from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import json import numpy as np import time import os from six.moves import cPickle import captioning.utils.opts as opts import captioning.models as models from import * # from import * import captioning.utils.eval_utils as eval_utils import argparse import captioning.utils.misc as utils import captioning.modules.losses as losses import torch # Input arguments and options parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # Input paths parser.add_argument('--model', type=str, default='', help='path to model to evaluate') parser.add_argument('--cnn_model', type=str, default='resnet101', help='resnet101, resnet152') parser.add_argument('--infos_path', type=str, default='', help='path to infos to evaluate') parser.add_argument('--only_lang_eval', type=int, default=0, help='lang eval on saved results') parser.add_argument('--force', type=int, default=0, help='force to evaluate no matter if there are results available') parser.add_argument('--device', type=str, default='cuda', help='cpu or cuda') opts.add_eval_options(parser) opts.add_diversity_opts(parser) opt = parser.parse_args() # Load infos with open(opt.infos_path, 'rb') as f: infos = utils.pickle_load(f) # override and collect parameters replace = ['input_fc_dir', 'input_att_dir', 'input_box_dir', 'input_label_h5', 'input_json', 'batch_size', 'id'] ignore = ['start_from'] for k in vars(infos['opt']).keys(): if k in replace: setattr(opt, k, getattr(opt, k) or getattr(infos['opt'], k, '')) elif k not in ignore: if not k in vars(opt): vars(opt).update({k: vars(infos['opt'])[k]}) # copy over options from model vocab = infos['vocab'] # ix -> word mapping pred_fn = os.path.join('eval_results/', '.saved_pred_'+ + '_' + opt.split + '.pth') result_fn = os.path.join('eval_results/', + '_' + opt.split + '.json') if opt.only_lang_eval == 1 or (not opt.force and os.path.isfile(pred_fn)): # if results existed, then skip, unless force is on if not opt.force: try: if os.path.isfile(result_fn): print(result_fn) json.load(open(result_fn, 'r')) print('already evaluated') os._exit(0) except: pass predictions, n_predictions = torch.load(pred_fn) lang_stats = eval_utils.language_eval(opt.input_json, predictions, n_predictions, vars(opt), opt.split) print(lang_stats) os._exit(0) # At this point only_lang_eval if 0 if not opt.force: # Check out if try: # if no pred exists, then continue tmp = torch.load(pred_fn) # if language_eval == 1, and no pred exists, then continue if opt.language_eval == 1: json.load(open(result_fn, 'r')) print('Result is already there') os._exit(0) except: pass # Setup the model opt.vocab = vocab model = models.setup(opt) del opt.vocab model.load_state_dict(torch.load(opt.model, map_location='cpu')) model.eval() crit = losses.LanguageModelCriterion() # Create the Data Loader instance if len(opt.image_folder) == 0: loader = DataLoader(opt) else: loader = DataLoaderRaw({'folder_path': opt.image_folder, 'coco_json': opt.coco_json, 'batch_size': opt.batch_size, 'cnn_model': opt.cnn_model}) # When eval using provided pretrained model, the vocab may be different from what you have in your cocotalk.json # So make sure to use the vocab in infos file. loader.dataset.ix_to_word = infos['vocab'] # Set sample options opt.dataset = opt.input_json loss, split_predictions, lang_stats = eval_utils.eval_split(model, crit, loader, vars(opt)) print('loss: ', loss) if lang_stats: print(lang_stats) if opt.dump_json == 1: # dump the json json.dump(split_predictions, open('vis/vis.json', 'w'))