import torch import torch.nn as nn from utils import warp from networks.blocks.ifrnet import ( convrelu, resize, ResBlock, ) def multi_flow_combine(comb_block, img0, img1, flow0, flow1, mask=None, img_res=None, mean=None): ''' A parallel implementation of multiple flow field warping comb_block: A nn.Seqential object. img shape: [b, c, h, w] flow shape: [b, 2*num_flows, h, w] mask (opt): If 'mask' is None, the function conduct a simple average. img_res (opt): If 'img_res' is None, the function adds zero instead. mean (opt): If 'mean' is None, the function adds zero instead. ''' b, c, h, w = flow0.shape num_flows = c // 2 flow0 = flow0.reshape(b, num_flows, 2, h, w).reshape(-1, 2, h, w) flow1 = flow1.reshape(b, num_flows, 2, h, w).reshape(-1, 2, h, w) mask = mask.reshape(b, num_flows, 1, h, w ).reshape(-1, 1, h, w) if mask is not None else None img_res = img_res.reshape(b, num_flows, 3, h, w ).reshape(-1, 3, h, w) if img_res is not None else 0 img0 = torch.stack([img0] * num_flows, 1).reshape(-1, 3, h, w) img1 = torch.stack([img1] * num_flows, 1).reshape(-1, 3, h, w) mean = torch.stack([mean] * num_flows, 1).reshape(-1, 1, 1, 1 ) if mean is not None else 0 img0_warp = warp(img0, flow0) img1_warp = warp(img1, flow1) img_warps = mask * img0_warp + (1 - mask) * img1_warp + mean + img_res img_warps = img_warps.reshape(b, num_flows, 3, h, w) imgt_pred = img_warps.mean(1) + comb_block(img_warps.view(b, -1, h, w)) return imgt_pred class MultiFlowDecoder(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_ch, skip_ch, num_flows=3): super(MultiFlowDecoder, self).__init__() self.num_flows = num_flows self.convblock = nn.Sequential( convrelu(in_ch*3+4, in_ch*3), ResBlock(in_ch*3, skip_ch), nn.ConvTranspose2d(in_ch*3, 8*num_flows, 4, 2, 1, bias=True) ) def forward(self, ft_, f0, f1, flow0, flow1): n = self.num_flows f0_warp = warp(f0, flow0) f1_warp = warp(f1, flow1) out = self.convblock([ft_, f0_warp, f1_warp, flow0, flow1], 1)) delta_flow0, delta_flow1, mask, img_res = torch.split(out, [2*n, 2*n, n, 3*n], 1) mask = torch.sigmoid(mask) flow0 = delta_flow0 + 2.0 * resize(flow0, scale_factor=2.0 ).repeat(1, self.num_flows, 1, 1) flow1 = delta_flow1 + 2.0 * resize(flow1, scale_factor=2.0 ).repeat(1, self.num_flows, 1, 1) return flow0, flow1, mask, img_res