# Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import json import os import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf FLAGS = tf.flags.FLAGS class Vocabulary(object): """Class that holds a vocabulary for the dataset.""" def __init__(self, filename): self._id_to_word = [] self._word_to_id = {} self._unk = -1 self._bos = -1 self._eos = -1 with tf.gfile.Open(filename) as f: idx = 0 for line in f: word_name = line.strip() if word_name == '<S>': self._bos = idx elif word_name == '</S>': self._eos = idx elif word_name == '<UNK>': self._unk = idx if word_name == '!!!MAXTERMID': continue self._id_to_word.append(word_name) self._word_to_id[word_name] = idx idx += 1 @property def bos(self): return self._bos @property def eos(self): return self._eos @property def unk(self): return self._unk @property def size(self): return len(self._id_to_word) def word_to_id(self, word): if word in self._word_to_id: return self._word_to_id[word] else: if word.lower() in self._word_to_id: return self._word_to_id[word.lower()] return self.unk def id_to_word(self, cur_id): if cur_id < self.size: return self._id_to_word[int(cur_id)] return '<ERROR_out_of_vocab_id>' def decode(self, cur_ids): return ' '.join([self.id_to_word(cur_id) for cur_id in cur_ids]) def encode(self, sentence): word_ids = [self.word_to_id(cur_word) for cur_word in sentence.split()] return np.array([self.bos] + word_ids + [self.eos], dtype=np.int32) class CharsVocabulary(Vocabulary): """Vocabulary containing character-level information.""" def __init__(self, filename, max_word_length): super(CharsVocabulary, self).__init__(filename) self._max_word_length = max_word_length chars_set = set() for word in self._id_to_word: chars_set |= set(word) free_ids = [] for i in range(256): if chr(i) in chars_set: continue free_ids.append(chr(i)) if len(free_ids) < 5: raise ValueError('Not enough free char ids: %d' % len(free_ids)) self.bos_char = free_ids[0] # <begin sentence> self.eos_char = free_ids[1] # <end sentence> self.bow_char = free_ids[2] # <begin word> self.eow_char = free_ids[3] # <end word> self.pad_char = free_ids[4] # <padding> chars_set |= {self.bos_char, self.eos_char, self.bow_char, self.eow_char, self.pad_char} self._char_set = chars_set num_words = len(self._id_to_word) self._word_char_ids = np.zeros([num_words, max_word_length], dtype=np.int32) self.bos_chars = self._convert_word_to_char_ids(self.bos_char) self.eos_chars = self._convert_word_to_char_ids(self.eos_char) for i, word in enumerate(self._id_to_word): if i == self.bos: self._word_char_ids[i] = self.bos_chars elif i == self.eos: self._word_char_ids[i] = self.eos_chars else: self._word_char_ids[i] = self._convert_word_to_char_ids(word) @property def max_word_length(self): return self._max_word_length def _convert_word_to_char_ids(self, word): code = np.zeros([self.max_word_length], dtype=np.int32) code[:] = ord(self.pad_char) if len(word) > self.max_word_length - 2: word = word[:self.max_word_length-2] cur_word = self.bow_char + word + self.eow_char for j in range(len(cur_word)): code[j] = ord(cur_word[j]) return code def word_to_char_ids(self, word): if word in self._word_to_id: return self._word_char_ids[self._word_to_id[word]] else: return self._convert_word_to_char_ids(word) def encode_chars(self, sentence): chars_ids = [self.word_to_char_ids(cur_word) for cur_word in sentence.split()] return np.vstack([self.bos_chars] + chars_ids + [self.eos_chars]) _SPECIAL_CHAR_MAP = { '\xe2\x80\x98': '\'', '\xe2\x80\x99': '\'', '\xe2\x80\x9c': '"', '\xe2\x80\x9d': '"', '\xe2\x80\x93': '-', '\xe2\x80\x94': '-', '\xe2\x88\x92': '-', '\xce\x84': '\'', '\xc2\xb4': '\'', '`': '\'' } _START_SPECIAL_CHARS = ['.', ',', '?', '!', ';', ':', '[', ']', '\'', '+', '/', '\xc2\xa3', '$', '~', '*', '%', '{', '}', '#', '&', '-', '"', '(', ')', '='] + list(_SPECIAL_CHAR_MAP.keys()) _SPECIAL_CHARS = _START_SPECIAL_CHARS + [ '\'s', '\'m', '\'t', '\'re', '\'d', '\'ve', '\'ll'] def tokenize(sentence): """Tokenize a sentence.""" sentence = str(sentence) words = sentence.strip().split() tokenized = [] # return this for word in words: if word.lower() in ['mr.', 'ms.']: tokenized.append(word) continue # Split special chars at the start of word will_split = True while will_split: will_split = False for char in _START_SPECIAL_CHARS: if word.startswith(char): tokenized.append(char) word = word[len(char):] will_split = True # Split special chars at the end of word special_end_tokens = [] will_split = True while will_split: will_split = False for char in _SPECIAL_CHARS: if word.endswith(char): special_end_tokens = [char] + special_end_tokens word = word[:-len(char)] will_split = True if word: tokenized.append(word) tokenized += special_end_tokens # Add necessary end of sentence token. if tokenized[-1] not in ['.', '!', '?']: tokenized += ['.'] return tokenized def parse_commonsense_reasoning_test(test_data_name): """Read JSON test data.""" with tf.gfile.Open(os.path.join( FLAGS.data_dir, 'commonsense_test', '{}.json'.format(test_data_name)), 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) question_ids = [d['question_id'] for d in data] sentences = [tokenize(d['substitution']) for d in data] labels = [d['correctness'] for d in data] return question_ids, sentences, labels PAD = '<padding>' def cut_to_patches(sentences, batch_size, num_timesteps): """Cut sentences into patches of shape (batch_size, num_timesteps). Args: sentences: a list of sentences, each sentence is a list of str token. batch_size: batch size num_timesteps: number of backprop step Returns: patches: A 2D matrix, each entry is a matrix of shape (batch_size, num_timesteps). """ preprocessed = [['<S>']+sentence+['</S>'] for sentence in sentences] max_len = max([len(sent) for sent in preprocessed]) # Pad to shape [height, width] # where height is a multiple of batch_size # and width is a multiple of num_timesteps nrow = int(np.ceil(len(preprocessed) * 1.0 / batch_size)) ncol = int(np.ceil(max_len * 1.0 / num_timesteps)) height, width = nrow * batch_size, ncol * num_timesteps + 1 preprocessed = [sent + [PAD] * (width - len(sent)) for sent in preprocessed] preprocessed += [[PAD] * width] * (height - len(preprocessed)) # Cut preprocessed into patches of shape [batch_size, num_timesteps] patches = [] for row in range(nrow): patches.append([]) for col in range(ncol): patch = [sent[col * num_timesteps: (col+1) * num_timesteps + 1] for sent in preprocessed[row * batch_size: (row+1) * batch_size]] if np.all(np.array(patch)[:, 1:] == PAD): patch = None # no need to process this patch. patches[-1].append(patch) return patches def _substitution_mask(sent1, sent2): """Binary mask identifying substituted part in two sentences. Example sentence and their mask: First sentence = "I like the cat 's color" 0 0 0 1 0 0 Second sentence = "I like the yellow dog 's color" 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 Args: sent1: first sentence sent2: second sentence Returns: mask1: mask for first sentence mask2: mask for second sentence """ mask1_start, mask2_start = [], [] while sent1[0] == sent2[0]: sent1 = sent1[1:] sent2 = sent2[1:] mask1_start.append(0.) mask2_start.append(0.) mask1_end, mask2_end = [], [] while sent1[-1] == sent2[-1]: if (len(sent1) == 1) or (len(sent2) == 1): break sent1 = sent1[:-1] sent2 = sent2[:-1] mask1_end = [0.] + mask1_end mask2_end = [0.] + mask2_end assert sent1 or sent2, 'Two sentences are identical.' return (mask1_start + [1.] * len(sent1) + mask1_end, mask2_start + [1.] * len(sent2) + mask2_end) def _convert_to_partial(scoring1, scoring2): """Convert full scoring into partial scoring.""" mask1, mask2 = _substitution_mask( scoring1['sentence'], scoring2['sentence']) def _partial_score(scoring, mask): word_probs = [max(_) for _ in zip(scoring['word_probs'], mask)] scoring.update(word_probs=word_probs, joint_prob=np.prod(word_probs)) _partial_score(scoring1, mask1) _partial_score(scoring2, mask2) def compare_substitutions(question_ids, scorings, mode='full'): """Return accuracy by comparing two consecutive scorings.""" prediction_correctness = [] # Compare two consecutive substitutions for i in range(len(scorings) // 2): scoring1, scoring2 = scorings[2*i: 2*i+2] if mode == 'partial': # fix joint prob into partial prob _convert_to_partial(scoring1, scoring2) prediction_correctness.append( (scoring2['joint_prob'] > scoring1['joint_prob']) == scoring2['correctness']) # Two consecutive substitutions always belong to the same question question_ids = [qid for i, qid in enumerate(question_ids) if i % 2 == 0] assert len(question_ids) == len(prediction_correctness) num_questions = len(set(question_ids)) # Question is correctly answered only if # all predictions of the same question_id is correct num_correct_answer = 0 previous_qid = None correctly_answered = False for predict, qid in zip(prediction_correctness, question_ids): if qid != previous_qid: previous_qid = qid num_correct_answer += int(correctly_answered) correctly_answered = True correctly_answered = correctly_answered and predict num_correct_answer += int(correctly_answered) return num_correct_answer / num_questions