Create a photo-realistic image of CatHeiHei cat taking a delightful bath at night, outdoors under a starry sky with a visible moon. CatHeiHei cat should have white, orange, and black calico fur patterns and captivating yellow eyes. The cat should be sitting or partially submerged in a warm, bubbly bathtub, with steam or hot water aura rising from the surface. Surround the bathtub with gently flickering candles, casting a warm and soothing glow on HeiHei and the immediate surroundings. The focus should be on CatHeiHei cat's adorable expressions and relaxed demeanor, capturing the essence of a serene and enjoyable bathing experience. The background should feature a clear, star-filled sky with a bright moon illuminating the scene. The image must have a realistic, photographic style, avoiding any anime or cartoon-like elements.