from pathlib import Path import numpy as np from import imread, imsave from shutil import copyfile if __name__ == "__main__": # output of base_dir = Path("/Users/victor/Downloads/labelbox_test_flood-v2") labeled_dir = base_dir / "__labeled" assert base_dir.exists() labeled_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) sub_dirs = [ d for d in base_dir.expanduser().resolve().iterdir() if d.is_dir() and not".") and != "__labeled" ] for k, sd in enumerate(sub_dirs): print(k + 1, "/", len(sub_dirs), # must-flood binary mask must = np.stack([imread(i)[:, :, :3] for i in sd.glob("*must*.png")]).sum(0) > 0 # cannot-flood binary mask cannot = ( np.stack([imread(i)[:, :, :3] for i in sd.glob("*cannot*.png")]).sum(0) > 0 ) # must is red must = (must * [0, 0, 255]).astype(np.uint8) # connot is blue cannot = (cannot * [255, 0, 0]).astype(np.uint8) # merged labels label = must + cannot # check no overlap assert sorted(np.unique(label)) == [0, 255] # create filename stem = "_".join(list(sd.glob("*must*.png"))[0].stem.split("_")[:-2]) # save label imsave(sd / f"{stem}_labeled.png", label) copyfile(sd / f"{stem}_labeled.png", labeled_dir / f"{stem}_labeled.png")