import sys import traceback from h2o_wave import Q, expando_to_dict, ui # App name app_name = 'Whisper' # Link to repo. Report bugs/features here :) repo_url = '' issue_url = f'{repo_url}/issues/new?assignees=vopani&labels=bug&' # JS scripts encoder_url = '' recorder_url = '' with open('record.js', encoding='utf-8') as f: recorder_script = ui.inline_script( # A meta card to hold the app's title, layouts, dialogs, theme and other meta information meta = ui.meta_card( box='', title='WaveTon', layouts=[ ui.layout( breakpoint='xs', zones=['header'),'main'),'footer') ] ) ], theme='h2o-dark', scripts=[ ui.script(encoder_url, asynchronous=False), ui.script(recorder_url, asynchronous=False) ], script=recorder_script ) # The header shown on all the app's pages header = ui.header_card( box='header', title='Whisper', subtitle="Speech to text using OpenAI's Whisper model", icon='Microphone', icon_color='black', items=[ui.toggle(name='theme_dark', label='Dark Mode', value=True, trigger=True)] ) # The footer shown on all the app's pages footer = ui.footer_card( box='footer', caption=f'Learn more about WaveTon: đŸ’¯ Wave Applications' ) # A fallback card for handling bugs fallback = ui.form_card( box='fallback', items=[ui.text('Uh-oh, something went wrong!')] ) def asr(recording: bool = False, audio_path: str = None, transcription: str = '') -> ui.FormCard: """ Card for Automatic Speech Recognition. """ button_name = 'stop' if recording else 'start' button_label = '⏚ī¸ Stop Recording' if recording else '🎙ī¸ Start Recording' visible = False if audio_path is None else True card = ui.form_card( box='main', items=[ ui.separator(label='Microphone'), ui.buttons(items=[ui.button(name=button_name, label=button_label, primary=True)], justify='center'), ui.progress(label='Recording...', caption='', visible=recording), ui.separator(label='Audio', visible=visible), ui.text( content=f'''
''', visible=visible ), ui.separator(label='Transcription', visible=visible), ui.textbox(name='transcription', value=transcription, multiline=True, visible=visible) ] ) return card def crash_report(q: Q) -> ui.FormCard: """ Card for capturing the stack trace and current application state, for error reporting. This function is called by the main serve() loop on uncaught exceptions. """ def code_block(content): return '\n'.join(['```', *content, '```']) type_, value_, traceback_ = sys.exc_info() stack_trace = traceback.format_exception(type_, value_, traceback_) dump = [ '### Stack Trace', code_block(stack_trace), ] states = [ ('',, ('q.user', q.user), ('q.client', q.client), ('',, ('q.args', q.args) ] for name, source in states: dump.append(f'### {name}') dump.append(code_block([f'{k}: {v}' for k, v in expando_to_dict(source).items()])) return ui.form_card( box='main', items=[ ui.stats( items=[ ui.stat( label='', value='Oops!', caption='Something went wrong', icon='Error' ) ], ), ui.separator(), ui.text_l(content='Apologies for the inconvenience!'), ui.buttons(items=[ui.button(name='reload', label='Reload', primary=True)]), ui.expander(name='report', label='Error Details', items=[ ui.text( f'To report this issue, please open an issue with the details below:'), ui.text_l(content=f'Report Issue in App: **{app_name}**'), ui.text(content='\n'.join(dump)), ]) ] )