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We on the [Genomics team in Google Brain](https://ai.google/research/teams/brain/healthcare-biosciences) are particularly interested in the class of problems which can be framed as assigning meaningful labels to short biological sequences, and are exploring the possiblity of creating a general deep learning solution for solving this class of sequence-labeling problems. We are excited to share our initial progress in this direction by releasing Seq2Species, an open-source neural network framework for [TensorFlow](https://www.tensorflow.org/) for predicting read-level taxonomic labels from genomic sequence. Our release includes all the code necessary to train new Seq2Species models. ## About Seq2Species Briefly, Seq2Species provides a framework for training deep neural networks to predict database-derived labels directly from short reads of DNA. Thus far, our research has focused predominantly on demonstrating the value of this deep learning approach on the problem of determining the species of origin of next-generation sequencing reads from [16S ribosomal DNA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/16S_ribosomal_RNA). We used this Seq2Species framework to train depthwise separable convolutional neural networks on short subsequences from the 16S genes of more than 13 thousand distinct species. The resulting classification model assign species-level probabilities to individual 16S reads. For more information about the use cases we have explored, or for technical details describing how Seq2Species work, please see our [preprint](https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2018/06/22/353474). ## Installation Training Seq2Species models requires installing the following dependencies: * python 2.7 * protocol buffers * numpy * absl ### Dependencies Detailed instructions for installing TensorFlow are available on the [Installing TensorFlow](https://www.tensorflow.org/install/) website. Please follow the full instructions for installing TensorFlow with GPU support. For most users, the following command will suffice for continuing with CPU support only: ```bash # For CPU pip install --upgrade tensorflow ``` The TensorFlow installation should also include installation of the numpy and absl libraries, which are two of TensorFlow's python dependencies. If necessary, instructions for standalone installation are available: * [numpy](https://scipy.org/install.html) * [absl](https://github.com/abseil/abseil-py) Information about protocol buffers, as well as download and installation intructions for the protocol buffer (protobuf) compiler, are available on the [Google Developers website](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/). A typical Ubuntu user can install this library using `apt-get`: ```bash sudo apt-get install protobuf-compiler ``` ### Clone Now, clone `tensorflow/models` to start working with the code: ```bash git clone https://github.com/tensorflow/models.git ``` ### Protobuf Compilation Seq2Species uses protobufs to store and save dataset and model metadata. Before the framework can be used to build and train models, the protobuf libraries must be compiled. This can be accomplished using the following command: ```bash # From tensorflow/models/research protoc seq2species/protos/seq2label.proto --python_out=. ``` ### Testing the Installation One can test that Seq2Species has been installed correctly by running the following command: ```bash python seq2species/run_training_test.py ``` ## Usage Information Input data to Seq2Species models should be [tf.train.Example protocol messages](https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/tensorflow/core/example/example.proto) stored in [TFRecord format](https://www.tensorflow.org/versions/r1.0/api_guides/python/python_io#tfrecords_format_details). Specifically, the input pipeline expects tf.train.Examples with a 'sequence' field containing a genomic sequence as an upper-case string, as one field for each target label (e.g. 'species'). There should also be an accompanying Seq2LabelDatasetInfo text protobuf containing metadata about the input, including the possible label values for each target. Below, we give an example command that could be used to launch training for 1000 steps, assuming that appropriate data and metadata files are stored at `${TFRECORD}` and `${DATASET_INFO}`: ```bash python seq2species/run_training.py --train_files ${TFRECORD} --metadata_path ${DATASET_INFO} --hparams 'train_steps=1000' --logdir $HOME/seq2species ``` This will output [TensorBoard summaries](https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/summaries_and_tensorboard), [TensorFlow checkpoints](https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/variables#checkpoint_files), Seq2LabelModelInfo and Seq2LabelExperimentMeasures metadata to the logdir `$HOME/seq2species`. ### Preprocessed Seq2Species Data We have provided preprocessed data based on 16S reference sequences from the [NCBI RefSeq Targeted Loci Project](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/refseq/targetedloci/) in a Seq2Species bucket on Google Cloud Storage. After installing the [Cloud SDK](https://cloud.google.com/sdk/install), one can download those data (roughly 25 GB) to a local directory `${DEST}` using the `gsutil` command: ```bash BUCKET=gs://brain-genomics-public/research/seq2species mkdir -p ${DEST} gsutil -m cp ${BUCKET}/* ${DEST} ``` To check if the copy has completed successsfully, check the `${DEST}` directory: ```bash ls -1 ${DEST} ``` which should produce: ```bash ncbi_100bp_revcomp.dataset_info.pbtxt ncbi_100bp_revcomp.tfrecord ``` The following command can be used to train a copy of one of our best-perfoming deep neural network models for 100 base pair (bp) data. This command also illustrates how to set hyperparameter values explicitly from the commandline. The file `configuration.py` provides a full list of hyperparameters, their descriptions, and their default values. Additional flags are described at the top of `run_training.py`. ```bash python seq2species/run_training.py \ --num_filters 3 \ --noise_rate 0.04 \ --train_files ${DEST}/ncbi_100bp_revcomp.tfrecord \ --metadata_path ${DEST}/ncbi_100bp_revcomp.dataset_info.pbtxt \ --logdir $HOME/seq2species \ --hparams 'filter_depths=[1,1,1],filter_widths=[5,9,13],grad_clip_norm=20.0,keep_prob=0.94017831318, lr_decay=0.0655052811,lr_init=0.000469689635793,lrelu_slope=0.0125376069918,min_read_length=100,num_fc_layers=2,num_fc_units=2828,optimizer=adam,optimizer_hp=0.885769367218,pointwise_depths=[84,58,180],pooling_type=avg,train_steps=3000000,use_depthwise_separable=true,weight_scale=1.18409526348' ``` ### Visualization [TensorBoard](https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorboard) can be used to visualize training curves and other metrics stored in the summary files produced by `run_training.py`. Use the following command to launch a TensorBoard instance for the example model directory `$HOME/seq2species`: ```bash tensorboard --logdir=$HOME/seq2species ``` ## Contact Any issues with the Seq2Species framework should be filed with the [TensorFlow/models issue tracker](https://github.com/tensorflow/models/issues). Questions regarding Seq2Species capabilities can be directed to [seq2species-interest@google.com](mailto:seq2species-interest@google.com). This code is maintained by [@apbusia](https://github.com/apbusia) and [@depristo](https://github.com/depristo).