name: Bug Report description: You think something is broken in Fooocus title: "[Bug]: " labels: ["bug", "triage"] body: - type: markdown attributes: value: | > The title of the bug report should be short and descriptive. > Use relevant keywords for searchability. > Do not leave it blank, but also do not put an entire error log in it. - type: checkboxes attributes: label: Checklist description: | Please perform basic debugging to see if your configuration is the cause of the issue. Basic debug procedure  2. Update Fooocus - sometimes things just need to be updated  3. Backup and remove your config.txt - check if the issue is caused by bad configuration  5. Try a fresh installation of Fooocus in a different directory - see if a clean installation solves the issue Before making a issue report please, check that the issue hasn't been reported recently. options: - label: The issue exists on a clean installation of Fooocus - label: The issue exists in the current version of Fooocus - label: The issue has not been reported before recently - label: The issue has been reported before but has not been fixed yet - type: markdown attributes: value: | > Please fill this form with as much information as possible. Don't forget to add information about "What browsers" and provide screenshots if possible - type: textarea id: what-did attributes: label: What happened? description: Tell us what happened in a very clear and simple way placeholder: | image generation is not working as intended. validations: required: true - type: textarea id: steps attributes: label: Steps to reproduce the problem description: Please provide us with precise step by step instructions on how to reproduce the bug placeholder: | 1. Go to ... 2. Press ... 3. ... validations: required: true - type: textarea id: what-should attributes: label: What should have happened? description: Tell us what you think the normal behavior should be placeholder: | Fooocus should ... validations: required: true - type: dropdown id: browsers attributes: label: What browsers do you use to access Fooocus? multiple: true options: - Mozilla Firefox - Google Chrome - Brave - Apple Safari - Microsoft Edge - Android - iOS - Other - type: dropdown id: hosting attributes: label: Where are you running Fooocus? multiple: false options: - Locally - Locally with virtualization (e.g. Docker) - Cloud (Google Colab) - Cloud (other) - type: input id: operating-system attributes: label: What operating system are you using? placeholder: | Windows 10 - type: textarea id: logs attributes: label: Console logs description: Please provide **full** cmd/terminal logs from the moment you started UI to the end of it, after the bug occured. If it's very long, provide a link to pastebin or similar service. render: Shell validations: required: true - type: textarea id: misc attributes: label: Additional information description: | Please provide us with any relevant additional info or context. Examples:  I have updated my GPU driver recently.