import gradio import random import numpy # function for generating random integers def generate_random_integers(n): return numpy.random.randint(1,100, n) # function for displaying random integers def display_random_integers(integers): # create a Dataframe to display the integers columns = ["Number"] df = pandas.DataFrame(columns=columns) for i in integers: df = df.append({"Number": i}, ignore_index=True) return df #define the main step function def todo_list_app(num_items, items): # create a Dataframe to display the items columns = ["Task", "Completion Status"] df = pandas.DataFrame(columns=columns) for i in range(num_items): item = items[i] due_date = item["due_date"] completion_status = item["completion_status"] df = df.append({"Task": due_date, "Completion Status": completion_status}, ignore_index=True) return df #define the function for progressive web app def progressive_web_app(num_items, items): return todo_list_app(num_items, items) #create the interface interface = gradio.Interface( fn=todo_list_app, inputs=[ "number", gradio.Radio(["buy groceries", "take dog for a walk", "learn gradio", "write a note", "workout", "learn a new skill"]), gradio.Dataframe( headers=["Item", "Due Date", "Completion Status"], datatype=["str", "str", "bool"], label="To-Do List", ), ], outputs="number", examples=[ [5, "buy groceries", [["buy groceries", "due today", False], ["take dog for a walk", "due tomorrow", False], ["learn gradio", "due next week", False], ["write a note", "due in a few days", False], ["workout", "due tomorrow", False]]], [3, "buy groceries", [["buy groceries", "due today", False], ["take dog for a walk", "due tomorrow", False], ["learn gradio", "due next week", False]]], ], ) #create the progressive web app interface interface.launch(kind="pwa")