import gradio as gr import os from gradio.themes import Size, GoogleFont from agents.gather_agent import Gather_Agent from agents.check_agent import Check_Agent from agents.response_agent import Response_Agent from agents.planner_agent import Planner_Agent import get_map # Create custom Color objects for our primary, secondary, and neutral colors primary_color = secondary_color = gr.themes.colors.amber neutral_color = gr.themes.colors.stone # Assuming black for text # Set the sizes spacing_size = gr.themes.sizes.spacing_md radius_size = gr.themes.sizes.radius_md text_size = gr.themes.sizes.text_md # Set the fonts font = GoogleFont("Source Sans Pro") font_mono = GoogleFont("IBM Plex Mono") # Create the theme theme = gr.themes.Base( primary_hue=primary_color, secondary_hue=secondary_color, neutral_hue=neutral_color, spacing_size=spacing_size, radius_size=radius_size, text_size=text_size, font=font, font_mono=font_mono ) gather_agent = Gather_Agent() check_agent = Check_Agent() response_agent = Response_Agent() planner_agent = Planner_Agent() def send_message(user_input, chat_history): isComplete = False helper_anwser = "" _input_gather = gather_agent.format_prompt(history=chat_history, input=user_input) parsed_result_gather = gather_agent.get_parsed_result(_input_gather) _input_check = check_agent.format_prompt(input=parsed_result_gather) isComplete = check_agent.get_parsed_result(_input_check) if isComplete == False: _input_response = response_agent.format_prompt(input=parsed_result_gather) helper_anwser = response_agent.get_parsed_result(_input_response) # _input_check = check_agent.format_prompt(input=parsed_result_gather) # isComplete, helper_anwser = check_agent.get_parsed_result(_input_check) return isComplete, helper_anwser, parsed_result_gather def get_itenerary(parsed_result_gather): _input_planner = planner_agent.format_prompt(parsed_result_gather) return planner_agent.get_itenerary(_input_planner) def get_itenerary_places(itenerary): _input_places = planner_agent.format_prompt_to_get_places(itenerary) return planner_agent.get_places_from_itenerary(_input_places) # isComplete = False # chat_history = "" # helper_anwser = "Hello, can you tell me your trip details and constraints so I can give you great recomendations?" # user_input = input("Helper: " + helper_anwser + "\nUser: ") with gr.Blocks(theme=theme, title="TrainLine") as demo: gr.Markdown( """
""") helper_anwser = "Hello, can you tell me your trip details and constraints so I can give you great recomendations?" with gr.TabItem("Travel Companion"): chatbot = gr.Chatbot(value=[[None, helper_anwser]]) user_input = gr.Textbox() gr.Examples([ "I want to go to Rome. can you recommend a site seeing tour for one day?", "I like to walk a lot and i prefer to visit fine arts museums", "Porto for 3 days. i will arrive on monday and leave on thursday. i can only visit places after 5pm so be " "sure i can visit those places", "I would like to plan a trip to Europe with my family of four. We want to visit Paris, Rome, and Madrid in " "10 days. Can you suggest an itinerary that includes transportation and accommodations? " "Also, please provide information on the best restaurants in each city for a budget of $50 per person per meal." ], user_input) with gr.TabItem("Map"): map = gr.Plot(visible=True).style() result_df = gr.Dataframe(type="pandas", visible=True) isComplete = False history = "" locations = [] def user(user_message, history): print(user_message, history) return gr.update(value="", interactive=False), history + [[user_message, None]] # def bot(chat_history): # print(chat_history) # # Create history # history = "" # for i in range(len(chat_history)-1): # history += "User: " + chat_history[i][0] + "\nHelper: " + chat_history[i][1] + "\n" # history += "User: " + chat_history[-1][0] # # isComplete, helper_anwser, data_collected = send_message(message, history) # # if isComplete == True: # # helper_anwser = get_itenerary(data_collected) # # chat_history.append((message, helper_anwser)) # return "", chat_history def respond(chat_history): print(chat_history) # Create history history = "" for i in range(1, len(chat_history) - 1): history += "User: " + chat_history[i][0] + "\nHelper: " + chat_history[i][1] + "\n" message = chat_history[-1][0] print(history) print(message) isComplete, helper_anwser, data_collected = send_message(message, history) chat_history.pop(-1) if isComplete == True: itenerary = get_itenerary(data_collected) locations = get_itenerary_places(itenerary) helper_anwser = itenerary + "\nList of places with adresses: " + str(locations) map, result_df = get_map.filter_map(locations) chat_history.append((message, helper_anwser)) return chat_history, map, result_df chat_history.append((message, helper_anwser)) return chat_history, None, None # user_input.submit(respond, [user_input, chatbot], [user_input, chatbot]) response = user_input.submit(user, [user_input, chatbot], [user_input, chatbot], queue=False).then( respond, chatbot, [chatbot, map, result_df] ) response.then(lambda: gr.update(interactive=True), None, [user_input], queue=False) # if map != None: # map.update(visible=True) # result_df.update(visible=True) demo.launch(auth=( os.environ["USER"],os.environ["PASSWORD"])) # while isComplete == False: # isComplete, helper_anwser, data_collected = main.send_message(user_input, chat_history) # if isComplete == False: # chat_history += "User: " + user_input + "\nHelper: " + helper_anwser + "\n" # user_input = input("Helper: " + helper_anwser + "\nUser: ") # itenerary_response = main.get_itenerary(data_collected) # I would like to go to paris, from 12th of july to 15th of July, I want to visit museums, eat at local restaurants and visit the louvre on my first day. My son is allergic to peanuts, and I like to sleep in, so please don't book anything before 11am. I would also like to not get further then 2km from the city's center.