import pandas as pd import streamlit as st import sqlite3 import as px # Database connection conn = sqlite3.connect("data/biodiv_sports.db") # Queries query_zone_catg_prop = """ SELECT CASE WHEN species_id IS NOT NULL THEN 'Espèces' ELSE 'Réglementaire' END AS zone_category, ROUND(COUNT(DISTINCT id)*1.0/( SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id) FROM sensitive_areas ), 2) AS proportion FROM sensitive_areas GROUP BY zone_category; """ query_mon_wise_prop = """ SELECT months, species_id, ROUND(COUNT(DISTINCT id)*1.0/( SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id) FROM sensitive_areas ), 2) AS proportion FROM sensitive_areas GROUP BY months ORDER BY months; """ query_practice_mon_wise = """ SELECT practices, months, species_id, COUNT(DISTINCT id) AS nombre_zone FROM sensitive_areas GROUP BY 1, 2, 3; """ query_zone_per_species = """ SELECT name, COUNT(DISTINCT id) AS number_of_zones FROM sensitive_areas WHERE species_id IS NOT NULL GROUP BY 1; """ # Read query results into Pandas DataFrames df_zone_catg_prop = pd.read_sql_query(query_zone_catg_prop, conn) df_mon_wise_prop = pd.read_sql_query(query_mon_wise_prop, conn) df_practice_mon_wise = pd.read_sql_query(query_practice_mon_wise, conn) df_zone_per_species = pd.read_sql_query(query_zone_per_species, conn) # Map month names to their corresponding numbers MONTHS = ['janvier', 'fevrier', 'mars', 'avril', 'mai', 'juin', 'juillet', 'août', 'septembre', 'octobre', 'novembre', 'decembre'] MONTH_MAPPING = {k: v+1 for v, k in enumerate(MONTHS)} # Add a numeric_months column based on MONTH_MAPPING df_practice_mon_wise['numeric_months'] = df_practice_mon_wise['months'].map( MONTH_MAPPING ) df_mon_wise_prop['numeric_months'] = df_mon_wise_prop['months'].map( MONTH_MAPPING ) # Sort by numeric_months and reset index before dropping it df_practice_mon_wise = df_practice_mon_wise.sort_values(['numeric_months', 'species_id'] ).reset_index( drop=True ) df_practice_mon_wise.drop('numeric_months', axis=1, inplace=True) df_mon_wise_prop = df_mon_wise_prop.sort_values(['numeric_months', 'proportion'] ).reset_index( drop=True ) df_mon_wise_prop.drop('numeric_months', axis=1, inplace=True) st.markdown("""