import gradio as gr from face_emotion_pipeline import process_video, process_image def process_file(file, is_video , skip = 1 , add_audio = True): # print("==========>", is_video) input_path = output_path = "output." + ("mp4" if is_video else "png") if is_video == True: process_video(input_path, output_path , skip = round(skip) , add_audio = add_audio) else: process_image(input_path, output_path) return output_path iface = gr.Interface( fn=process_file, inputs=[gr.File(label="Upload File"), gr.Checkbox(label="Is Video?") , gr.Slider(1, 20, 1, value=1, label="Frame Skip"), gr.Checkbox(label="Add Audio?")], outputs=gr.File(label="Processed File"), title="Face Emotion Detection", description="Upload an image or video to detect and annotate emotions." ) if __name__ == "__main__": iface.launch(share=True)