightPadDataset( src_tokens[src_token_idx], pad_idx=self.source_dictionary.pad(), ), "src_lengths": NumelDataset( src_tokens[src_token_idx], reduce=False ), } } ) label_path = "{}.label".format(get_path("label", split)) if os.path.exists(label_path): with open(label_path) as h: dataset.update( target=RawLabelDataset([int(x.strip()) for x in h.readlines()]) ) nested_dataset = NestedDictionaryDataset( dataset, sizes=[np.maximum.reduce([src_token.sizes for src_token in src_tokens])], ) if self.args.no_shuffle: dataset = nested_dataset else: dataset = SortDataset( nested_dataset, # shuffle sort_order=[shuffle], ) logger.info("Loaded {0} with #samples: {1}".format(split, len(dataset))) self.datasets[split] = dataset return self.datasets[split] def build_model(self, args): from fairseq import models model = models.build_model(args, self) model.register_classification_head( getattr(args, "ranking_head_name", "sentence_classification_head"), num_classes=1, ) return model def max_positions(self): return self.args.max_positions @property def source_dictionary(self): return self.dictionary @property def target_dictionary(self): return self.dictionary