import streamlit as st from streamlit_option_menu import option_menu # from chat import Chat from convo import Convo from remainder import rem visualqna = pipeline(model="dandelin/vilt-b32-finetuned-vqa") def load_image(): with st.sidebar: if img := st.text_input("Enter Image URL") or st.selectbox("Select Image", ("", "")): if st.button("Load Image"): st.write("Image Uploaded!") st.image(img) else: st.warning("Please enter an image URL and click 'Load Image' before asking a question.") return img def visual_qna(): st.title("Visual Q&A") img = load_image() if img: if query := st.chat_input("Enter your message"): response = visualqna(question=query, image=img) with st.chat_message("assistant"): st.write(response) else: st.warning("Please enter an image URL and click 'Load Image' before asking a question.") def homepage(): st.title("Home") # st.header("Home Page") st.subheader("Welcome to the Home Page") def dashboard(): # st.title("Dashboard") # st.header("Dashboard") with st.sidebar: selected = option_menu("Menu", ["Home", "Dashboar","Remainder","VISUAL Q&A","Conversation","Logout"]] if selected == "Home": homepage() elif selected == "Dashboard": "gfjfvjhvjhv" # elif selected == "Chat": # Chat() elif selected == "Conversation": Convo() elif selected == "Logout": st.session_state["user"] = "visitor" st.experimental_rerun() elif selected == "Remainder": rem() elif selected == 'Visual Q&A': visual_qna()