comet: display_size: 20 im_per_row: d: 4 m: 6 p: 4 s: 4 rows_per_log: 5 tags: [] data: check_samples: false files: base: /miniscratch/_groups/ccai/data/jsons train: kitti: /miniscratch/_groups/ccai/data/jsons/train_kitti.json r: /miniscratch/_groups/ccai/data/jsons/train_r_full.json rf: /miniscratch/_groups/ccai/data/jsons/train_rf.json s: /miniscratch/_groups/ccai/data/jsons/train_s_fixedholes.json val: kitti: /miniscratch/_groups/ccai/data/jsons/val_kitti.json r: /miniscratch/_groups/ccai/data/jsons/val_r_full.json rf: /miniscratch/_groups/ccai/data/jsons/val_rf_labelbox.json s: /miniscratch/_groups/ccai/data/jsons/val_s_fixedholes.json loaders: batch_size: 4 num_workers: 4 max_samples: -1 normalization: default transforms: - ignore: val name: hflip p: 0.5 - ignore: false keep_aspect_ratio: true name: resize new_size: 640 - center: val height: 600 ignore: false name: crop width: 600 - ignore: val name: brightness - ignore: val name: saturation - ignore: val name: contrast - ignore: false name: resize new_size: d: 160 default: 640 s: 160 dis: default: get_intermediate_features: false init_gain: 0.02 init_type: xavier input_nc: 3 n_layers: 4 ndf: 64 norm: instance num_D: 1 use_sigmoid: false flip_prob: 0.05 m: architecture: base gan_type: WGAN_norm get_intermediate_features: false init_gain: 0.02 init_type: xavier input_nc: 3 multi_level: false n_layers: 4 ndf: 64 norm: instance num_D: 1 use_sigmoid: false wgan_clamp_lower: -0.01 wgan_clamp_upper: 0.01 opt: beta1: 0.5 lr: default: 2.0e-05 lr_gamma: 0.5 lr_milestones: 5 lr_policy: step lr_step_size: 15 optimizer: ExtraAdam p: get_intermediate_features: true init_gain: 0.02 init_type: xavier input_nc: 3 n_layers: 4 ndf: 64 norm: instance num_D: 3 use_local_discriminator: false use_sigmoid: false s: gan_type: WGAN_norm get_intermediate_features: false init_gain: 0.02 init_type: xavier input_nc: 3 n_layers: 4 ndf: 64 norm: instance num_D: 1 use_sigmoid: false wgan_clamp_lower: -0.01 wgan_clamp_upper: 0.01 soft_shift: 0.2 domains: - r - s gen: d: activ: lrelu architecture: dada classify: enable: false linspace: buckets: 256 max: 6.95 min: 0.35 init_gain: 0.02 init_type: xavier loss: sigm n_downsample: 3 n_res: 1 n_upsample: 3 norm: batch output_dim: 1 pad_type: reflect proj_dim: 32 upsample_featuremaps: true deeplabv2: nblocks: - 3 - 4 - 23 - 3 pretrained_model: /miniscratch/_groups/ccai/data/pretrained_models/deeplabv2/DeepLab_resnet_pretrained_imagenet.pth use_pretrained: true deeplabv3: backbone: resnet output_stride: 8 pretrained_model: mobilenet: /miniscratch/_groups/ccai/data/pretrained_models/deeplabv3/deeplabv3_plus_mobilenetv2_segmentron.pth resnet: /miniscratch/_groups/ccai/data/pretrained_models/deeplabv3/model_CoinCheungDeepLab-v3-plus.pth use_pretrained: true default: activ: lrelu init_gain: 0.02 init_type: xavier n_downsample: 3 n_res: 1 n_upsample: 3 norm: spectral pad_type: reflect proj_dim: 32 encoder: activ: lrelu architecture: deeplabv3 dim: 32 init_gain: 0.02 init_type: xavier input_dim: 3 n_downsample: 3 n_res: 0 n_upsample: 3 norm: spectral pad_type: reflect proj_dim: 32 m: activ: lrelu init_gain: 0.02 init_type: xavier n_downsample: 3 n_res: 3 n_upsample: 3 norm: spectral output_dim: 1 pad_type: reflect proj_dim: 64 spade: activations: all_lrelu: true cond_nc: 15 detach: false latent_dim: 128 num_layers: 3 spade_param_free_norm: batch spade_use_spectral_norm: true use_advent: true use_ground_intersection: true use_low_level_feats: true use_minent: true use_minent_var: true use_pl4m: false use_proj: true use_spade: true opt: beta1: 0.9 lr: default: 5.0e-05 lr_gamma: 0.5 lr_milestones: 15 lr_policy: step lr_step_size: 5 optimizer: ExtraAdam p: activ: lrelu diff_aug: cutout_ratio: 0.5 do_color_jittering: false do_cutout: false do_translation: false translation_ratio: 0.125 use: false init_gain: 0.02 init_type: xavier latent_dim: 640 loss: gan n_downsample: 3 n_res: 1 n_upsample: 3 no_z: true norm: spectral output_dim: 3 pad_type: reflect paste_original_content: true pl4m_epoch: 49 proj_dim: 32 spade_kernel_size: 3 spade_n_up: 7 spade_param_free_norm: instance spade_use_spectral_norm: true use_final_shortcut: false s: activ: lrelu architecture: deeplabv3 depth_dada_fusion: true depth_feat_fusion: true init_gain: 0.02 init_type: xavier n_downsample: 3 n_res: 1 n_upsample: 3 norm: spectral num_classes: 11 output_dim: 11 pad_type: reflect proj_dim: 32 upsample_featuremaps: false use_advent: true use_minent: true load_paths: m: config/model/masker/checkpoints/latest_ckpt.pth # relative to $PWD, *not* this file p: none pm: none output_path: /miniscratch/_groups/ccai/experiments/runs/ablation-v0/out--49167587 tasks: - m - s - d train: amp: false auto_resume: true epochs: 50 fid: batch_size: 50 dims: 2048 n_images: 57 kitti: batch_size: 6 epochs: 10 pretrain: false lambdas: C: 1 G: classifier: 1 d: gml: 0.5 main: 1 m: bce: 1 gi: 0.05 pl4m: 1 tv: 1 p: context: 0 dm: 1 featmatch: 10 gan: 1 reconstruction: 0 tv: 0 vgg: 10 s: advent: 0.001 crossent: 1 crossent_pseudo: 0.001 minent: 0.001 advent: WGAN_gp: 10 adv_aux: 0.0 adv_main: 1.0 dis_aux: 0.0 dis_main: 1.0 ent_aux: 0.0 ent_main: 0.5 ent_var: 0.1 latent_domain_adaptation: false log_level: 2 min_save_epoch: 28 pseudo: epochs: 10 tasks: - m - s - d resume: false save_n_epochs: 25 val: store_images: false val_painter: config/model/painter/checkpoints/latest_ckpt.pth # relative to $PWD, *not* this file