import gradio as gr #import urllib.request import requests import bs4 import lxml import os #import subprocess from huggingface_hub import InferenceClient,HfApi import random import json import datetime from pypdf import PdfReader import uuid #from query import tasks from agent import ( PREFIX, COMPRESS_DATA_PROMPT, COMPRESS_DATA_PROMPT_SMALL, LOG_PROMPT, LOG_RESPONSE, ) client = InferenceClient( "mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1" ) reponame="Omnibus/tmp" save_data=f'{reponame}/raw/main/' token_self = os.environ['HF_TOKEN'] api=HfApi(token=token_self) def find_all(url): return_list=[] print (url) print (f"trying URL:: {url}") try: if url != "" and url != None: out = [] source = requests.get(url) print(source.status_code) if source.status_code ==200: print('trying') soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(source.content,'lxml') rawp=(f'RAW TEXT RETURNED: {soup.text}') print (rawp) cnt=0 cnt+=len(rawp) out.append(rawp) out.append("HTML fragments: ") q=("a","p","span","content","article") for p in soup.find_all("a"): out.append([{"LINK TITLE":p.get('title'),"URL":p.get('href'),"STRING":p.string}]) c=0 out = str(out) rl = len(out) print(f'rl:: {rl}') for i in str(out): if i == " " or i=="," or i=="\n" or i=="/" or i=="." or i=="<": c +=1 print (f'c:: {c}') #if c > MAX_HISTORY: #print("compressing...") #rawp = compress_data(c,purpose,task,out,result) #result += rawp rawp=out return True, rawp else: print('passing') return False, "Enter Valid URL" except Exception as e: print (e) return False, f'Error: {e}' def read_txt(txt_path): text="" with open(txt_path,"r") as f: text = f.close() print (text) return text def read_pdf(pdf_path): text="" reader = PdfReader(f'{pdf_path}') number_of_pages = len(reader.pages) for i in range(number_of_pages): page = reader.pages[i] text = f'{text}\n{page.extract_text()}' print (text) return text error_box=[] def read_pdf_online(url): uid=uuid.uuid4() print(f"reading {url}") response = requests.get(url, stream=True) print(response.status_code) text="" ################# ##################### try: if response.status_code == 200: with open("test.pdf", "wb") as f: f.write(response.content) #f.close() #out = Path("./data.pdf") #print (out) reader = PdfReader("test.pdf") number_of_pages = len(reader.pages) print(number_of_pages) for i in range(number_of_pages): page = reader.pages[i] text = f'{text}\n{page.extract_text()}' print(f"PDF_TEXT:: {text}") return text else: text = response.status_code error_box.append(url) print(text) return text except Exception as e: print (e) return e VERBOSE = True MAX_HISTORY = 100 MAX_DATA = 20000 def format_prompt(message, history): prompt = "" for user_prompt, bot_response in history: prompt += f"[INST] {user_prompt} [/INST]" prompt += f" {bot_response} " prompt += f"[INST] {message} [/INST]" return prompt def run_gpt( prompt_template, stop_tokens, max_tokens, seed, **prompt_kwargs, ): print(seed) generate_kwargs = dict( temperature=0.9, max_new_tokens=max_tokens, top_p=0.95, repetition_penalty=1.0, do_sample=True, seed=seed, ) content = PREFIX.format( timestamp=timestamp, purpose="Compile the provided data and complete the users task" ) + prompt_template.format(**prompt_kwargs) if VERBOSE: print(LOG_PROMPT.format(content)) #formatted_prompt = format_prompt(f"{system_prompt}, {prompt}", history) #formatted_prompt = format_prompt(f'{content}', history) stream = client.text_generation(content, **generate_kwargs, stream=True, details=True, return_full_text=False) resp = "" for response in stream: resp += response.token.text #yield resp if VERBOSE: print(LOG_RESPONSE.format(resp)) return resp def compress_data(c, instruct, history): seed=random.randint(1,1000000000) print (c) #tot=len(purpose) #print(tot) divr=int(c)/MAX_DATA divi=int(divr)+1 if divr != int(divr) else int(divr) chunk = int(int(c)/divr) print(f'chunk:: {chunk}') print(f'divr:: {divr}') print (f'divi:: {divi}') out = [] #out="" s=0 e=chunk print(f'e:: {e}') new_history="" #task = f'Compile this data to fulfill the task: {task}, and complete the purpose: {purpose}\n' for z in range(divi): print(f's:e :: {s}:{e}') hist = history[s:e] resp = run_gpt( COMPRESS_DATA_PROMPT_SMALL, stop_tokens=["observation:", "task:", "action:", "thought:"], max_tokens=8192, seed=seed, direction=instruct, knowledge="", history=hist, ) out.append(resp) #new_history = resp print (resp) #out+=resp e=e+chunk s=s+chunk return out def compress_data_og(c, instruct, history): seed=random.randint(1,1000000000) print (c) #tot=len(purpose) #print(tot) divr=int(c)/MAX_DATA divi=int(divr)+1 if divr != int(divr) else int(divr) chunk = int(int(c)/divr) print(f'chunk:: {chunk}') print(f'divr:: {divr}') print (f'divi:: {divi}') out = [] #out="" s=0 e=chunk print(f'e:: {e}') new_history="" #task = f'Compile this data to fulfill the task: {task}, and complete the purpose: {purpose}\n' for z in range(divi): print(f's:e :: {s}:{e}') hist = history[s:e] resp = run_gpt( COMPRESS_DATA_PROMPT, stop_tokens=["observation:", "task:", "action:", "thought:"], max_tokens=8192, seed=seed, direction=instruct, knowledge=new_history, history=hist, ) new_history = resp print (resp) out+=resp e=e+chunk s=s+chunk ''' resp = run_gpt( COMPRESS_DATA_PROMPT, stop_tokens=["observation:", "task:", "action:", "thought:"], max_tokens=8192, seed=seed, direction=instruct, knowledge=new_history, history="All data has been recieved.", )''' print ("final" + resp) #history = "observation: {}\n".format(resp) return resp def summarize(inp,history,report_check,sum_mem_check,data=None,files=None,url=None,pdf_url=None,pdf_batch=None): json_box=[] if inp == "": inp = "Process this data" history.clear() history = [(inp,"Working on it...")] yield "",history,error_box,json_box if pdf_batch.startswith("http"): c=0 data="" for i in str(pdf_batch): if i==",": c+=1 print (f'c:: {c}') try: for i in range(c+1): batch_url = pdf_batch.split(",",c)[i] bb = read_pdf_online(batch_url) data=f'{data}\nFile Name URL ({batch_url}):\n{bb}' except Exception as e: print(e) #data=f'{data}\nError reading URL ({batch_url})' if pdf_url.startswith("http"): print("PDF_URL") out = read_pdf_online(pdf_url) data=out if url.startswith("http"): val, out = find_all(url) if not val: data="Error" rawp = str(out) else: data=out if files: for i, file in enumerate(files): try: print (file) if file.endswith(".pdf"): zz=read_pdf(file) print (zz) data=f'{data}\nFile Name ({file}):\n{zz}' elif file.endswith(".txt"): zz=read_txt(file) print (zz) data=f'{data}\nFile Name ({file}):\n{zz}' except Exception as e: data=f'{data}\nError opening File Name ({file})' print (e) if data != "Error" and data != "": print(inp) out = str(data) rl = len(out) print(f'rl:: {rl}') c=1 for i in str(out): if i == " " or i=="," or i=="\n": c +=1 print (f'c:: {c}') if sum_mem_check=="Memory": json_out = save_memory(inp,out) rawp = "Complete" if sum_mem_check=="Summarize": json_out = compress_data(c,inp,out) out = str(json_out) if report_check: rl = len(out) print(f'rl:: {rl}') c=1 for i in str(out): if i == " " or i=="," or i=="\n": c +=1 print (f'c2:: {c}') rawp = compress_data_og(c,inp,out) else: rawp = out else: rawp = "Provide a valid data source" history.clear() history.append((inp,rawp)) yield "", history,error_box,json_out SAVE_MEMORY = """ You are attempting to complete the task task: {task} Data: {history} Instructions: Compile and categorize the data above into a JSON dictionary string Include ALL text, datapoints, titles, descriptions, and source urls indexed into an easy to search JSON format Your final response should be only the final formatted JSON string enclosed in brackets, and nothing else. Required keys: "keywords":["short", "list", "of", "important", "keywords", "found", "in", "this", "entry"] "title":"title of entry" "description":"A sentence summarizing the topic of this entry" "content":"A brief paragraph summarizing the important datapoints found in this entry" "url":"https://url.source" """ def save_memory(purpose, history): uid=uuid.uuid4() history=str(history) c=1 inp = str(history) rl = len(inp) print(f'rl:: {rl}') for i in str(inp): if i == " " or i=="," or i=="\n" or i=="/" or i=="\\" or i=="." or i=="<": c +=1 print (f'c:: {c}') seed=random.randint(1,1000000000) print (c) #tot=len(purpose) #print(tot) divr=int(c)/MAX_DATA divi=int(divr)+1 if divr != int(divr) else int(divr) chunk = int(int(c)/divr) print(f'chunk:: {chunk}') print(f'divr:: {divr}') print (f'divi:: {divi}') out_box = [] #out="" s=0 ee=chunk print(f'e:: {ee}') new_history="" task = f'Index this Data\n' for z in range(divi): print(f's:e :: {s}:{ee}') hist = inp[s:ee] resp = run_gpt( SAVE_MEMORY, stop_tokens=["observation:", "task:", "action:", "thought:"], max_tokens=4096, seed=seed, purpose=purpose, task=task, history=hist, ).strip('\n') #new_history = resp #print (resp) #out+=resp #print ("final1" + resp) try: resp='[{'+resp.split('[{')[1].split('')[0] #print ("final2\n" + resp) #print(f"keywords:: {resp['keywords']}") except Exception as e: resp = resp print(e) timestamp=str( timename=timestamp.replace(" ","--").replace(":","-").replace(".","-") json_object=resp #json_object = json.dumps(out_box) #json_object = json.dumps(out_box,indent=4) with open(f"tmp-{uid}.json", "w") as outfile: outfile.write(json_object) outfile.close() api.upload_file( path_or_fileobj=f"tmp-{uid}.json", path_in_repo=f"/mem-test2/{timename}---{s}-{ee}.json", repo_id=reponame, #repo_id=save_data.split('datasets/',1)[1].split('/raw',1)[0], token=token_self, repo_type="dataset", ) lines = resp.strip().strip("\n").split("\n") r = requests.get(f'{save_data}mem-test2/main.json') print(f'status code main:: {r.status_code}') if r.status_code==200: lod = json.loads(r.text) #lod = eval(lod) print (f'lod:: {lod}') if not r.status_code==200: lod = [] for i,line in enumerate(lines): key_box=[] print(f'LINE:: {line}') if ":" in line: print(f'line:: {line}') if "keywords" in line: print(f'trying:: {line}') keyw=line.split(":")[1] print (keyw) print (keyw.split("[")[1].split("]")[0]) keyw=keyw.split("[")[1].split("]")[0] for ea in keyw.split(","): s1="" ea=ea.strip().strip("\n") for ev in ea: if ev.isalnum(): s1+=ev if ev == " ": s1+=ev #ea=s1 print(s1) key_box.append(s1) lod.append({"file_name":f"{timename}---{s}-{ee}","keywords":key_box,"index":f"{s}:{ee}"}) json_object = json.dumps(lod, indent=4) with open(f"tmp2-{uid}.json", "w") as outfile2: outfile2.write(json_object) outfile2.close() api.upload_file( path_or_fileobj=f"tmp2-{uid}.json", path_in_repo=f"/mem-test2/main.json", repo_id=reponame, #repo_id=save_data.split('datasets/',1)[1].split('/raw',1)[0], token=token_self, repo_type="dataset", ) ee=ee+chunk s=s+chunk out_box.append(resp) return out_box ################################# def clear_fn(): return "",[(None,None)] with gr.Blocks() as app: gr.HTML("""

Mixtral 8x7B TLDR Summarizer + Web

Summarize Data of unlimited length

""") chatbot = gr.Chatbot(label="Mixtral 8x7B Chatbot",show_copy_button=True) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=3): prompt=gr.Textbox(label = "Instructions (optional)") with gr.Column(scale=1): report_check=gr.Checkbox(label="Return Report", value=True) sum_mem_check=gr.Radio(label="Output",choices=["Summary","Memory"]) button=gr.Button() #models_dd=gr.Dropdown(choices=[m for m in return_list],interactive=True) with gr.Row(): stop_button=gr.Button("Stop") clear_btn = gr.Button("Clear") with gr.Row(): with gr.Tab("Text"): data=gr.Textbox(label="Input Data (paste text)", lines=6) with gr.Tab("File"): file=gr.Files(label="Input File(s) (.pdf .txt)") with gr.Tab("Raw HTML"): url = gr.Textbox(label="URL") with gr.Tab("PDF URL"): pdf_url = gr.Textbox(label="PDF URL") with gr.Tab("PDF Batch"): pdf_batch = gr.Textbox(label="PDF URL Batch (comma separated)") json_out=gr.JSON() e_box=gr.Textbox() #text=gr.JSON() #inp_query.change(search_models,inp_query,models_dd),None,[prompt,chatbot]),[prompt,chatbot,report_check,sum_mem_check,data,file,url,pdf_url,pdf_batch],[prompt,chatbot,e_box,json_out]),None,None,cancels=[go]) app.queue(default_concurrency_limit=20).launch(show_api=False)