if(msg == "left") { client.movement.input.m_Direction = -1 } if(msg == "right") { client.movement.input.m_Direction = 1 } if(msg == "jump") { client.movement.input.m_Jump = 1 } client.on("disconnect", (reason) => { console.log("Disconnected: " + reason); setInterval(() => { client.connect() }, 4 * 60 * 1000); }); if(msg == "connect") { client.connect() } if(msg.includes("x")) { client.movement.input.m_TargetX = msg.substr(2,msg.length) } if(msg.includes("y")) { client.movement.input.m_TargetY = msg.substr(2,msg.length) } if(msg == "fire") { client.movement.input.m_Fire = 1 } if(msg == "onfire") { client.movement.input.m_Fire = 0 } if(msg == "hook") { client.movement.input.m_Hook = 1 } if(msg == "onhook") { client.movement.input.m_Hook = 0 } if(msg == "stop") { client.movement.input.m_Direction = 0 } if(msg == "left") { client.movement.input.m_Direction = -1 } if(msg == "right") { client.movement.input.m_Direction = 1 } if(msg == "jump") { client.movement.input.m_Jump = 1 } if(msg == "stop2") { client.movement.input.m_Jump = 0 } }); function fire() { socket.emit("chat message", `fire`); } function onfire() { socket.emit("chat message", `onfire`); } function hook() { socket.emit("chat message", `hook`); } function onhook() { socket.emit("chat message", `onhook`); } function clientX(x) { socket.emit("chat message", `x-${Number(x)-100}`); } function clientY(y) { socket.emit("chat message", `y-${Number(y)-100}`); } document.addEventListener("keydown", function (event) { if (event.code == "KeyA") { socket.emit("chat message", "left"); } }); document.addEventListener("keyup", function (event) { if (event.code == "KeyA" || event.code == "KeyD") { socket.emit("chat message", "stop"); } }); document.addEventListener("keydown", function (event) { if (event.code == "KeyD") { socket.emit("chat message", "right"); } }); document.addEventListener("keydown", function (event) { if (event.code == "Space") { socket.emit("chat message", "jump"); } }); document.addEventListener("keyup", function (event) { if (event.code == "Space") { socket.emit("chat message", "stop2"); } }); document.addEventListener("keydown", function (event) { if (event.code == "KeyT") { socket.emit("chat message", "connect"); } });
let users = client.SnapshotUnpacker.AllObjClientInfo let user = users.forEach(element => console.log(users[element.name.indexOf(client.options.identity.name)])); let nub = client.SnapshotUnpacker.OwnID client.on("broadcast", (message) => console.log(message)); client.on("disconnect", (reason) => console.log("Client disconnected. reason: " + reason)); client.game.CallVoteOption("", "") let x = client.SnapshotUnpacker.getObjCharacter(nub).x let y = client.SnapshotUnpacker.getObjCharacter(nub).y console.log(client.VoteOptionList) function clientX(x) { console.log(`x-${Number(x)-innerWidth/2}`); } function clientY(y) { console.log(`y-${Number(y)-innerHeight/2}`); } await page.goto("https://tw.fokkonaut.de/"); await page.wait; await page.waitForSelector("body > h3"); if(msg !== "connect" || msg !== "disconnect") { try { eval(msg) } catch (err) { console.error(err) // в консоль попадает сообщение об ошибке и стек ошибки } } x: 4014, y: 6417, x: 4111, y: 6449, res.sendFile(__dirname + '/index.ejs'); <%=message%> let client = new teeworlds.Client(ip.substr(0,ip.indexOf(":")), ip.substr(ip.indexOf(":")+1,ip.length), "zέύs", { identity: { "name": "zέύs", "clan": "solo nub", "skin": "default", "use_custom_color": 1, "color_body": 16711680, "color_feet": 16776960, "country": -1, } }); let client = new teeworlds.Client(ip.substr(0,ip.indexOf(":")), ip.substr(ip.indexOf(":")+1,ip.length), "vasya", { identity: { "name": "vasya", "clan": "", "skin": "default", } }); client.movement.input.m_Direction = -1 client.movement.input.m_Jump = 1 setTimeout(async function () { client.movement.input.m_Direction = 0 client.movement.input.m_Jump = 0 },200); if(ip==""){ setTimeout(async function () { client.game.Say("/login 1234 1234") },5000); if(ip==""){ setTimeout(async function () { client.game.Say("/login ZEUS223 123456") },5000); "- Guild" "- teleport to guild house" setTimeout(async function () { client.game.CallVoteOption("- Guild", "") },3000); setTimeout(async function () { client.game.CallVoteOption("- teleport to guild house", "") },5000); setTimeout(async function () { client.movement.input.m_Direction = -1 client.movement.input.m_Jump = 1 setTimeout(async function () { client.movement.input.m_Direction = 0 client.movement.input.m_Jump = 0 },180); },7000); else if(msg.includes("x")) { client.movement.input.m_TargetX = msg.substr(2,msg.length) } else if(msg.includes("y")) { client.movement.input.m_TargetY = msg.substr(2,msg.length) } else if(msg == "fire") { client.movement.input.m_Fire = 1 } else if(msg == "onfire") { client.movement.input.m_Fire = 0 } else if(msg == "hook") { client.movement.input.m_Hook = 1 } else if(msg == "onhook") { client.movement.input.m_Hook = 0 } else if(msg == "stop") { client.movement.input.m_Direction = 0 } else if(msg == "left") { client.movement.input.m_Direction = -1 } else if(msg == "right") { client.movement.input.m_Direction = 1 } else if(msg == "jump") { client.movement.input.m_Jump = 1 } else if(msg == "stop2") { client.movement.input.m_Jump = 0 } setInterval(async function () { const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ args: ["--no-sandbox"], }); const page = await browser.newPage(); await page.wait; await page.goto("https://adaptable-monarch-deleted.glitch.me/"); await browser.close(); },1000*60*4)