import cohere import streamlit as st from streamlit.components.v1 import html from streamlit_extras.stylable_container import stylable_container import re import urllib.parse st.title("Cohere Chat UI") if "api_key" not in st.session_state: api_key = st.text_input("Enter your API Key", type="password") if api_key: if api_key.isascii(): st.session_state.api_key = api_key client = cohere.Client(api_key=api_key) st.rerun() else: st.warning("Please enter your API key correctly.") st.stop() else: st.warning("Please enter your API key to use the app. You can obtain your API key from here:") st.stop() else: client = cohere.Client(api_key=st.session_state.api_key) if "messages" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.messages = [] def get_ai_response(prompt, chat_history): st.session_state.is_streaming = True st.session_state.response = "" with st.chat_message("ai", avatar=st.session_state.assistant_avatar): penalty_kwargs = { "frequency_penalty" if penalty_type == "Frequency Penalty" else "presence_penalty": penalty_value } stream = client.chat_stream( message=prompt, model=model, preamble=preamble, chat_history=chat_history, temperature=temperature, k=k, p=p, **penalty_kwargs ) placeholder = st.empty() with stylable_container( key="stop_generating", css_styles=""" button { position: fixed; bottom: 100px; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); z-index: 1; } """, ): st.button("Stop generating") shown_message = "" for event in stream: if event.event_type == "text-generation": content = event.text st.session_state.response += content shown_message += content.replace("\n", " \n")\ .replace("<", "\\<")\ .replace(">", "\\>") placeholder.markdown(shown_message) st.session_state.is_streaming = False return st.session_state.response def normalize_code_block(match): return" \n", "\n")\ .replace("\\<", "<")\ .replace("\\>", ">") def normalize_inline(match): return"\\<", "<")\ .replace("\\>", ">") code_block_pattern = r"(```.*?```)" inline_pattern = r"`([^`\n]+?)`" def display_messages(): for i, message in enumerate(st.session_state.messages): name = "user" if message["role"] == "USER" else "ai" avatar = st.session_state.user_avatar if message["role"] == "USER" else st.session_state.assistant_avatar with st.chat_message(name, avatar=avatar): shown_message = message["text"].replace("\n", " \n")\ .replace("<", "\\<")\ .replace(">", "\\>") if "```" in shown_message: # Replace " \n" with "\n" within code blocks shown_message = re.sub(code_block_pattern, normalize_code_block, shown_message, flags=re.DOTALL) if "`" in shown_message: shown_message = re.sub(inline_pattern, normalize_inline, shown_message) st.markdown(shown_message) col1, col2, col3, col4 = st.columns([1, 1, 1, 1]) with col1: if st.button("Edit", key=f"edit_{i}_{len(st.session_state.messages)}"): st.session_state.edit_index = i st.rerun() with col2: if st.session_state.is_delete_mode and st.button("Delete", key=f"delete_{i}_{len(st.session_state.messages)}"): del st.session_state.messages[i] st.rerun() with col3: text_to_copy = message["text"] # Encode the string to escape text_to_copy_escaped = urllib.parse.quote(text_to_copy) copy_button_html = f""" """ html(copy_button_html, height=50) if i == len(st.session_state.messages) - 1 and message["role"] == "CHATBOT": with col4: if st.button("Retry", key=f"retry_{i}_{len(st.session_state.messages)}"): if len(st.session_state.messages) >= 2: del st.session_state.messages[-1] st.session_state.retry_flag = True st.rerun() if "edit_index" in st.session_state and st.session_state.edit_index == i: with st.form(key=f"edit_form_{i}_{len(st.session_state.messages)}"): new_content = st.text_area("Edit message", height=200, value=st.session_state.messages[i]["text"]) col1, col2 = st.columns([1, 1]) with col1: if st.form_submit_button("Save"): st.session_state.messages[i]["text"] = new_content del st.session_state.edit_index st.rerun() with col2: if st.form_submit_button("Cancel"): del st.session_state.edit_index st.rerun() # Add sidebar for advanced settings with st.sidebar: settings_tab, appearance_tab = st.tabs(["Settings", "Appearance"]) with settings_tab: st.markdown("Help (Japanese):") # Copy Conversation History button log_text = "" for message in st.session_state.messages: if message["role"] == "USER": log_text += "\n" log_text += message["text"] + "\n\n" else: log_text += "\n" log_text += message["text"] + "\n\n" log_text = log_text.rstrip("\n") # Encode the string to escape log_text_escaped = urllib.parse.quote(log_text) copy_log_button_html = f""" """ html(copy_log_button_html, height=50) if st.session_state.get("is_history_shown") != True: if st.button("Display History as Code Block"): st.session_state.is_history_shown = True st.rerun() else: if st.button("Hide History"): st.session_state.is_history_shown = False st.rerun() st.code(log_text) st.session_state.is_delete_mode = st.toggle("Enable Delete button") st.header("Advanced Settings") model = st.selectbox("Model", options=["command-r-plus", "command-r"], index=0) preamble = st.text_area("Preamble", height=200) temperature = st.slider("Temperature", min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0, value=0.3, step=0.1) k = st.slider("Top-K", min_value=0, max_value=500, value=0, step=1) p = st.slider("Top-P", min_value=0.01, max_value=0.99, value=0.75, step=0.01) penalty_type = st.selectbox("Penalty Type", options=["Frequency Penalty", "Presence Penalty"]) penalty_value = st.slider("Penalty Value", min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0, value=0.0, step=0.1) st.header("Restore History") history_input = st.text_area("Paste conversation history:", height=200) if st.button("Restore History"): st.session_state.messages = [] messages = re.split(r"^(|)\n", history_input, flags=re.MULTILINE) role = None text = "" for message in messages: if message.strip() in ["", ""]: if role and text: st.session_state.messages.append({"role": role, "text": text.strip()}) text = "" role = "USER" if message.strip() == "" else "CHATBOT" else: text += message if role and text: st.session_state.messages.append({"role": role, "text": text.strip()}) st.rerun() st.header("Clear History") if st.button("Clear Chat History"): st.session_state.messages = [] st.rerun() st.header("Change API Key") new_api_key = st.text_input("Enter new API Key", type="password") if st.button("Update API Key"): if new_api_key and new_api_key.isascii(): st.session_state.api_key = new_api_key client = cohere.Client(api_key=new_api_key) st.success("API Key updated successfully!") else: st.warning("Please enter a valid API Key.") with appearance_tab: st.header("Font Selection") font_options = { "Zen Maru Gothic": "Zen Maru Gothic", "Noto Sans JP": "Noto Sans JP", "Sawarabi Mincho": "Sawarabi Mincho" } selected_font = st.selectbox("Choose a font", ["Default"] + list(font_options.keys())) st.header("Change the font size") st.session_state.font_size = st.slider("Font size", min_value=16.0, max_value=50.0, value=16.0, step=1.0) st.header("Change the user's icon") st.session_state.user_avatar = st.file_uploader("Choose an image", type=["png", "jpg", "jpeg", "webp", "gif", "bmp", "svg",], key="user_avatar_uploader") st.header("Change the assistant's icon") st.session_state.assistant_avatar = st.file_uploader("Choose an image", type=["png", "jpg", "jpeg", "webp", "gif", "bmp", "svg",], key="assistant_avatar_uploader") st.header("Change the icon size") st.session_state.avatar_size = st.slider("Icon size", min_value=2.0, max_value=20.0, value=2.0, step=0.2) # After Stop generating if st.session_state.get("is_streaming"): st.session_state.messages.append({"role": "CHATBOT", "text": st.session_state.response}) st.session_state.is_streaming = False if "retry_flag" in st.session_state and st.session_state.retry_flag: st.session_state.retry_flag = False st.rerun() if selected_font != "Default": with open("style.css") as css: st.markdown(f'', unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown(f'', unsafe_allow_html=True) # Change font size st.markdown(f'', unsafe_allow_html=True) # Change icon size # (CSS element names may be subject to change.) # (Contributor: ★31 >>538) AVATAR_SIZE_STYLE = f""" """ st.markdown(AVATAR_SIZE_STYLE, unsafe_allow_html=True) display_messages() # After Retry if st.session_state.get("retry_flag"): if len(st.session_state.messages) > 0: prompt = st.session_state.messages[-1]["text"] messages = st.session_state.messages[:-1].copy() response = get_ai_response(prompt, messages) st.session_state.messages.append({"role": "CHATBOT", "text": response}) st.session_state.retry_flag = False st.rerun() else: st.session_state.retry_flag = False if prompt := st.chat_input("Enter your message here..."): chat_history = st.session_state.messages.copy() shown_message = prompt.replace("\n", " \n")\ .replace("<", "\\<")\ .replace(">", "\\>") with st.chat_message("user", avatar=st.session_state.user_avatar): st.write(shown_message) st.session_state.messages.append({"role": "USER", "text": prompt}) response = get_ai_response(prompt, chat_history) st.session_state.messages.append({"role": "CHATBOT", "text": response}) st.rerun()