import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from PIL import Image,ImageOps import numpy as np import random import cv2 import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow import keras from keras.models import load_model import time # import mysql.connector import process_input_pipeline as pp import img_extractor from process_input_pipeline import ImageResizer, ContrastEnhancer # added for inception concat from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin import combined_model cm = combined_model.build_regression_model() cm.load_weights("") ###################################################### roi=img_extractor.RoiExtractor() # Sidebar: Navigation st.sidebar.header('Navigation') page = st.sidebar.selectbox('Select', ['Learn About Bone Age', 'Bone Age Predictor', 'Resources', 'Feedback Form']) # # Education page if page == 'Learn About Bone Age': st.title('About Bone Age') expander = st.expander('What is bone age?') expander.write("'Bone age is an interpretation of skeletal maturity, typically based on radiographs of the left hand and wrist or knee, that has provided useful information in various clinical settings for over 75 years.' (Creo AL, Schwenk WF. Bone age: a handy tool for pediatric providers. Pediatrics. 2017;140(6).)") '\n' expander = st.expander('What are current methods of determining bone age?') expander.write(""" * Tanner-White method: ... * Greulich-Pyle method: ... """) '\n' expander = st.expander('What are some clinical uses for bone age?') expander.write(""" * Diagnosing certain growth (endocrinologic) conditions * Determining which patients would benefit from treatment * Monitoring treatment * Predicting adult height """) '\n' expander = st.expander('What are some non-clinical uses for bone age?') expander.write(""" * Athletics * Forensics * Legal/policy """) #Bone age prediction # @st.cache_data # def get_model(model_path): # try: # model=load_model(model_path) # return model # except Exception as e: # st.error(f"Error loading the model: {e}") # return None #load the model # model = get_model(r'F:\python\web_streamlit\ALL_IN_ONE\combined_weights_10_epoch_fourth_normalaize_1.h5') # Function for processing image def process_image(img, img_size=(224, 224)): try: # image =, img_size) # image = np.asarray(image) # img = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # img_resize = preprocess_input(img) # img_data = img_resize[np.newaxis,...] # image_pipeline = make_pipeline( # ImageResizer(), # ContrastEnhancer() # ) # img_data = image_pipeline.make_pipeline(img) new_size=(299,299) resized_img = img.resize(new_size, Image.BICUBIC) img_array=np.array(resized_img) clahe = cv2.createCLAHE(clipLimit=2.0, tileGridSize=(64, 64)) cl1 = clahe.apply(img_array) cl2=cv2.cvtColor(cl1,cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) return cl2 except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error processing image: {e}") return None # Function for returning prediction def predict(img_data_c,img_data_m, gender): try: if gender == 'Female': # gender_input = np.array([0]) gender_input=0 elif gender == 'Male': gender_input = 1 pred =cm.predict([np.array([img_data_c]),np.array([img_data_m]), np.array([gender_input])]) # pred = model.predict(img_data) return pred except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error predicting bone age: {e}") return None if page == 'Bone Age Predictor': st.title('Bone Age Prediction') # Define accepted file formats accepted_formats = ("jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif") # Upload image uploaded_file = st.file_uploader('Upload an image', type=accepted_formats) if uploaded_file is not None: # Adding progress bar progress_bar = st.progress(0) with st.spinner("Uploading..."): for i in range(100): time.sleep(0.1) progress_bar.progress(i+1) st.success("Upload Complete") img = st.image(img, caption='Uploaded image', use_column_width=True) '\n' gender ='Sex:', ('Male', 'Female')) '\n' if st.button('Predict bone age'): st.write("Predicted Bone age is : ") img_data = process_image(img) # roi=img_extractor.RoiExtractor() roi.process_img(img_data) boneage = predict(roi.carpal_img,roi.metacarpal_img,gender)[0][0] print(boneage) # boneage=round(boneage,1) st.write(boneage,'months') if page == 'Resources': st.title('Resources') if page == "Feedback Form": st.title("Feedback Form") name = st.text_input("Name: ") feedback_type = st.selectbox("Feedback Type: ",["General","Bug Report","Features"]) feedback_message = st.text_area("Feedback Message:","") if st.button("Submit Feedback"): #Insert feedback into the database # cursor.execute('''INSERT INTO feedback (name,feedback_type,feedback_message) VALUES (%s,%s,%s)''',(name,feedback_type,feedback_message)) # conn.commit() st.success("Feedback Submitted") # cursor.close() # conn.close()