import numpy as np import torch from einops import rearrange from voxnerf.render import subpixel_rays_from_img from run_sjc import ( SJC, ScoreAdapter, StableDiffusion, tqdm, EventStorage, HeartBeat, EarlyLoopBreak, get_event_storage, get_heartbeat, optional_load_config, read_stats, vis_routine, stitch_vis, latest_ckpt, scene_box_filter, render_ray_bundle, as_torch_tsrs, device_glb ) # the SD deocder is very memory hungry; the latent image cannot be too large # for a graphics card with < 12 GB memory, set this to 128; quality already good # if your card has 12 to 24 GB memory, you can set this to 200; # but visually it won't help beyond a certain point. Our teaser is done with 128. decoder_bottleneck_hw = 128 def final_vis(): cfg = optional_load_config(fname="full_config.yml") assert len(cfg) > 0, "can't find cfg file" mod = SJC(**cfg) family = cfg.pop("family") model: ScoreAdapter = getattr(mod, family).make() vox = mod.vox.make() poser = mod.pose.make() pbar = tqdm(range(1)) with EventStorage(), HeartBeat(pbar): ckpt_fname = latest_ckpt() state = torch.load(ckpt_fname, map_location="cpu") vox.load_state_dict(state) with EventStorage("highres"): # what dominates the speed is NOT the factor here. # you can try from 2 to 8, and the speed is about the same. # the dominating factor in the pipeline I believe is the SD decoder. evaluate(model, vox, poser, n_frames=200, factor=4) @torch.no_grad() def evaluate(score_model, vox, poser, n_frames=200, factor=4): H, W = poser.H, poser.W vox.eval() K, poses = poser.sample_test(n_frames) del n_frames poses = poses[60:] # skip the full overhead view; not interesting fuse = EarlyLoopBreak(5) metric = get_event_storage() hbeat = get_heartbeat() aabb = vox.aabb.T.cpu().numpy() vox = num_imgs = len(poses) for i in (pbar := tqdm(range(num_imgs))): if fuse.on_break(): break pose = poses[i] y, depth = highres_render_one_view(vox, aabb, H, W, K, pose, f=factor) if isinstance(score_model, StableDiffusion): y = score_model.decode(y) vis_routine(metric, y, depth) metric.step() hbeat.beat() metric.flush_history() metric.put_artifact( "movie_im_and_depth", ".mp4", lambda fn: stitch_vis(fn, read_stats(metric.output_dir, "view")[1]) ) metric.put_artifact( "movie_im_only", ".mp4", lambda fn: stitch_vis(fn, read_stats(metric.output_dir, "img")[1]) ) metric.step() def highres_render_one_view(vox, aabb, H, W, K, pose, f=4): bs = 4096 ro, rd = subpixel_rays_from_img(H, W, K, pose, f=f) ro, rd, t_min, t_max = scene_box_filter(ro, rd, aabb) n = len(ro) ro, rd, t_min, t_max = as_torch_tsrs(vox.device, ro, rd, t_min, t_max) rgbs = torch.zeros(n, 4, device=vox.device) depth = torch.zeros(n, 1, device=vox.device) with torch.no_grad(): for i in range(int(np.ceil(n / bs))): s = i * bs e = min(n, s + bs) _rgbs, _depth, _ = render_ray_bundle( vox, ro[s:e], rd[s:e], t_min[s:e], t_max[s:e] ) rgbs[s:e] = _rgbs depth[s:e] = _depth rgbs = rearrange(rgbs, "(h w) c -> 1 c h w", h=H*f, w=W*f) depth = rearrange(depth, "(h w) 1 -> h w", h=H*f, w=W*f) rgbs = torch.nn.functional.interpolate( rgbs, (decoder_bottleneck_hw, decoder_bottleneck_hw), mode='bilinear', antialias=True ) return rgbs, depth if __name__ == "__main__": final_vis()