import streamlit as st import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime def feedback(): st.title("Feedback") st.write("We value your feedback to help us improve PawSome-AI!") # Feedback form with st.form(key='feedback_form'): name = st.text_input("Your Name") email = st.text_input("Your Email") feedback_type = st.selectbox("Type of Feedback", ["Suggestion", "Issue", "Other"]) message = st.text_area("Your Feedback") submit_button = st.form_submit_button(label="Submit") # After the user clicks the submit button if submit_button: feedback_data = { "name": [name], "email": [email], "feedback_type": [feedback_type], "message": [message], "timestamp": [] } feedback_df = pd.DataFrame(feedback_data) # Save the feedback to a CSV file try: existing_feedback_df = pd.read_csv("feedback.csv") feedback_df = pd.concat([existing_feedback_df, feedback_df], ignore_index=True) except FileNotFoundError: pass feedback_df.to_csv("feedback.csv", index=False) st.success("Thank you for your feedback! We'll get back to you shortly.") st.write("If you need immediate assistance, please contact us at: ") st.markdown("[](")