from pathlib import Path import torch from ml_collections.config_flags import config_flags from sde.config import get_config from sde import ddpm, ncsnv2, ncsnpp # need to import to trigger its registry from sde import utils as mutils from sde.ema import ExponentialMovingAverage from adapt import ScoreAdapter device = torch.device("cuda") def restore_checkpoint(ckpt_dir, state, device): loaded_state = torch.load(ckpt_dir, map_location=device) # state['optimizer'].load_state_dict(loaded_state['optimizer']) state['model'].load_state_dict(loaded_state['model'], strict=False) state['ema'].load_state_dict(loaded_state['ema']) state['step'] = loaded_state['step'] return state def save_checkpoint(ckpt_dir, state): saved_state = { 'optimizer': state['optimizer'].state_dict(), 'model': state['model'].state_dict(), 'ema': state['ema'].state_dict(), 'step': state['step'] }, ckpt_dir) class VESDE(ScoreAdapter): def __init__(self): config = get_config() config.device = device ckpt_fname = self.checkpoint_root() / "sde" / 'checkpoint_127.pth' score_model = mutils.create_model(config) ema = ExponentialMovingAverage( score_model.parameters(), decay=config.model.ema_rate ) state = dict(model=score_model, ema=ema, step=0) self._data_shape = (,, ) self._σ_min = float(config.model.sigma_min * 2) state = restore_checkpoint(ckpt_fname, state, device=config.device) ema.copy_to(score_model.parameters()) score_model.eval() score_model = score_model.module # remove DataParallel self.model = score_model self._device = device def data_shape(self): return self._data_shape @property def σ_min(self): return self._σ_min @torch.no_grad() def denoise(self, xs, σ): N = xs.shape[0] # see Karras eqn. 212-215 for the 1/2 σ correction cond_t = (0.5 * σ) * torch.ones(N, device=self.device) # note that the forward function the model has been modified; see comments n_hat = self.model(xs, cond_t) Ds = xs + σ * n_hat return Ds def unet_is_cond(self): return False def use_cls_guidance(self): return False def snap_t_to_nearest_tick(self, t): return super().snap_t_to_nearest_tick(t)