Runtime error
Runtime error
File size: 2,738 Bytes
9ae3d29 |
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from time import sleep
from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple, Optional
import gradio
import DeepFakeAI.globals
from DeepFakeAI import wording
from DeepFakeAI.capturer import get_video_frame_total
from DeepFakeAI.uis import core as ui
from DeepFakeAI.uis.typing import Update
from DeepFakeAI.utilities import is_video
TRIM_FRAME_START_SLIDER : Optional[gradio.Slider] = None
TRIM_FRAME_END_SLIDER : Optional[gradio.Slider] = None
def render() -> None:
with gradio.Box():
trim_frame_start_slider_args : Dict[str, Any] = {
'label': wording.get('trim_frame_start_slider_label'),
'step': 1,
'visible': False
trim_frame_end_slider_args : Dict[str, Any] = {
'label': wording.get('trim_frame_end_slider_label'),
'step': 1,
'visible': False
if is_video(DeepFakeAI.globals.target_path):
video_frame_total = get_video_frame_total(DeepFakeAI.globals.target_path)
trim_frame_start_slider_args['value'] = DeepFakeAI.globals.trim_frame_start or 0
trim_frame_start_slider_args['maximum'] = video_frame_total
trim_frame_start_slider_args['visible'] = True
trim_frame_end_slider_args['value'] = DeepFakeAI.globals.trim_frame_end or video_frame_total
trim_frame_end_slider_args['maximum'] = video_frame_total
trim_frame_end_slider_args['visible'] = True
with gradio.Row():
TRIM_FRAME_START_SLIDER = gradio.Slider(**trim_frame_start_slider_args)
TRIM_FRAME_END_SLIDER = gradio.Slider(**trim_frame_end_slider_args)
def listen() -> None:
target_file = ui.get_component('target_file')
if target_file:
target_file.change(remote_update, outputs = [ TRIM_FRAME_START_SLIDER, TRIM_FRAME_END_SLIDER ])
TRIM_FRAME_START_SLIDER.change(lambda value : update_number('trim_frame_start', int(value)), inputs = TRIM_FRAME_START_SLIDER, outputs = TRIM_FRAME_START_SLIDER)
TRIM_FRAME_END_SLIDER.change(lambda value : update_number('trim_frame_end', int(value)), inputs = TRIM_FRAME_END_SLIDER, outputs = TRIM_FRAME_END_SLIDER)
def remote_update() -> Tuple[Update, Update]:
if is_video(DeepFakeAI.globals.target_path):
video_frame_total = get_video_frame_total(DeepFakeAI.globals.target_path)
DeepFakeAI.globals.trim_frame_start = 0
DeepFakeAI.globals.trim_frame_end = video_frame_total
return gradio.update(value = 0, maximum = video_frame_total, visible = True), gradio.update(value = video_frame_total, maximum = video_frame_total, visible = True)
return gradio.update(value = None, maximum = None, visible = False), gradio.update(value = None, maximum = None, visible = False)
def update_number(name : str, value : int) -> Update:
setattr(DeepFakeAI.globals, name, value)
return gradio.update(value = value)