import streamlit as st from streamlit_option_menu import option_menu from app_utils import switch_page import streamlit as st from PIL import Image im ="icon.png") st.set_page_config(page_title = "AI Interviewer", layout = "centered",page_icon=im) lan = st.selectbox("#### Language", ["English", "中文"]) if lan == "English": home_title = "AI Interviewer" home_introduction = "Welcome to AI Interviewer, empowering your interview preparation with generative AI." with st.sidebar: st.markdown('AI Interviewer - V0.1.2') st.markdown(""" #### Let's contact: [Haoxiang Jia]( [Zicheng Wang]( #### Please fill the form, we'd love to have your feedback: [Feedback Form]( #### Powered by [OpenAI]( [FAISS]( [Langchain]( """) st.markdown( "", unsafe_allow_html=True ) st.image(im, width=100) st.markdown(f"""# {home_title} Beta""",unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown("""\n""") #st.markdown("#### Greetings") st.markdown("Welcome to AI Interviewer! 👏 AI Interviewer is your personal interviewer powered by generative AI that conducts mock interviews." "You can upload your resume and enter job descriptions, and AI Interviewer will ask you customized questions. Additionally, you can configure your own Interviewer!") st.markdown("""\n""") with st.expander("Updates"): st.write(""" 08/13/2023 - Fix the error that occurs when the user input fails to be recorded. """) with st.expander("What's coming next?"): st.write(""" Improved voice interaction for a seamless experience. """) st.markdown("""\n""") st.markdown("#### Get started!") st.markdown("Select one of the following screens to start your interview!") selected = option_menu( menu_title= None, options=["Professional", "Resume", "Behavioral","Customize!"], icons = ["cast", "cloud-upload", "cast"], default_index=0, orientation="horizontal", ) if selected == 'Professional':""" 📚In this session, the AI Interviewer will assess your technical skills as they relate to the job description. Note: The maximum length of your answer is 4097 tokens! - Each Interview will take 10 to 15 mins. - To start a new session, just refresh the page. - Choose your favorite interaction style (chat/voice) - Start introduce yourself and enjoy! """) if st.button("Start Interview!"): switch_page("Professional Screen") if selected == 'Resume':""" 📚In this session, the AI Interviewer will review your resume and discuss your past experiences. Note: The maximum length of your answer is 4097 tokens! - Each Interview will take 10 to 15 mins. - To start a new session, just refresh the page. - Choose your favorite interaction style (chat/voice) - Start introduce yourself and enjoy! """ ) if st.button("Start Interview!"): switch_page("Resume Screen") if selected == 'Behavioral':""" 📚In this session, the AI Interviewer will assess your soft skills as they relate to the job description. Note: The maximum length of your answer is 4097 tokens! - Each Interview will take 10 to 15 mins. - To start a new session, just refresh the page. - Choose your favorite interaction style (chat/voice) - Start introduce yourself and enjoy! """) if st.button("Start Interview!"): switch_page("Behavioral Screen") if selected == 'Customize!':""" 📚In this session, you can customize your own AI Interviewer and practice with it! - Configure AI Interviewer in different specialties. - Configure AI Interviewer in different personalities. - Different tones of voice. Coming at the end of July""") st.markdown("""\n""") st.markdown("#### Wiki") st.write('[Click here to view common FAQs, future updates and more!](') #st.write( # f'