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[Skip-Thought Vectors](https://papers.nips.cc/paper/5950-skip-thought-vectors.pdf). *In NIPS, 2015.* ## Contact ***Code author:*** Chris Shallue ***Pull requests and issues:*** @cshallue ## Contents * [Model Overview](#model-overview) * [Getting Started](#getting-started) * [Install Required Packages](#install-required-packages) * [Download Pretrained Models (Optional)](#download-pretrained-models-optional) * [Training a Model](#training-a-model) * [Prepare the Training Data](#prepare-the-training-data) * [Run the Training Script](#run-the-training-script) * [Track Training Progress](#track-training-progress) * [Expanding the Vocabulary](#expanding-the-vocabulary) * [Overview](#overview) * [Preparation](#preparation) * [Run the Vocabulary Expansion Script](#run-the-vocabulary-expansion-script) * [Evaluating a Model](#evaluating-a-model) * [Overview](#overview-1) * [Preparation](#preparation-1) * [Run the Evaluation Tasks](#run-the-evaluation-tasks) * [Encoding Sentences](#encoding-sentences) ## Model overview The *Skip-Thoughts* model is a sentence encoder. It learns to encode input sentences into a fixed-dimensional vector representation that is useful for many tasks, for example to detect paraphrases or to classify whether a product review is positive or negative. See the [Skip-Thought Vectors](https://papers.nips.cc/paper/5950-skip-thought-vectors.pdf) paper for details of the model architecture and more example applications. A trained *Skip-Thoughts* model will encode similar sentences nearby each other in the embedding vector space. The following examples show the nearest neighbor by cosine similarity of some sentences from the [movie review dataset](https://www.cs.cornell.edu/people/pabo/movie-review-data/). | Input sentence | Nearest Neighbor | |----------------|------------------| | Simplistic, silly and tedious. | Trite, banal, cliched, mostly inoffensive. | | Not so much farcical as sour. | Not only unfunny, but downright repellent. | | A sensitive and astute first feature by Anne-Sophie Birot. | Absorbing character study by André Turpin . | | An enthralling, entertaining feature. | A slick, engrossing melodrama. | ## Getting Started ### Install Required Packages First ensure that you have installed the following required packages: * **Bazel** ([instructions](http://bazel.build/docs/install.html)) * **TensorFlow** ([instructions](https://www.tensorflow.org/install/)) * **NumPy** ([instructions](http://www.scipy.org/install.html)) * **scikit-learn** ([instructions](http://scikit-learn.org/stable/install.html)) * **Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK)** * First install NLTK ([instructions](http://www.nltk.org/install.html)) * Then install the NLTK data ([instructions](http://www.nltk.org/data.html)) * **gensim** ([instructions](https://radimrehurek.com/gensim/install.html)) * Only required if you will be expanding your vocabulary with the [word2vec](https://code.google.com/archive/p/word2vec/) model. ### Download Pretrained Models (Optional) You can download model checkpoints pretrained on the [BookCorpus](http://yknzhu.wixsite.com/mbweb) dataset in the following configurations: * Unidirectional RNN encoder ("uni-skip" in the paper) * Bidirectional RNN encoder ("bi-skip" in the paper) ```shell # Directory to download the pretrained models to. PRETRAINED_MODELS_DIR="${HOME}/skip_thoughts/pretrained/" mkdir -p ${PRETRAINED_MODELS_DIR} cd ${PRETRAINED_MODELS_DIR} # Download and extract the unidirectional model. wget "http://download.tensorflow.org/models/skip_thoughts_uni_2017_02_02.tar.gz" tar -xvf skip_thoughts_uni_2017_02_02.tar.gz rm skip_thoughts_uni_2017_02_02.tar.gz # Download and extract the bidirectional model. wget "http://download.tensorflow.org/models/skip_thoughts_bi_2017_02_16.tar.gz" tar -xvf skip_thoughts_bi_2017_02_16.tar.gz rm skip_thoughts_bi_2017_02_16.tar.gz ``` You can now skip to the sections [Evaluating a Model](#evaluating-a-model) and [Encoding Sentences](#encoding-sentences). ## Training a Model ### Prepare the Training Data To train a model you will need to provide training data in TFRecord format. The TFRecord format consists of a set of sharded files containing serialized `tf.Example` protocol buffers. Each `tf.Example` proto contains three sentences: * `encode`: The sentence to encode. * `decode_pre`: The sentence preceding `encode` in the original text. * `decode_post`: The sentence following `encode` in the original text. Each sentence is a list of words. During preprocessing, a dictionary is created that assigns each word in the vocabulary to an integer-valued id. Each sentence is encoded as a list of integer word ids in the `tf.Example` protos. We have provided a script to preprocess any set of text-files into this format. You may wish to use the [BookCorpus](http://yknzhu.wixsite.com/mbweb) dataset. Note that the preprocessing script may take **12 hours** or more to complete on this large dataset. ```shell # Comma-separated list of globs matching the input input files. The format of # the input files is assumed to be a list of newline-separated sentences, where # each sentence is already tokenized. INPUT_FILES="${HOME}/skip_thoughts/bookcorpus/*.txt" # Location to save the preprocessed training and validation data. DATA_DIR="${HOME}/skip_thoughts/data" # Build the preprocessing script. cd tensorflow-models/skip_thoughts bazel build -c opt //skip_thoughts/data:preprocess_dataset # Run the preprocessing script. bazel-bin/skip_thoughts/data/preprocess_dataset \ --input_files=${INPUT_FILES} \ --output_dir=${DATA_DIR} ``` When the script finishes you will find 100 training files and 1 validation file in `DATA_DIR`. The files will match the patterns `train-?????-of-00100` and `validation-00000-of-00001` respectively. The script will also produce a file named `vocab.txt`. The format of this file is a list of newline-separated words where the word id is the corresponding 0- based line index. Words are sorted by descending order of frequency in the input data. Only the top 20,000 words are assigned unique ids; all other words are assigned the "unknown id" of 1 in the processed data. ### Run the Training Script Execute the following commands to start the training script. By default it will run for 500k steps (around 9 days on a GeForce GTX 1080 GPU). ```shell # Directory containing the preprocessed data. DATA_DIR="${HOME}/skip_thoughts/data" # Directory to save the model. MODEL_DIR="${HOME}/skip_thoughts/model" # Build the model. cd tensorflow-models/skip_thoughts bazel build -c opt //skip_thoughts/... # Run the training script. bazel-bin/skip_thoughts/train \ --input_file_pattern="${DATA_DIR}/train-?????-of-00100" \ --train_dir="${MODEL_DIR}/train" ``` ### Track Training Progress Optionally, you can run the `track_perplexity` script in a separate process. This will log per-word perplexity on the validation set which allows training progress to be monitored on [TensorBoard](https://www.tensorflow.org/get_started/summaries_and_tensorboard). Note that you may run out of memory if you run the this script on the same GPU as the training script. You can set the environment variable `CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=""` to force the script to run on CPU. If it runs too slowly on CPU, you can decrease the value of `--num_eval_examples`. ```shell DATA_DIR="${HOME}/skip_thoughts/data" MODEL_DIR="${HOME}/skip_thoughts/model" # Ignore GPU devices (only necessary if your GPU is currently memory # constrained, for example, by running the training script). export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="" # Run the evaluation script. This will run in a loop, periodically loading the # latest model checkpoint file and computing evaluation metrics. bazel-bin/skip_thoughts/track_perplexity \ --input_file_pattern="${DATA_DIR}/validation-?????-of-00001" \ --checkpoint_dir="${MODEL_DIR}/train" \ --eval_dir="${MODEL_DIR}/val" \ --num_eval_examples=50000 ``` If you started the `track_perplexity` script, run a [TensorBoard](https://www.tensorflow.org/get_started/summaries_and_tensorboard) server in a separate process for real-time monitoring of training summaries and validation perplexity. ```shell MODEL_DIR="${HOME}/skip_thoughts/model" # Run a TensorBoard server. tensorboard --logdir="${MODEL_DIR}" ``` ## Expanding the Vocabulary ### Overview The vocabulary generated by the preprocessing script contains only 20,000 words which is insufficient for many tasks. For example, a sentence from Wikipedia might contain nouns that do not appear in this vocabulary. A solution to this problem described in the [Skip-Thought Vectors](https://papers.nips.cc/paper/5950-skip-thought-vectors.pdf) paper is to learn a mapping that transfers word representations from one model to another. This idea is based on the "Translation Matrix" method from the paper [Exploiting Similarities Among Languages for Machine Translation](https://arxiv.org/abs/1309.4168). Specifically, we will load the word embeddings from a trained *Skip-Thoughts* model and from a trained [word2vec model](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1301.3781.pdf) (which has a much larger vocabulary). We will train a linear regression model without regularization to learn a linear mapping from the word2vec embedding space to the *Skip-Thoughts* embedding space. We will then apply the linear model to all words in the word2vec vocabulary, yielding vectors in the *Skip- Thoughts* word embedding space for the union of the two vocabularies. The linear regression task is to learn a parameter matrix *W* to minimize *|| X - Y \* W ||2*, where *X* is a matrix of *Skip-Thoughts* embeddings of shape `[num_words, dim1]`, *Y* is a matrix of word2vec embeddings of shape `[num_words, dim2]`, and *W* is a matrix of shape `[dim2, dim1]`. ### Preparation First you will need to download and unpack a pretrained [word2vec model](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1301.3781.pdf) from [this website](https://code.google.com/archive/p/word2vec/) ([direct download link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7XkCwpI5KDYNlNUTTlSS21pQmM/edit?usp=sharing)). This model was trained on the Google News dataset (about 100 billion words). Also ensure that you have already [installed gensim](https://radimrehurek.com/gensim/install.html). ### Run the Vocabulary Expansion Script ```shell # Path to checkpoint file or a directory containing checkpoint files (the script # will select the most recent). CHECKPOINT_PATH="${HOME}/skip_thoughts/model/train" # Vocabulary file generated by the preprocessing script. SKIP_THOUGHTS_VOCAB="${HOME}/skip_thoughts/data/vocab.txt" # Path to downloaded word2vec model. WORD2VEC_MODEL="${HOME}/skip_thoughts/googlenews/GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin" # Output directory. EXP_VOCAB_DIR="${HOME}/skip_thoughts/exp_vocab" # Build the vocabulary expansion script. cd tensorflow-models/skip_thoughts bazel build -c opt //skip_thoughts:vocabulary_expansion # Run the vocabulary expansion script. bazel-bin/skip_thoughts/vocabulary_expansion \ --skip_thoughts_model=${CHECKPOINT_PATH} \ --skip_thoughts_vocab=${SKIP_THOUGHTS_VOCAB} \ --word2vec_model=${WORD2VEC_MODEL} \ --output_dir=${EXP_VOCAB_DIR} ``` ## Evaluating a Model ### Overview The model can be evaluated using the benchmark tasks described in the [Skip-Thought Vectors](https://papers.nips.cc/paper/5950-skip-thought-vectors.pdf) paper. The following tasks are supported (refer to the paper for full details): * **SICK** semantic relatedness task. * **MSRP** (Microsoft Research Paraphrase Corpus) paraphrase detection task. * Binary classification tasks: * **MR** movie review sentiment task. * **CR** customer product review task. * **SUBJ** subjectivity/objectivity task. * **MPQA** opinion polarity task. * **TREC** question-type classification task. ### Preparation You will need to clone or download the [skip-thoughts GitHub repository](https://github.com/ryankiros/skip-thoughts) by [ryankiros](https://github.com/ryankiros) (the first author of the Skip-Thoughts paper): ```shell # Folder to clone the repository to. ST_KIROS_DIR="${HOME}/skip_thoughts/skipthoughts_kiros" # Clone the repository. git clone git@github.com:ryankiros/skip-thoughts.git "${ST_KIROS_DIR}/skipthoughts" # Make the package importable. export PYTHONPATH="${ST_KIROS_DIR}/:${PYTHONPATH}" ``` You will also need to download the data needed for each evaluation task. See the instructions [here](https://github.com/ryankiros/skip-thoughts). For example, the CR (customer review) dataset is found [here](http://nlp.stanford.edu/~sidaw/home/projects:nbsvm). For this task we want the files `custrev.pos` and `custrev.neg`. ### Run the Evaluation Tasks In the following example we will evaluate a unidirectional model ("uni-skip" in the paper) on the CR task. To use a bidirectional model ("bi-skip" in the paper), simply pass the flags `--bi_vocab_file`, `--bi_embeddings_file` and `--bi_checkpoint_path` instead. To use the "combine-skip" model described in the paper you will need to pass both the unidirectional and bidirectional flags. ```shell # Path to checkpoint file or a directory containing checkpoint files (the script # will select the most recent). CHECKPOINT_PATH="${HOME}/skip_thoughts/model/train" # Vocabulary file generated by the vocabulary expansion script. VOCAB_FILE="${HOME}/skip_thoughts/exp_vocab/vocab.txt" # Embeddings file generated by the vocabulary expansion script. EMBEDDINGS_FILE="${HOME}/skip_thoughts/exp_vocab/embeddings.npy" # Directory containing files custrev.pos and custrev.neg. EVAL_DATA_DIR="${HOME}/skip_thoughts/eval_data" # Build the evaluation script. cd tensorflow-models/skip_thoughts bazel build -c opt //skip_thoughts:evaluate # Run the evaluation script. bazel-bin/skip_thoughts/evaluate \ --eval_task=CR \ --data_dir=${EVAL_DATA_DIR} \ --uni_vocab_file=${VOCAB_FILE} \ --uni_embeddings_file=${EMBEDDINGS_FILE} \ --uni_checkpoint_path=${CHECKPOINT_PATH} ``` Output: ```python [0.82539682539682535, 0.84084880636604775, 0.83023872679045096, 0.86206896551724133, 0.83554376657824936, 0.85676392572944293, 0.84084880636604775, 0.83023872679045096, 0.85145888594164454, 0.82758620689655171] ``` The output is a list of accuracies of 10 cross-validation classification models. To get a single number, simply take the average: ```python ipython # Launch iPython. In [0]: import numpy as np np.mean([0.82539682539682535, 0.84084880636604775, 0.83023872679045096, 0.86206896551724133, 0.83554376657824936, 0.85676392572944293, 0.84084880636604775, 0.83023872679045096, 0.85145888594164454, 0.82758620689655171]) Out [0]: 0.84009936423729525 ``` ## Encoding Sentences In this example we will encode data from the [movie review dataset](https://www.cs.cornell.edu/people/pabo/movie-review-data/) (specifically the [sentence polarity dataset v1.0](https://www.cs.cornell.edu/people/pabo/movie-review-data/rt-polaritydata.tar.gz)). ```python ipython # Launch iPython. In [0]: # Imports. from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np import os.path import scipy.spatial.distance as sd from skip_thoughts import configuration from skip_thoughts import encoder_manager In [1]: # Set paths to the model. VOCAB_FILE = "/path/to/vocab.txt" EMBEDDING_MATRIX_FILE = "/path/to/embeddings.npy" CHECKPOINT_PATH = "/path/to/model.ckpt-9999" # The following directory should contain files rt-polarity.neg and # rt-polarity.pos. MR_DATA_DIR = "/dir/containing/mr/data" In [2]: # Set up the encoder. Here we are using a single unidirectional model. # To use a bidirectional model as well, call load_model() again with # configuration.model_config(bidirectional_encoder=True) and paths to the # bidirectional model's files. The encoder will use the concatenation of # all loaded models. encoder = encoder_manager.EncoderManager() encoder.load_model(configuration.model_config(), vocabulary_file=VOCAB_FILE, embedding_matrix_file=EMBEDDING_MATRIX_FILE, checkpoint_path=CHECKPOINT_PATH) In [3]: # Load the movie review dataset. data = [] with open(os.path.join(MR_DATA_DIR, 'rt-polarity.neg'), 'rb') as f: data.extend([line.decode('latin-1').strip() for line in f]) with open(os.path.join(MR_DATA_DIR, 'rt-polarity.pos'), 'rb') as f: data.extend([line.decode('latin-1').strip() for line in f]) In [4]: # Generate Skip-Thought Vectors for each sentence in the dataset. encodings = encoder.encode(data) In [5]: # Define a helper function to generate nearest neighbors. def get_nn(ind, num=10): encoding = encodings[ind] scores = sd.cdist([encoding], encodings, "cosine")[0] sorted_ids = np.argsort(scores) print("Sentence:") print("", data[ind]) print("\nNearest neighbors:") for i in range(1, num + 1): print(" %d. %s (%.3f)" % (i, data[sorted_ids[i]], scores[sorted_ids[i]])) In [6]: # Compute nearest neighbors of the first sentence in the dataset. get_nn(0) ``` Output: ``` Sentence: simplistic , silly and tedious . Nearest neighbors: 1. trite , banal , cliched , mostly inoffensive . (0.247) 2. banal and predictable . (0.253) 3. witless , pointless , tasteless and idiotic . (0.272) 4. loud , silly , stupid and pointless . (0.295) 5. grating and tedious . (0.299) 6. idiotic and ugly . (0.330) 7. black-and-white and unrealistic . (0.335) 8. hopelessly inane , humorless and under-inspired . (0.335) 9. shallow , noisy and pretentious . (0.340) 10. . . . unlikable , uninteresting , unfunny , and completely , utterly inept . (0.346) ```