import os import gradio as gr from demo_img import demo_img from demo_vid import demo_vid SPACE_ID = os.getenv('SPACE_ID') with gr.Blocks(css='style.css') as demo: gr.HTML( """

AMT: All-Pairs Multi-Field Transforms for Efficient Frame Interpolation

Zhen Li1*, Zuo-Liang Zhu1*, Ling-Hao Han1, Qibin Hou1, Chun-Le Guo1, Ming-Ming Cheng1,

1Nankai University * represents the equal contribution.

CVPR 2023

[arXiv] [GitHub] [Colab]

For faster inference without waiting in queue, you may duplicate the space and upgrade to GPU in settings. """ f'' """ Duplicate Space

""" ) with gr.Tab('Img2Vid'): demo_img() with gr.Tab('VFI'): demo_vid() gr.HTML( """

Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International for Non-commercial use only. Any commercial use should get a formal permission first.

""" ) demo.launch(debug=False)