import streamlit as st import os import pandas as pd from utils import * PATH = os.getcwd() def show_cwe_sev(input_code): # more predictions cwe_pred = predict_cweid([input_code])["cwe_id"][0] sev_pred = predict_sev([input_code]) sev_score = int(sev_pred["batch_sev_score"][0]) sev_class = sev_pred["batch_sev_class"][0] st.markdown("### Scanning Results:") if "CWE-" in cwe_pred: id_ = cwe_pred.split("CWE-")[-1] link = f"{id_}.html" st.markdown(f'**CWE ID: {cwe_pred}**', unsafe_allow_html=True) if sev_score < 4: st.markdown(f"**Severity: {sev_class}**", unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown(f"**Severity Score: {sev_score}**", unsafe_allow_html=True) elif sev_score < 7: st.markdown(f"**Severity: {sev_class}**", unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown(f"**Severity Score: {sev_score}**", unsafe_allow_html=True) elif sev_score < 9: st.markdown(f"**Severity: {sev_class}**", unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown(f"**Severity Score: {sev_score}**", unsafe_allow_html=True) else: st.markdown(f"**Severity: {sev_class}**", unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown(f"**Severity Score: {sev_score}**", unsafe_allow_html=True) if __name__ == "__main__": MAX_NUM_STATEMENTS = 155 st.set_page_config(page_title="AIBugHunter") # sidebar st.sidebar.title("AIBugHunter Web App") behavior = st.sidebar.selectbox(label="NAVIGATOR IS HERE:", options=["DEMO", "Analyze my own"]) if behavior == "DEMO": # function title st.title("C/C++ Vulnerability Dataset Viewer") dataset_path = PATH + "/data/test.csv" st.dataframe(pd.read_csv(dataset_path)) with st.form("input_form_a"): idx = st.selectbox('Select an index', (str(i) for i in range(100))) sub = st.form_submit_button("Select") if sub: idx = int(idx) df = pd.read_csv(dataset_path) input_code = df["function"][idx] input_code = input_code.split("\n")[:MAX_NUM_STATEMENTS] input_code = "\n".join(input_code) # load model with st.spinner("Scanning security issues..."): # do inference out = predict_vul_lines([input_code]) func_pred = out["batch_func_pred"][0] func_confidence = out["batch_func_pred_prob"][0] line_pred = out["batch_statement_pred"][0] line_confidence = out["batch_statement_pred_prob"][0] output = None print_code = input_code.split("\n")[:MAX_NUM_STATEMENTS] if func_pred == 0: st.markdown("### Scanning Results:") st.markdown("" + "**No vulnerabilities detected**"+ "", unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown("### Non-Vulnerable Function:") else: with st.spinner("Identifying vulnerability types and severity..."): show_cwe_sev(input_code) for i in range(len(print_code)): c = print_code[i] vul = line_pred[i] if vul == 1: st.markdown(f" Vulnerable Line **{i+1}** ", unsafe_allow_html=True) st.code(c) st.markdown("### Vulnerable Function:") st.code(input_code, language="cpp", line_numbers=True) st.snow() elif behavior == "Analyze my own": # user input of project title ## todo- limit the input to 150 lines with st.form("input_form_b"): input_code = st.text_area("Input a C/C++ function:", height=275) submitted = st.form_submit_button("Analyze") if submitted: # load model with st.spinner("Scanning security issues..."): # do inference out = predict_vul_lines([input_code]) func_pred = out["batch_func_pred"][0] func_confidence = out["batch_func_pred_prob"][0] line_pred = out["batch_statement_pred"][0] line_confidence = out["batch_statement_pred_prob"][0] output = None # inference complete st.snow() print_code = input_code.split("\n")[:MAX_NUM_STATEMENTS] if func_pred == 0: st.markdown("### Scanning Results:") st.write("" + "No vulnerabilities detected"+ "", unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown("### Non-Vulnerable Function:") else: with st.spinner("Identifying vulnerability types and severity..."): show_cwe_sev(input_code) for i in range(len(print_code)): c = print_code[i] vul = line_pred[i] if vul == 1: st.write(f" Vulnerable Line {i+1} ", unsafe_allow_html=True) st.code(c) st.markdown("### Vulnerable Function:") st.code(input_code, language="cpp", line_numbers=True) st.snow()