import argparse import cv2 import numpy as np try: from imwatermark import WatermarkDecoder except ImportError as e: try: # Assume some of the other dependencies such as torch are not fulfilled # import file without loading unnecessary libraries. import importlib.util import sys spec = importlib.util.find_spec("imwatermark.maxDct") assert spec is not None maxDct = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) sys.modules["maxDct"] = maxDct spec.loader.exec_module(maxDct) class WatermarkDecoder(object): """A minimal version of to only reconstruct bits using dwtDct""" def __init__(self, wm_type="bytes", length=0): assert wm_type == "bits", "Only bits defined in minimal import" self._wmType = wm_type self._wmLen = length def reconstruct(self, bits): if len(bits) != self._wmLen: raise RuntimeError("bits are not matched with watermark length") return bits def decode(self, cv2Image, method="dwtDct", **configs): (r, c, channels) = cv2Image.shape if r * c < 256 * 256: raise RuntimeError("image too small, should be larger than 256x256") bits = [] assert method == "dwtDct" embed = maxDct.EmbedMaxDct(watermarks=[], wmLen=self._wmLen, **configs) bits = embed.decode(cv2Image) return self.reconstruct(bits) except: raise e # A fixed 48-bit message that was choosen at random # WATERMARK_MESSAGE = 0xB3EC907BB19E WATERMARK_MESSAGE = 0b101100111110110010010000011110111011000110011110 # bin(x)[2:] gives bits of x as str, use int to convert them to 0/1 WATERMARK_BITS = [int(bit) for bit in bin(WATERMARK_MESSAGE)[2:]] MATCH_VALUES = [ [27, "No watermark detected"], [33, "Partial watermark match. Cannot determine with certainty."], [ 35, ( "Likely watermarked. In our test 0.02% of real images were " 'falsely detected as "Likely watermarked"' ), ], [ 49, ( "Very likely watermarked. In our test no real images were " 'falsely detected as "Very likely watermarked"' ), ], ] class GetWatermarkMatch: def __init__(self, watermark): self.watermark = watermark self.num_bits = len(self.watermark) self.decoder = WatermarkDecoder("bits", self.num_bits) def __call__(self, x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Detects the number of matching bits the predefined watermark with one or multiple images. Images should be in cv2 format, e.g. h x w x c BGR. Args: x: ([B], h w, c) in range [0, 255] Returns: number of matched bits ([B],) """ squeeze = len(x.shape) == 3 if squeeze: x = x[None, ...] bs = x.shape[0] detected = np.empty((bs, self.num_bits), dtype=bool) for k in range(bs): detected[k] = self.decoder.decode(x[k], "dwtDct") result = np.sum(detected == self.watermark, axis=-1) if squeeze: return result[0] else: return result get_watermark_match = GetWatermarkMatch(WATERMARK_BITS) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "filename", nargs="+", type=str, help="Image files to check for watermarks", ) opts = parser.parse_args() print( """ This script tries to detect watermarked images. Please be aware of the following: - As the watermark is supposed to be invisible, there is the risk that watermarked images may not be detected. - To maximize the chance of detection make sure that the image has the same dimensions as when the watermark was applied (most likely 1024x1024 or 512x512). - Specific image manipulation may drastically decrease the chance that watermarks can be detected. - There is also the chance that an image has the characteristics of the watermark by chance. - The watermark script is public, anybody may watermark any images, and could therefore claim it to be generated. - All numbers below are based on a test using 10,000 images without any modifications after applying the watermark. """ ) for fn in opts.filename: image = cv2.imread(fn) if image is None: print(f"Couldn't read {fn}. Skipping") continue num_bits = get_watermark_match(image) k = 0 while num_bits > MATCH_VALUES[k][0]: k += 1 print( f"{fn}: {MATCH_VALUES[k][1]}", f"Bits that matched the watermark {num_bits} from {len(WATERMARK_BITS)}\n", sep="\n\t", )