# You can find this code for Chainlit python streaming here (https://docs.chainlit.io/concepts/streaming/python) # OpenAI Chat completion import os from openai import AsyncOpenAI # importing openai for API usage import chainlit as cl # importing chainlit for our app from chainlit.prompt import Prompt, PromptMessage # importing prompt tools from chainlit.playground.providers import ChatOpenAI # importing ChatOpenAI tools from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() # ChatOpenAI Templates system_template = """\ ###Instruction### You are an expert assistant answering technical questions on machine learning and deep learning subject. Ensure that your response is unbiased and generic, you will be 'AWARDED' for giving really good clarity and correct answers. ##EXAMPLES## If users asks 'explain neural networks', your response should be with an overview of neural networks, discussing how they are computational models inspired by the human brain that are used to recognize patterns and solve complex problems in machine learning. If users ask 'code convolutional neural network', your response should contain example of the code necessary to create a CNN. If users ask 'resource grdient descent', your response should offer links to tutorials, video lectures, or articles that explain gradient descent, which is an optimization algorithm used to minimize a function by iteratively moving in the direction of steepest descent. If users ask 'project sentiment analysis', your response should discuss the steps involved in creating a sentiment analysis model, such as data collection, preprocessing, model selection, training, and evaluation, and potentially offer advice on best practices or methodologies to consider. """ user_template = """{input} \n + Think and give either explanation or code or links for resources or steps for project, for the questions asked along with response. """ @cl.on_chat_start # marks a function that will be executed at the start of a user session async def start_chat(): settings = { "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo", "temperature": 0, "max_tokens": 500, "top_p": 1, "frequency_penalty": 0, "presence_penalty": 0, } cl.user_session.set("settings", settings) @cl.on_message # marks a function that should be run each time the chatbot receives a message from a user async def main(message: cl.Message): settings = cl.user_session.get("settings") client = AsyncOpenAI() #print(message.content) prompt = Prompt( provider=ChatOpenAI.id, messages=[ PromptMessage( role="system", template=system_template, formatted=system_template, ), PromptMessage( role="user", template=user_template, formatted=user_template.format(input=message.content), ), ], inputs={"input": message.content}, settings=settings, ) #print([m.to_openai() for m in prompt.messages]) msg = cl.Message(content="") await msg.send() # Call OpenAI async for stream_resp in await client.chat.completions.create( messages=[m.to_openai() for m in prompt.messages], stream=True, **settings ): token = stream_resp.choices[0].delta.content if not token: token = "" await msg.stream_token(token) # Update the prompt object with the completion prompt.completion = msg.content msg.prompt = prompt # Send and close the message stream await msg.send()