# Deep Local and Global Image Features [![TensorFlow 2.1](https://img.shields.io/badge/tensorflow-2.1-brightgreen)](https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/releases/tag/v2.1.0) [![Python 3.6](https://img.shields.io/badge/python-3.6-blue.svg)](https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-360/) This project presents code for deep local and global image feature methods, which are particularly useful for the computer vision tasks of instance-level recognition and retrieval. These were introduced in the [DELF](https://arxiv.org/abs/1612.06321), [Detect-to-Retrieve](https://arxiv.org/abs/1812.01584), [DELG](https://arxiv.org/abs/2001.05027) and [Google Landmarks Dataset v2](https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.01804) papers. We provide Tensorflow code for building and training models, and python code for image retrieval and local feature matching. Pre-trained models for the landmark recognition domain are also provided. If you make use of this codebase, please consider citing the following papers: DELF: [![Paper](http://img.shields.io/badge/paper-arXiv.1612.06321-B3181B.svg)](https://arxiv.org/abs/1612.06321) ``` "Large-Scale Image Retrieval with Attentive Deep Local Features", H. Noh, A. Araujo, J. Sim, T. Weyand and B. Han, Proc. ICCV'17 ``` Detect-to-Retrieve: [![Paper](http://img.shields.io/badge/paper-arXiv.1812.01584-B3181B.svg)](https://arxiv.org/abs/1812.01584) ``` "Detect-to-Retrieve: Efficient Regional Aggregation for Image Search", M. Teichmann*, A. Araujo*, M. Zhu and J. Sim, Proc. CVPR'19 ``` DELG: [![Paper](http://img.shields.io/badge/paper-arXiv.2001.05027-B3181B.svg)](https://arxiv.org/abs/2001.05027) ``` "Unifying Deep Local and Global Features for Image Search", B. Cao*, A. Araujo* and J. Sim, arxiv:2001.05027 ``` GLDv2: [![Paper](http://img.shields.io/badge/paper-arXiv.2004.01804-B3181B.svg)](https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.01804) ``` "Google Landmarks Dataset v2 - A Large-Scale Benchmark for Instance-Level Recognition and Retrieval", T. Weyand*, A. Araujo*, B. Cao and J. Sim, Proc. CVPR'20 ``` ## News - [Apr'20] Check out our CVPR'20 paper: ["Google Landmarks Dataset v2 - A Large-Scale Benchmark for Instance-Level Recognition and Retrieval"](https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.01804) - [Jan'20] Check out our new paper: ["Unifying Deep Local and Global Features for Image Search"](https://arxiv.org/abs/2001.05027) - [Jun'19] DELF achieved 2nd place in [CVPR Visual Localization challenge (Local Features track)](https://sites.google.com/corp/view/ltvl2019). See our slides [here](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vTswzoXelqFqI_pCEIVl2uazeyGr7aKNklWHQCX-CbQ7MB17gaycqIaDTguuUCRm6_lXHwCdrkP7n1x/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000). - [Apr'19] Check out our CVPR'19 paper: ["Detect-to-Retrieve: Efficient Regional Aggregation for Image Search"](https://arxiv.org/abs/1812.01584) - [Jun'18] DELF achieved state-of-the-art results in a CVPR'18 image retrieval paper: [Radenovic et al., "Revisiting Oxford and Paris: Large-Scale Image Retrieval Benchmarking"](https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.11285). - [Apr'18] DELF was featured in [ModelDepot](https://modeldepot.io/mikeshi/delf/overview) - [Mar'18] DELF is now available in [TF-Hub](https://www.tensorflow.org/hub/modules/google/delf/1) ## Datasets We have two Google-Landmarks dataset versions: - Initial version (v1) can be found [here](https://www.kaggle.com/google/google-landmarks-dataset). In includes the Google Landmark Boxes which were described in the Detect-to-Retrieve paper. - Second version (v2) has been released as part of two Kaggle challenges: [Landmark Recognition](https://www.kaggle.com/c/landmark-recognition-2019) and [Landmark Retrieval](https://www.kaggle.com/c/landmark-retrieval-2019). It can be downloaded from CVDF [here](https://github.com/cvdfoundation/google-landmark). See also [the CVPR'20 paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.01804) on this new dataset version. If you make use of these datasets in your research, please consider citing the papers mentioned above. ## Installation To be able to use this code, please follow [these instructions](INSTALL_INSTRUCTIONS.md) to properly install the DELF library. ## Quick start ### Pre-trained models We release several pre-trained models. See instructions in the following sections for examples on how to use the models. **DELF pre-trained on the Google-Landmarks dataset v1** ([link](http://storage.googleapis.com/delf/delf_gld_20190411.tar.gz)). Presented in the [Detect-to-Retrieve paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1812.01584). Boosts performance by ~4% mAP compared to ICCV'17 DELF model. **DELG pre-trained on the Google-Landmarks dataset v1** ([link](http://storage.googleapis.com/delf/delg_gld_20200520.tar.gz)). Presented in the [DELG paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2001.05027). **RN101-ArcFace pre-trained on the Google-Landmarks dataset v2 (train-clean)** ([link](https://storage.googleapis.com/delf/rn101_af_gldv2clean_20200521.tar.gz)). Presented in the [GLDv2 paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.01804). **DELF pre-trained on Landmarks-Clean/Landmarks-Full dataset** ([link](http://storage.googleapis.com/delf/delf_v1_20171026.tar.gz)). Presented in the [DELF paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1612.06321), model was trained on the dataset released by the [DIR paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1604.01325). **Faster-RCNN detector pre-trained on Google Landmark Boxes** ([link](http://storage.googleapis.com/delf/d2r_frcnn_20190411.tar.gz)). Presented in the [Detect-to-Retrieve paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1812.01584). **MobileNet-SSD detector pre-trained on Google Landmark Boxes** ([link](http://storage.googleapis.com/delf/d2r_mnetssd_20190411.tar.gz)). Presented in the [Detect-to-Retrieve paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1812.01584). Besides these, we also release pre-trained codebooks for local feature aggregation. See the [Detect-to-Retrieve instructions](delf/python/detect_to_retrieve/DETECT_TO_RETRIEVE_INSTRUCTIONS.md) for details. ### DELF extraction and matching Please follow [these instructions](EXTRACTION_MATCHING.md). At the end, you should obtain a nice figure showing local feature matches, as: ![MatchedImagesExample](delf/python/examples/matched_images_example.jpg) ### DELF training Please follow [these instructions](delf/python/training/README.md). ### DELG Please follow [these instructions](delf/python/delg/DELG_INSTRUCTIONS.md). At the end, you should obtain image retrieval results on the Revisited Oxford/Paris datasets. ### GLDv2 baseline Please follow [these instructions](delf/python/google_landmarks_dataset/README.md). At the end, you should obtain image retrieval results on the Revisited Oxford/Paris datasets. ### Landmark detection Please follow [these instructions](DETECTION.md). At the end, you should obtain a nice figure showing a detection, as: ![DetectionExample1](delf/python/examples/detection_example_1.jpg) ### Detect-to-Retrieve Please follow [these instructions](delf/python/detect_to_retrieve/DETECT_TO_RETRIEVE_INSTRUCTIONS.md). At the end, you should obtain image retrieval results on the Revisited Oxford/Paris datasets. ## Code overview DELF/D2R/DELG/GLD code is located under the `delf` directory. There are two directories therein, `protos` and `python`. ### `delf/protos` This directory contains protobufs: - `aggregation_config.proto`: protobuf for configuring local feature aggregation. - `box.proto`: protobuf for serializing detected boxes. - `datum.proto`: general-purpose protobuf for serializing float tensors. - `delf_config.proto`: protobuf for configuring DELF/DELG extraction. - `feature.proto`: protobuf for serializing DELF features. ### `delf/python` This directory contains files for several different purposes: - `box_io.py`, `datum_io.py`, `feature_io.py` are helper files for reading and writing tensors and features. - `delf_v1.py` contains code to create DELF models. - `feature_aggregation_extractor.py` contains a module to perform local feature aggregation. - `feature_aggregation_similarity.py` contains a module to perform similarity computation for aggregated local features. - `feature_extractor.py` contains the code to extract features using DELF. This is particularly useful for extracting features over multiple scales, with keypoint selection based on attention scores, and PCA/whitening post-processing. The subdirectory `delf/python/examples` contains sample scripts to run DELF feature extraction/matching, and object detection: - `delf_config_example.pbtxt` shows an example instantiation of the DelfConfig proto, used for DELF feature extraction. - `detector.py` is a module to construct an object detector function. - `extract_boxes.py` enables object detection from a list of images. - `extract_features.py` enables DELF extraction from a list of images. - `extractor.py` is a module to construct a DELF/DELG local feature extraction function. - `match_images.py` supports image matching using DELF features extracted using `extract_features.py`. The subdirectory `delf/python/delg` contains sample scripts/configs related to the DELG paper: - `delg_gld_config.pbtxt` gives the DelfConfig used in DELG paper. - `extract_features.py` for local+global feature extraction on Revisited datasets. - `perform_retrieval.py` for performing retrieval/evaluating methods on Revisited datasets. The subdirectory `delf/python/detect_to_retrieve` contains sample scripts/configs related to the Detect-to-Retrieve paper: - `aggregation_extraction.py` is a library to extract/save feature aggregation. - `boxes_and_features_extraction.py` is a library to extract/save boxes and DELF features. - `cluster_delf_features.py` for local feature clustering. - `dataset.py` for parsing/evaluating results on Revisited Oxford/Paris datasets. - `delf_gld_config.pbtxt` gives the DelfConfig used in Detect-to-Retrieve paper. - `extract_aggregation.py` for aggregated local feature extraction. - `extract_index_boxes_and_features.py` for index image local feature extraction / bounding box detection on Revisited datasets. - `extract_query_features.py` for query image local feature extraction on Revisited datasets. - `image_reranking.py` is a module to re-rank images with geometric verification. - `perform_retrieval.py` for performing retrieval/evaluating methods using aggregated local features on Revisited datasets. - `index_aggregation_config.pbtxt`, `query_aggregation_config.pbtxt` give AggregationConfig's for Detect-to-Retrieve experiments. The subdirectory `delf/python/google_landmarks_dataset` contains sample scripts/modules for computing GLD metrics / reproducing results from the GLDv2 paper: - `compute_recognition_metrics.py` performs recognition metric computation given input predictions and solution files. - `compute_retrieval_metrics.py` performs retrieval metric computation given input predictions and solution files. - `dataset_file_io.py` is a module for dataset-related file IO. - `metrics.py` is a module for GLD metric computation. - `rn101_af_gldv2clean_config.pbtxt` gives the DelfConfig used in the ResNet101-ArcFace (trained on GLDv2-train-clean) baseline used in the GLDv2 paper. The subdirectory `delf/python/training` contains sample scripts/modules for performing DELF training: - `datasets/googlelandmarks.py` is the dataset module used for training. - `model/delf_model.py` is the model module used for training. - `model/export_model.py` is a script for exporting trained models in the format used by the inference code. - `model/export_model_utils.py` is a module with utilities for model exporting. - `model/resnet50.py` is a module with a backbone RN50 implementation. - `build_image_dataset.py` converts downloaded dataset into TFRecords format for training. - `train.py` is the main training script. Besides these, other files in the different subdirectories contain tests for the various modules. ## Maintainers André Araujo (@andrefaraujo) ## Release history ### May, 2020 - Codebase is now Python3-first - DELG model/code released - GLDv2 baseline model released **Thanks to contributors**: Barbara Fusinska and André Araujo. ### April, 2020 (version 2.0) - Initial DELF training code released. - Codebase is now fully compatible with TF 2.1. **Thanks to contributors**: Arun Mukundan, Yuewei Na and André Araujo. ### April, 2019 Detect-to-Retrieve code released. Includes pre-trained models to detect landmark boxes, and DELF model pre-trained on Google Landmarks v1 dataset. **Thanks to contributors**: André Araujo, Marvin Teichmann, Menglong Zhu, Jack Sim. ### October, 2017 Initial release containing DELF-v1 code, including feature extraction and matching examples. Pre-trained DELF model from ICCV'17 paper is released. **Thanks to contributors**: André Araujo, Hyeonwoo Noh, Youlong Cheng, Jack Sim.