import argparse import os from collections import Counter from pathlib import Path import comet_ml import yaml from addict import Dict from comet_ml import config def parse_tags(tags_str): all_tags = set(t.strip() for t in tags_str.split(",")) keep_tags = set() remove_tags = set() for t in all_tags: if "!" in t or "~" in t: remove_tags.add(t[1:]) else: keep_tags.add(t) return all_tags, keep_tags, remove_tags def select_lambdas(vars): """ Create a specific file with the painter's lambdas Args: vars (dict): output of locals() """ opts = vars["opts"] dev = vars["args"].dev lambdas = opts.train.lambdas.G.p if not dev: with open("./painter_lambdas.yaml", "w") as f: yaml.safe_dump(lambdas.to_dict(), f) def parse_value(v: str): """ Parses a string into bool or list or int or float or returns it as is Args: v (str): value to parse Returns: any: parsed value """ if v.lower() == "false": return False if v.lower() == "true": return True if v.startswith("[") and v.endswith("]"): return [ parse_value(sub_v) for sub_v in v.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").split(", ") ] if "." in v: try: vv = float(v) return vv except ValueError: return v else: try: vv = int(v) return vv except ValueError: return v def parse_opts(summary): """ Parses a flatten_opts summary into an addict.Dict Args: summary (list(dict)): List of dicts from exp.get_parameters_summary() Returns: addict.Dict: parsed exp params """ opts = Dict() for item in summary: k, v = item["name"], parse_value(item["valueCurrent"]) if "." in k: d = opts for subkey in k.split(".")[:-1]: d = d[subkey] d[k.split(".")[-1]] = v else: opts[k] = v return opts def has_right_tags(exp: comet_ml.Experiment, keep: set, remove: set) -> bool: """ All the "keep" tags should be in the experiment's tags None of the "remove" tags should be in the experiment's tags. Args: exp (comet_ml.Experiment): experiment to select (or not) keep (set): tags the exp should have remove (set): tags the exp cannot have Returns: bool: should this exp be selected """ tags = set(exp.get_tags()) has_all_keep = keep.intersection(tags) == keep has_any_remove = remove.intersection(tags) return has_all_keep and not has_any_remove if __name__ == "__main__": # ------------------------ # ----- Parse args ----- # ------------------------ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-e", "--exp_id", type=str, default="") parser.add_argument( "-d", "--download_dir", type=str, default=None, help="Where to download the images", ) parser.add_argument( "-s", "--step", default="last", type=str, help="`last`, `all` or `int`" ) parser.add_argument( "-b", "--base_dir", default="./", type=str, help="if download_dir is not specified, download into base_dir/exp_id[:8]/", ) parser.add_argument( "-t", "--tags", default="", type=str, help="download all images of all with a set of tags", ) parser.add_argument( "-i", "--id_length", default=8, type=int, help="Length of the experiment's ID substring to make dirs:[:id_length]", ) parser.add_argument( "--dev", default=False, action="store_true", help="dry run: no mkdir, no download", ) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--post_processings", default="", type=str, help="comma separated string list of post processing functions to apply", ) parser.add_argument( "-r", "--running", default=False, action="store_true", help="only select running exps", ) args = parser.parse_args() print(args) # ------------------------------------- # ----- Create post processings ----- # ------------------------------------- POST_PROCESSINGS = {"select_lambdas": select_lambdas} post_processes = list( filter( lambda p: p is not None, [POST_PROCESSINGS.get(k.strip()) for k in args.post_processings.split(",")], ) ) # ------------------------------------------------------ # ----- Create Download Dir from download_dir or ----- # ----- base_dir/exp_id[:args.id_length] ----- # ------------------------------------------------------ download_dir = Path(args.download_dir or Path(args.base_dir)).resolve() if not download_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # ------------------------ # ----- Check step ----- # ------------------------ step = None try: step = int(args.step) except ValueError: step = args.step assert step in {"last", "all"} api = comet_ml.api.API() # --------------------------------------- # ----- Select exps based on tags ----- # --------------------------------------- if not args.tags: assert args.exp_id exps = [api.get_experiment_by_id(args.exp_id)] else: all_tags, keep_tags, remove_tags = parse_tags(args.tags) download_dir = download_dir / "&".join(sorted(all_tags)) print("Selecting experiments with tags", all_tags) conf = dict(config.get_config()) exps = api.get_experiments( workspace=conf.get("comet.workspace"), project_name=conf.get("comet.project_name") or "climategan", ) exps = list(filter(lambda e: has_right_tags(e, keep_tags, remove_tags), exps)) if args.running: exps = [e for e in exps if e.alive] # ------------------------- # ----- Print setup ----- # ------------------------- print( "Processing {} experiments in {} with post processes {}".format( len(exps), str(download_dir), post_processes ) ) assert all( [v == 1 for v in Counter([[: args.id_length] for e in exps]).values()] ), "Experiment ID conflict, use a larger --id_length" for e, exp in enumerate(exps): # ---------------------------------------------- # ----- Setup Current Download Directory ----- # ---------------------------------------------- cropped_id =[: args.id_length] ddir = (download_dir / cropped_id).resolve() if not ddir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # ------------------------------ # ----- Fetch image list ----- # ------------------------------ ims = [asset for asset in exp.get_asset_list() if asset["image"] is True] # ----------------------------------- # ----- Filter images by step ----- # ----------------------------------- if step == "last": curr_step = max(i["step"] or -1 for i in ims) if curr_step == -1: curr_step = None else: curr_step = step ims = [i for i in ims if (i["step"] == curr_step) or (step == "all")] ddir = ddir / str(curr_step) if not ddir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # ---------------------------------------------- # ----- Store experiment's link and opts ----- # ---------------------------------------------- summary = exp.get_parameters_summary() opts = parse_opts(summary) if not with open("./url.txt", "w") as f: f.write(exp.url) with open("./opts.yaml", "w") as f: yaml.safe_dump(opts.to_dict(), f) # ------------------------------------------ # ----- Download png files with curl ----- # ------------------------------------------ print( " >>> Downloading exp {}'s image at step `{}` into {}".format( cropped_id, args.step, str(ddir) ) ) for i, im in enumerate(ims): if not Path(im["fileName"] + "_{}.png".format(curr_step)).exists(): print( "\nDownloading exp {}/{} image {}/{}: {} in {}".format( e + 1, len(exps), i + 1, len(ims), im["fileName"], ddir ) ) if not assert len(im["curlDownload"].split(" > ")) == 2 curl_command = im["curlDownload"].split(" > ")[0] file_stem = Path(im["curlDownload"].split(" > ")[1]).stem file_path = ( f'"{str(ddir / file_stem)}_{cropped_id}_{curr_step}.png"' ) signal = os.system(f"{curl_command} > {file_path}") for p in post_processes: p(locals())