import os import sys import cv2 import uuid from PIL import Image import gradio as gr from pathlib import Path from huggingface_hub import (create_repo,get_full_repo_name,upload_file,CommitOperationAdd,HfApi) uid = uuid.uuid4() #token_self = os.environ['HF_TOKEN'] def slide_fn(val): im =(f'tmpim22-{uid}.png') v=int(val) img1 = #img1.thumbnail((500,500), Image.Resampling.LANCZOS) #ww=500 #hh=int(500*0.5625) img2 = img1.crop((0,0+v,500,280+v))'tmpim2-{uid}.png') return img2 def make_files(t_name,t_space,t_title,t_description,t_redirect,t_image=None,t_image_url=None,token=None): model_id=t_name files=[] if t_image_url != None and t_image_url != "" and t_image==None: t_image=t_image_url print(f"Using image URL {t_image}") pass elif t_image != None: img1 = img1.thumbnail((500,500), Image.Resampling.LANCZOS)'tmpim-{uid}.png') output_pro=cv2.imread(f'tmpim-{uid}.png') output_pro2=cv2.imread(f'tmpim2-{uid}.png') cv2.imwrite("card_im.png",output_pro) cv2.imwrite("card_im_crop.png",output_pro2) files.append("card_im.png") files.append("card_im_crop.png") pass else: print("Default Image") t_image="" files.append(t_image) pass try: api_url = f'{model_id}' t_iframe = t_space t_link3= f"/masto.html" t_link2= f"/gab.html" t_link = f"/ai.html" t_space = f"/back.html" t_space2 = f"/back_gab.html" ########## norm with open("template/ai.html", "r") as f: app = app = app.replace("$space", t_space) app = app.replace("$title", t_title) app = app.replace("$description", t_description) app = app.replace("$image", t_image) app = app.replace("$redirect", t_redirect) with open("ai.html", "w") as f: f.write(app) files.append("ai.html") ######## gab with open("template/ai.html", "r") as f: app = app = app.replace("$space", t_space2) app = app.replace("$title", t_title) app = app.replace("$description", t_description) app = app.replace("$image", t_image2) app = app.replace("$redirect", t_redirect) with open("gab.html", "w") as f: f.write(app) files.append("gab.html") ######## masto with open("template/ai.html", "r") as f: app = app = app.replace("$space", t_space) app = app.replace("$title", t_title) app = app.replace("$description", t_description) app = app.replace("$image", t_image2) app = app.replace("$redirect", t_redirect) with open("masto.html", "w") as f: f.write(app) files.append("masto.html") ################## with open("template/front.html", "r") as f: app = app = app.replace("$iframe", t_iframe) with open("index.html", "w") as f: f.write(app) files.append("index.html") ######### norm with open("template/back.html", "r") as f: app = app = app.replace("$iframe", t_iframe) app = app.replace("$pad", "100%") with open("back.html", "w") as f: f.write(app) files.append("back.html") ####### gab with open("template/back.html", "r") as f: app = app = app.replace("$iframe", t_iframe) app = app.replace("$pad", "56%") with open("back_gab.html", "w") as f: f.write(app) files.append("back_gab.html") return (files) except Exception as e: print (e) return None def build_space(t_name,t_space,t_title,t_description,t_redirect,t_image=None,t_image_url=None,token=None): model_id=t_name #model_id="omnibus/fff" if token==None or token=="": token = token_self else: token = token pass api = HfApi(token=token) repo_name = get_full_repo_name(model_id=model_id, token=token) try: print(t_space.rsplit('.hf', 1)[-1]) if t_space.rsplit('.hf', 1)[-1] == ".space": repo_url = api.create_repo( repo_id=model_id, repo_type="space", space_sdk="static", private=False, ) print(f"""Space Built at {repo_name}""") else: model_id=None repo_name=None t_space=None t_image=None t_image_url=None api=None pass return gr.HTML.update(f"""Invalid Direct URL: must be a Huggingface Space
Be sure URL is in lowercase""") except Exception as e: return gr.HTML.update(f"""{str(e)}""") if t_image_url != None and t_image_url != "" and t_image==None: t_image=t_image_url print(f"Using image URL {t_image}") pass elif t_image != None: img1 = img1.thumbnail((500,500), Image.Resampling.LANCZOS)'tmpim-{uid}.png') output_pro=cv2.imread(f'tmpim-{uid}.png') output_pro2=cv2.imread(f'tmpim2-{uid}.png') cv2.imwrite(f"./img-{uid}.png",output_pro) cv2.imwrite(f"./img2-{uid}.png",output_pro2) try: api.upload_file( path_or_fileobj=f"./img-{uid}.png", path_in_repo="card_im.png", repo_id=repo_name, token=token, repo_type="space", ) t_image = f"https://{repo_name.replace('/','-').replace('_','-')}" os.remove(f"./img-{uid}.png") print(f"Image Uploaded to: {t_image}") except Exception as e: return gr.HTML.update(f"""{str(e)}""") try: api.upload_file( path_or_fileobj=f"./img2-{uid}.png", path_in_repo="card_im_crop.png", repo_id=repo_name, token=token, repo_type="space", ) t_image2 = f"https://{repo_name.replace('/','-').replace('_','-')}" os.remove(f"./img2-{uid}.png") print(f"Image Uploaded to: {t_image2}") except Exception as e: return gr.HTML.update(f"""{str(e)}""") pass else: print("Default Image") t_image="" pass try: api_url = f'{model_id}' t_iframe = t_space t_link3= f"https://{repo_name.replace('/','-').replace('_','-')}" t_link2= f"https://{repo_name.replace('/','-').replace('_','-')}" t_link = f"https://{repo_name.replace('/','-').replace('_','-')}" t_space = f"https://{repo_name.replace('/','-').replace('_','-')}" t_space2 = f"https://{repo_name.replace('/','-').replace('_','-')}" ########## norm with open("template/ai.html", "r") as f: app = app = app.replace("$space", t_space) app = app.replace("$title", t_title) app = app.replace("$description", t_description) app = app.replace("$image", t_image) app = app.replace("$redirect", t_redirect) with open("ai.html", "w") as f: f.write(app) api.upload_file( path_or_fileobj="ai.html", path_in_repo="ai.html", repo_id=repo_name, token=token, repo_type="space", ) os.remove("ai.html") ######## gab with open("template/ai.html", "r") as f: app = app = app.replace("$space", t_space2) app = app.replace("$title", t_title) app = app.replace("$description", t_description) app = app.replace("$image", t_image2) app = app.replace("$redirect", t_redirect) with open("gab.html", "w") as f: f.write(app) api.upload_file( path_or_fileobj="gab.html", path_in_repo="gab.html", repo_id=repo_name, token=token, repo_type="space", ) os.remove("gab.html") ######## masto with open("template/ai.html", "r") as f: app = app = app.replace("$space", t_space) app = app.replace("$title", t_title) app = app.replace("$description", t_description) app = app.replace("$image", t_image2) app = app.replace("$redirect", t_redirect) with open("masto.html", "w") as f: f.write(app) api.upload_file( path_or_fileobj="masto.html", path_in_repo="masto.html", repo_id=repo_name, token=token, repo_type="space", ) os.remove("masto.html") with open("template/front.html", "r") as f: app = app = app.replace("$iframe", t_iframe) with open("front.html", "w") as f: f.write(app) api.upload_file( path_or_fileobj="front.html", path_in_repo="index.html", repo_id=repo_name, token=token, repo_type="space", ) os.remove("front.html") ######### norm with open("template/back.html", "r") as f: app = app = app.replace("$iframe", t_iframe) app = app.replace("$pad", "100%") # 3. save the new file with open("back.html", "w") as f: f.write(app) api.upload_file( path_or_fileobj="back.html", path_in_repo="back.html", repo_id=repo_name, token=token, repo_type="space", ) os.remove("back.html") ####### gab with open("template/back.html", "r") as f: app = app = app.replace("$iframe", t_iframe) app = app.replace("$pad", "56%") # 3. save the new file with open("back_gab.html", "w") as f: f.write(app) api.upload_file( path_or_fileobj="back_gab.html", path_in_repo="back_gab.html", repo_id=repo_name, token=token, repo_type="space", ) os.remove("back_gab.html") return gr.HTML.update(f'''
Your Interactive Twitter Card Embed Link is:
Your Interactive Mastodon Card Embed Link is:
Your Interactive Gab Card Embed Link is:

''') except Exception as e: return gr.HTML.update(f"""{str(e)}""") def d_im(): output="" return output def up_c(im,c_slider): img1 = img1.thumbnail((500,500), Image.Resampling.LANCZOS)'tmpim22-{uid}.png') out = slide_fn(c_slider) return out with gr.Blocks() as build_app: gr.Markdown("""

Interactive Twitter Card Builder

""") with gr.Row(): gr.Column(scale=1) with gr.Column(scale=3): with gr.Accordion("Details",open=False): with gr.Tab("Description"): gr.Markdown("""This space will build an Interactive Twitter Card
where Twitter (and other) users can run your Gradio demo
right on their Social Media feed.

*Only works through browser, not Twitter App

Enter the required information and paste the link that is returned
as the only link, along with your message and tags, in your Tweet.
When posted, the Interactive Twitter Card should have a Play button
which will display the Space you provided.

Twitter will remember this card associated with the link you post,
so any changes will often require a differently named link.

You can test your link first by omitting your Write token
which will assign the default REPO: "portal"

This Space is a Demo, and is a Work in Progress
No Warranties, Guarantees, or Permissions implied """) with gr.Tab("Credits"): gr.Markdown("""anzorq/sd-space-creator
""") with gr.Box(): option_token = gr.Textbox(label="HF Write Token to write to your REPO", placeholder="Optional") t_name = gr.Textbox(label="NAME (Link will be:") t_space = gr.Textbox(label="Direct URL to your Space (") t_title = gr.Textbox(label="Title for Twitter Card") t_description = gr.Textbox(label="Short Description for Twitter Card") t_redirect = gr.Textbox(label="Redirect URL for Twitter Card Click") gr.Markdown("""Image for your Card (min: 300x300 [Square]""") t_image_url = gr.Textbox(label="Image URL", placeholder="Optional URL Input") t_image = gr.Image(label="Twitter Card Image", type="filepath",interactive=True) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): c_image=gr.Image(label="Cropped Image", type="filepath",interactive=False) def_im = gr.Button("Load Default Image") with gr.Column(): c_slider=gr.Slider(0,220,value=0,step=1,label="Adjust Vertical Crop") c_upbtn=gr.Button("Update Crop") with gr.Tab("Build"): with gr.Row(): build_button = gr.Button("Build") gr.Column() output_html = gr.HTML("""""") with gr.Tab("Download"): with gr.Row(): dl_button = gr.Button("Download") gr.Column() files_out = gr.Files() gr.Column(scale=1) t_image.change(up_c,[t_image,c_slider],c_image),c_slider,c_image),[t_name,t_space,t_title,t_description,t_redirect,t_image,t_image_url,option_token],output_html),[t_name,t_space,t_title,t_description,t_redirect,t_image,t_image_url,option_token],files_out),None,t_image) build_app.queue(concurrency_count=10).launch()