import torch from copy import deepcopy class FlattableModel(object): def __init__(self, model): self.model = deepcopy(model) self._original_model = model self._flat_model = None self._attr_names = self.get_attributes_name() def flatten_model(self): if self._flat_model is None: self._flat_model = self._flatten_model(self.model) return self._flat_model @staticmethod def _selection_method(module): return not ( isinstance(module, torch.nn.Sequential) or isinstance(module, torch.nn.ModuleList) ) and not hasattr(module, "_restricted") @staticmethod def _flatten_model(module): modules = [] child = False for (name, c) in module.named_children(): child = True flattened_c = FlattableModel._flatten_model(c) modules += flattened_c if not child and FlattableModel._selection_method(module): modules = [module] return modules def get_layer_io(self, layer, nb_samples, data_loader): ios = [] hook = layer.register_forward_hook( lambda m, i, o: ios.append((i[0].data.cpu(), ) nbatch = 1 for batch_idx, (xs, ys) in enumerate(data_loader): # -1 takes all of them if nb_samples != -1 and nbatch > nb_samples: break _ = self.model(xs.cuda()) nbatch += 1 hook.remove() return ios def get_attributes_name(self): def _real_get_attributes_name(module): modules = [] child = False for (name, c) in module.named_children(): child = True flattened_c = _real_get_attributes_name(c) modules += map(lambda e: [name] + e, flattened_c) if not child and FlattableModel._selection_method(module): modules = [[]] return modules return _real_get_attributes_name(self.model) def update_model(self, flat_model): """ Take a list representing the flatten model and rebuild its internals. :type flat_model: List[nn.Module] """ def _apply_changes_on_layer(block, idxs, layer): assert len(idxs) > 0 if len(idxs) == 1: setattr(block, idxs[0], layer) else: _apply_changes_on_layer(getattr(block, idxs[0]), idxs[1:], layer) def _apply_changes_model(model_list): for i in range(len(model_list)): _apply_changes_on_layer(self.model, self._attr_names[i], model_list[i]) _apply_changes_model(flat_model) self._attr_names = self.get_attributes_name() self._flat_model = None def cuda(self): self.model = self.model.cuda() return self def cpu(self): self.model = self.model.cpu() return self def bn_fuse(model): model = model.cpu() flattable = FlattableModel(model) fmodel = flattable.flatten_model() for index, item in enumerate(fmodel): if ( isinstance(item, torch.nn.Conv2d) and index + 1 < len(fmodel) and isinstance(fmodel[index + 1], torch.nn.BatchNorm2d) ): alpha, beta = _calculate_alpha_beta(fmodel[index + 1]) if item.weight.shape[0] != alpha.shape[0]: # this case happens if there was actually something else # between the conv and the # bn layer which is not picked up in flat model logic. (see densenet) continue = * alpha.view(-1, 1, 1, 1) item.bias = torch.nn.Parameter(beta) fmodel[index + 1] = _IdentityLayer() flattable.update_model(fmodel) return flattable.model def _calculate_alpha_beta(batchnorm_layer): alpha = / ( torch.sqrt(batchnorm_layer.running_var + batchnorm_layer.eps) ) beta = ( -( * batchnorm_layer.running_mean) / (torch.sqrt(batchnorm_layer.running_var + batchnorm_layer.eps)) + ) alpha = alpha.cpu() beta = beta.cpu() return alpha, beta class _IdentityLayer(torch.nn.Module): def forward(self, input): return input