import os import spaces import gradio as gr #gr.load("models/NgalNgal/mT5-new").launch() import torch from transformers import AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM, AutoTokenizer import sentencepiece as spm import ctranslate2 from nltk import sent_tokenize ct_model_path = "mbart25enmy_ct2/" sp_model_path = "mbart25enmy_ct2/sentence.bpe.model" translator = ctranslate2.Translator(ct_model_path) sp_model = spm.SentencePieceProcessor(sp_model_path) def translate(source, translator, sp_model): """Use CTranslate model to translate a sentence Args: source (str): Source sentences to translate translator (object): Object of Translator, with the CTranslate2 model sp_model (object): Object of SentencePieceProcessor, with the SentencePiece source model Returns: Translation of the source text """ # source_sentences = sent_tokenize(source) source_tokenized = sp_model.encode(source, out_type=str) # print("print 1" , source_tokenized) source_tokenized = ["[en_XX]"] + source_tokenized # print("print " + source_tokenized) target_prefix = ["[my_MM]"] translations = translator.translate_batch([source_tokenized],target_prefix= [target_prefix]) # translations = [translation[0]["tokens"] for translation in translations] translations = sp_model.decode(translations[0].hypotheses[0][1:]) # translation = " ".join(translations_detokenized) return translations def call_model(source): translation = translate(source, translator, sp_model) return translation with gr.Blocks() as demo: with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): english = gr.Textbox(label="English text") translate_btn = gr.Button(value="Translate") with gr.Column(): myanmar = gr.Textbox(label="Myanmar Text"), inputs=english, outputs=myanmar, api_name="English-to-Myanmar") examples = gr.Examples(examples=["I went to the supermarket yesterday.", "Helen is a good swimmer."], inputs=[english]) demo.launch()