import gradio as gr from gradio_client import Client DEBUG_MODE = True MESAGE_HEADER = """ # 🔌👩🏻‍💻 2nd API Demo (Client component) 🔌👩🏻‍💻 Welcome to my simple demonstration of the gradio potential as an API. This is an evolution of the first API demo. (Nuno-Tome/aPI_demo_client) It is made of 2 components: An client that requests to a introduced server. This server should respont whith a JSON to a given text. * Exemple Server: 🔌🌐 [Nuno-Tome/API_demo_server](Nuno-Tome/aPI_demo_server) **Just write you message and watch it be returned by the server.** """ INPUT_TEXT_DEFAULT = """ Não sou nada. Nunca serei nada. Não posso querer ser nada. À parte isso, tenho em mim todos os sonhos do mundo. (...) - Alvaro de Campos, in Tabacaria (Fernando Pessoa) """ INPUT_SERVER_DEFAULT = "Nuno-Tome/API_demo_server" def get_bmc_markdown(): bmc_link = "" image_url = "" # Image URL image_size = "150" # Image size image_url_full = image_url + "?w=" + image_size image_link_markdown = f"[![Buy Me a Coffee]({image_url_full})]({bmc_link})" full_text = """ ### If you like this project, please consider liking it or buying me a coffee. It will help me to keep working on this and other projects. Thank you! # """ + image_link_markdown return full_text def send_request(input_text, input_server): server = Client(input_server) result = server.predict( input_text, api_name = "/predict" ) return result with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown(MESAGE_HEADER) gr.DuplicateButton() gr.Markdown(get_bmc_markdown()) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): input_text = gr.TextArea( placeholder = INPUT_TEXT_DEFAULT, label = "**Type your message:**", lines = 8, value = INPUT_TEXT_DEFAULT ) input_server = gr.Textbox( lines = 1, placeholder = INPUT_SERVER_DEFAULT, label = "**Type the server to call:**", value= INPUT_SERVER_DEFAULT ) with gr.Column(): gr.Markdown("**This is your gradio api request response:**") out = gr.JSON() btn = gr.Button("Send request to server") = send_request, inputs = [input_text, input_server], outputs = out) demo.launch(share = True)