import cv2 import argparse import gradio as gr import numpy as np # MMOCR from mmocr.apis.inferencers import MMOCRInferencer # BUILD MMOCR def arg_parse(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='MMOCR demo for gradio app') parser.add_argument( '--rec_config', type=str, default='mmocr-dev-1.x/configs/textrecog/maerec/', help='The recognition config file.') parser.add_argument( '--rec_weight', type=str, default= 'mmocr-dev-1.x/work_dirs/maerec_b_union14m/maerec_b_union14m.pth', help='The recognition weight file.') parser.add_argument( '--det_config', type=str, default= 'mmocr-dev-1.x/configs/textdet/dbnetpp/', # noqa, help='The detection config file.') parser.add_argument( '--det_weight', type=str, default='mmocr-dev-1.x/dbnetpp.pth', help='The detection weight file.') parser.add_argument( '--device', type=str, default='cuda:0', help='The device used for inference.') args = parser.parse_args() return args def run_mmocr(img: np.ndarray, use_detector: bool = True): """Run MMOCR and SAM Args: img (np.ndarray): Input image use_detector (bool, optional): Whether to use detector. Defaults to True. """ if use_detector: mode = 'det_rec' else: mode = 'rec' # Build MMOCR mmocr_inferencer.mode = mode result = mmocr_inferencer(img, return_vis=True) visualization = result['visualization'][0] result = result['predictions'][0] if mode == 'det_rec': rec_texts = result['rec_texts'] det_polygons = result['det_polygons'] det_results = [] for rec_text, det_polygon in zip(rec_texts, det_polygons): det_polygon = np.array(det_polygon).astype(np.int32).tolist() det_results.append(f'{rec_text}: {det_polygon}') out_results = '\n'.join(det_results) visualization = cv2.cvtColor( np.array(visualization), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) else: rec_text = result['rec_texts'][0] rec_score = result['rec_scores'][0] out_results = f'pred: {rec_text} \n score: {rec_score:.2f}' visualization = None return visualization, out_results if __name__ == '__main__': args = arg_parse() mmocr_inferencer = MMOCRInferencer( args.det_config, args.det_weight, args.rec_config, args.rec_weight, device=args.device) with gr.Blocks() as demo: with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): gr.HTML("""

MAERec: A MAE-pretrained Scene Text Recognizer

[arXiv] [Code]

MAERec is a scene text recognition model composed of a ViT backbone and a Transformer decoder in auto-regressive style. It shows an outstanding performance in scene text recognition, especially when pre-trained on the Union14M-U through MAE.

In this demo, we combine MAERec with DBNet++ to build an end-to-end scene text recognition model.

""") gr.Image('github/maerec.png') with gr.Column(scale=1): input_image = gr.Image(label='Input Image') output_image = gr.Image(label='Output Image') use_detector = gr.Checkbox( label= 'Use Scene Text Detector or Not (Disabled for Recognition Only)', default=True) det_results = gr.Textbox(label='Detection Results') mmocr = gr.Button('Run MMOCR') gr.Markdown("## Image Examples") with gr.Row(): gr.Examples( examples=[ 'github/author.jpg', 'github/gradio1.jpeg', 'github/Art_Curve_178.jpg', 'github/cute_3.jpg', 'github/cute_168.jpg', 'github/hiercurve_2229.jpg', 'github/ic15_52.jpg', 'github/ic15_698.jpg', 'github/Art_Curve_352.jpg' ], inputs=input_image, ) fn=run_mmocr, inputs=[input_image, use_detector], outputs=[output_image, det_results]) demo.launch(debug=True)