''' his program Enhance the images Using 'CLAHE' C-Contrast L-Limited A-Adaptive H-Histogram E-Equalization ''' import cv2 def enhance_img(path1, path2, df): ''' Reads image and enhances contrast using OpenCV Parameters ---------- path1: directory where images are stored path2: directory where enhanced images will be stored df: dataframe Returns ---------- Contrast-enhanced image ''' # Create list of filenames of training images filenames = list(df['filename']) # Iterate through each filename for filename in filenames: # Open & enhance images img = cv2.imread(path1 + filename, 0) clahe = cv2.createCLAHE(clipLimit=2.0, tileGridSize=(64, 64)) cl1 = clahe.apply(img) # Save the contrast-enhanced image cv2.imwrite(path2 + filename, cl1)