// automatically generated by the FlatBuffers compiler, do not modify import * as flatbuffers from 'flatbuffers'; import { Buffer } from './buffer.js'; import { TensorDim } from './tensor-dim.js'; import { Type } from './type.js'; export class Tensor { bb: flatbuffers.ByteBuffer|null = null; bb_pos = 0; __init(i:number, bb:flatbuffers.ByteBuffer):Tensor { this.bb_pos = i; this.bb = bb; return this; } static getRootAsTensor(bb:flatbuffers.ByteBuffer, obj?:Tensor):Tensor { return (obj || new Tensor()).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb); } static getSizePrefixedRootAsTensor(bb:flatbuffers.ByteBuffer, obj?:Tensor):Tensor { bb.setPosition(bb.position() + flatbuffers.SIZE_PREFIX_LENGTH); return (obj || new Tensor()).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb); } typeType():Type { const offset = this.bb!.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4); return offset ? this.bb!.readUint8(this.bb_pos + offset) : Type.NONE; } /** * The type of data contained in a value cell. Currently only fixed-width * value types are supported, no strings or nested types */ // @ts-ignore type(obj:any):any|null { const offset = this.bb!.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6); return offset ? this.bb!.__union(obj, this.bb_pos + offset) : null; } /** * The dimensions of the tensor, optionally named */ shape(index: number, obj?:TensorDim):TensorDim|null { const offset = this.bb!.__offset(this.bb_pos, 8); return offset ? (obj || new TensorDim()).__init(this.bb!.__indirect(this.bb!.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index * 4), this.bb!) : null; } shapeLength():number { const offset = this.bb!.__offset(this.bb_pos, 8); return offset ? this.bb!.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } /** * Non-negative byte offsets to advance one value cell along each dimension * If omitted, default to row-major order (C-like). */ strides(index: number):flatbuffers.Long|null { const offset = this.bb!.__offset(this.bb_pos, 10); return offset ? this.bb!.readInt64(this.bb!.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index * 8) : this.bb!.createLong(0, 0); } stridesLength():number { const offset = this.bb!.__offset(this.bb_pos, 10); return offset ? this.bb!.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } /** * The location and size of the tensor's data */ data(obj?:Buffer):Buffer|null { const offset = this.bb!.__offset(this.bb_pos, 12); return offset ? (obj || new Buffer()).__init(this.bb_pos + offset, this.bb!) : null; } static startTensor(builder:flatbuffers.Builder) { builder.startObject(5); } static addTypeType(builder:flatbuffers.Builder, typeType:Type) { builder.addFieldInt8(0, typeType, Type.NONE); } static addType(builder:flatbuffers.Builder, typeOffset:flatbuffers.Offset) { builder.addFieldOffset(1, typeOffset, 0); } static addShape(builder:flatbuffers.Builder, shapeOffset:flatbuffers.Offset) { builder.addFieldOffset(2, shapeOffset, 0); } static createShapeVector(builder:flatbuffers.Builder, data:flatbuffers.Offset[]):flatbuffers.Offset { builder.startVector(4, data.length, 4); for (let i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { builder.addOffset(data[i]!); } return builder.endVector(); } static startShapeVector(builder:flatbuffers.Builder, numElems:number) { builder.startVector(4, numElems, 4); } static addStrides(builder:flatbuffers.Builder, stridesOffset:flatbuffers.Offset) { builder.addFieldOffset(3, stridesOffset, 0); } static createStridesVector(builder:flatbuffers.Builder, data:flatbuffers.Long[]):flatbuffers.Offset { builder.startVector(8, data.length, 8); for (let i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { builder.addInt64(data[i]!); } return builder.endVector(); } static startStridesVector(builder:flatbuffers.Builder, numElems:number) { builder.startVector(8, numElems, 8); } static addData(builder:flatbuffers.Builder, dataOffset:flatbuffers.Offset) { builder.addFieldStruct(4, dataOffset, 0); } static endTensor(builder:flatbuffers.Builder):flatbuffers.Offset { const offset = builder.endObject(); builder.requiredField(offset, 6) // type builder.requiredField(offset, 8) // shape builder.requiredField(offset, 12) // data return offset; } static finishTensorBuffer(builder:flatbuffers.Builder, offset:flatbuffers.Offset) { builder.finish(offset); } static finishSizePrefixedTensorBuffer(builder:flatbuffers.Builder, offset:flatbuffers.Offset) { builder.finish(offset, undefined, true); } }